Seinaru Rōma Arc: Chapter 1

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Germany's P.O.V

I was suddenly woke up by someone jumping on top of me on my bed. I groaned as I realized it was only Italy. Why the hell was he waking me up this early?

"Vee, Germany! Come on get up! We have to get ready!" Italy says while grabbing my arm.

"Italy, why the hell did you wake me up this early?" I angrily asked.

"Vee~? Did you forget? We're suppose to go to Mr. Austria and Hungary's house!" He says. Oh, I forgotten that me and Italy we're going to Austria's house. Yesterday he invited us to come over to help prepare food for the World Nation Festival. Well, I guess I had no other choice. I got up and got ready. Italy was already waiting for me by the door once I headed downstairs.

"Vee~! Let's go!" Italy grabs my hand and we both started walking to Austria's house.

"So Italy, who else is going to be there?" I asked him.

"Well, I heard that big brother France was going to be there, along with Spain too!" He says. I sighed heavily. It's no gonna be good when those two are together. When we finally reached Austria's house, Italy gently knocks on the door. The door opens, and reveals Hungary, who was in her maid outfit.

"Oh Italy, Germany! Hello! You guys can come on in!" She cheered. We walked in and noticed that Austria wasn't anywhere in the room. Spain and France were sitting on the couch, chatting about something.

"Where's Austria?" I asked.

"Oh, he's getting dressed. he'll be out here shortly!" Hungary replies. I nodded as I began to sit down, but Italy stops me.

"Hey Germany, I wanna show you around the house." Italy says.

"Hm, alright then." I said. He takes my hand and leads me around the house. He lead me to a bunch of different rooms that I didn't recognize.

"Did you use to live here Italy?" I asked him.

"Si, when I was younger, I used to live here with Mr. Austria and Hungary. Austria was really mean, but I still enjoyed living here." He tells me.

"That's nice." I told him. I looked around the place, it was fairly old. Then I saw something that caught my eye. I saw a picture on the wall that had Italy, who was younger, Austria, Hungary, and some other person. I didn't know who it was, but he looked similar to me. I noticed name tags underneath the picture frames. The one under the country I didn't know was named, "Holy Rome".

"Hey Italy, did you had any friends while growing up?" I turned to him.

"Si, I did have some friends." He replied.

"Did you know who Holy Rome was?" I asked. I suddenly noticed Italy's face go dark for a split second.

"Oh, he was just a close friend of mine. Nothing more." Italy quietly says as he turned his back on me.

"A-alright." I stuttered a bit. What was with him?

"Do you know what happened to him?" I asked. Italy turned to face me quickly.

"Hey Germany, I think Austria is ready now, so we should head back to the living room!" Italy quickly says, ignoring my question. Italy was hiding something from me, but why? We both walked in the living room to see Austria waiting for us.

"It's about time you two show up." Austria says as he takes a sip of tea.

"Ciao Austria! It's been a while!" Italy waved.

"It has been alright, why don't you go help Hungary in the kitchen?" Austria asks.

"Si!" Italy rushes towards the kitchen.

"So Germany, how is it with you and Italy lately?" Austria asked.

"Oh it's been, good I guess, ja." I told him.

"Hm, It looks like something's bothering you. Would you mind telling me what?"

"Well actually, I have a question." Austria raised his eyebrows.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Do you know who Holy Rome is?" I asked. Austria sighed heavily.

"Yes I do. He used to live here with me and Italy. He and Italy were very close when they were younger. Holy Rome had a crush on Italy and would always try to get him to join him." Austria explains. So Italy and Holy Rome were friends? But why would he avoid my question?

"But then, Holy Rome had to go to war. It was hard for both of them to be separated, so Italy gave him his broom. When he finally had to go, they both shared a kiss. He promised he would return, but he didn't." Austria says. Italy and Holy Rome were in love? No wonder why Italy doesn't want to talk about it.

"So do you know what happened to him?" I asked. Austria shook his head.

"I don't know for sure, but I heard rumors that he was killed by another nation." He says.

"It's funny because he also disappeared on the same day as the World Nation Festival."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Did you heard of the mysterious deaths and disappearances of countries?" Austria asks.

"Well my brother did went missing twenty years ago." I replied.

"Many nations think it's all part of Roman Empire's curse." He says.

"Roman Empire's curse?" I curiously asked.

"Yeah, the curse would happen every twenty years on the day of the World Nation Festival. The reason why Holy Rome might've been cursed was because he kissed and fell in love with Italy. But that's just my theory." He says while taking another sip of his tea.

"Hey everyone! Pasta's ready!" Italy shouted through the kitchen door. We both got up and sat at the dinner table, along with Spain, France, and Hungary. Italy served us a plate of pasta with bread sticks. After that, he took the seat next to me.

"Mm, this is good amigo! You're a good cook Italy!" Spain cheered.

"Aw, grazie Spain. I'm glad you like it." He says. I took a bite of the pasta Italy made, and my eyes widen. It was good, just like Spain said.

"Vee~! Do you like it Germany?" Italy asks.

"Ja, it's really good Italy. Good job." I gave him a rare smile while patting his head. I could've sworn I saw Italy blush while patting his head. Italy giggled as he hanged onto me. After everyone was done eating, I took my plate into the kitchen to wash it. I noticed Hungary walking up to me.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed visiting us Germany." Hungary says.

"Um, j-ja. I did." I said as I turned to her.

"You know, it's been a while since Italy was so happy with someone." She says quietly.

"Hm?" I turned to her.

"The last time I saw Italy so happy was when he was with Holy Rome." She says.

"Really?" I asked. Hungary nodded happily.

"Yeah. You know, you really look so much like Holy Rome." She tells me.

"H-huh?" I stuttered.

"Your hair, your eyes, the personality, it's almost identical." She says.

"Well, he does look a lot like me." I told her.

"What if, you were him..?" Hungary quietly asked. My eyes widen at that question.

"W-what?" I stuttered. Hungary turned around with a shock expression on her face, then it turns to a nervous one.

"Sorry for saying strange things. Just forget about what I said." She said as she continued to clean the dishes. 

What did she mean that If I was him? 

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