Tsumihoroboshi-hen Arc: Chapter 4 (End)

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It was another day of the meeting, and Italy was still absent. I sighed as I knew he wouldn't shown up after what he told me a few days ago. I just hope he's okay.

"Dude what's that weird smell?" I heard America ask in the background. I glanced at where he was at.

"It smells like gasoline." England adds. Gasoline? Why would there be gasoline inside of conference room? The phone suddenly began to ring in the middle of the room. Austria picked it up and answered.

"Hello? Italy!? Where are you? It's been over a week since you missed the meetings!" Austria scolded. My eyes widen. Why was Italy calling someone from the meeting?

"Alright, I'll be outside in the moment." Austria sighed as he hanged up and walked out of the conference room. Where was Austria heading? Suddenly, everyone in the room gasped as we heard a scream. Then we saw no other then Italy walk in with a cleaver in his hand. He was holding it against Latvia's neck.

"Everyone stand up right now. I want everyone to gather in the middle of the conference room." Italy coldly demands. Everyone stood up and glared at him.

"I-Italy!" I shouted.

"Didn't you hear me? Everyone gather in the middle of the conference and get down! Or else I'll have to use this on you." Italy smirked as he slammed the cleaver on the table, making everyone scream. Fearing for our lives, me and all the other countries obliged and got on the ground in the middle of the room. Italy took some rope out of his bag and began to tie everyone's legs and hands together.

I glanced up at Italy, who literally looked dead inside.

"Italy, please! Let me go!" I begged him. He gave me a cold glare.

"How do you know if I can trust you Germany?" He asked.

"I known you for years Italy, hell you live with me. Just trust me! I-I am on your side." I stuttered. He glared at me for a few seconds then sighed.

"Fine. Your lucky that I like you Germany." He mumbled as he untied me. The phone began to ring in the room. Italy walks over to it and picks it up.

"Is this Austria?" Italy asked. So Austria was not in the building.

"You're on my side, right? That's good. At first, Germany also didn't believe me. But now, he's on my side. Right Germany?" He asked.

"Right." I replied. After a few minutes, he suddenly walked over to me with the phone in his hand.

"Germany, here. It's from Austria." He said as he handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello Germany, this is Austria. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Austria asks on the other end.

"Alright." I replied.

"What is Italy doing now?" He asked. I glanced at Italy, as he was walking around the hostages.

"He's with the hostages." I replied.

"Germany if it's yes, say yes. If no, nod by saying yeah." Austria says.

"Do you know what Italy wants?"

"Yeah." I said while nodding.

"You're pretending to be on his side because you were threatened?"

"Yes." I replied once again. I noticed Italy giving me a cold glare. I felt shivers up my spine just from him glaring at me.

"Is Italy the only suspect?" Austria asks.

"Yes." Italy suddenly takes the phone away from me.

"See? Germany is on our side, right?" Italy asked on the phone. Italy was on the phone with Austria for nearly ten minutes.

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