Watanagashi-hen Arc: Chapter 3

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It was beginning to get late, and after we all goofed around the festival, it was time for the dance show to begin. I noticed a few nations up there such as Japan and China, doing some strange dance. I stood behind the back since it was crowded. I couldn't seen much of what their doing so I tries to jump in order to see. Suddenly I felt someones hand on my shoulder.

"England, follow me. I'll take you to a better view to see Japan's show." Canada says as I turned to him. I trusted him and I followed him. He lead me down a trail in the forest. 

"Where are we going? We're getting further away from the stage." I told him.

"It's no big deal." Canada says as he kept walking.

"What do you mean? Where are going anyways?" I asked.

"Look!" Canada hushed me as he pointed to a shrine. I squinted my eyes and noticed that Finland and Sweden were trying to break in. I accidentally tripped on a tree branch and Sweden looked towards us.

"Hm?" He looked at me and Canada.

"Oh hey guys, we didn't expect to see you!" Finland smiled nervously.

"What are you two up too?" Canada asked.

"Guess we can't hide it now. We were trying to find a way into the shrine." Finland admitted.

"Hey Finland, I got it open." Sweden mumbled.

"That's great Su-san!" He cheered as he opened the door. The two both went inside.

"Hey England, is it okay if I show you whats inside?" Canada turned towards me.

"Um, sure. I don't mind." I said. We all went inside of the dark shrine and looked around. Finland shines his light around the room. It shines onto a statue with a man. 

"This is the Roman Empire. He is basically the founder of the festival and guards it." He explained.

"It is said that the festival was cursed since he passed away on the same day of the festival. Countries that would be spirited away by the demon are sacrifices every year." Finland turned towards me.

"Don't tell anyone I told you this. Because if you do, I might be spirited away." He whispered to me. The door to the shrine suddenly opens.

"Hey you guys, the dance is over and everyone's heading home. We should go now." Sweden says.

"We're coming!" Finland says as me and Canada trailed behind them.

"Well, we'll be off then." Sweden says.

"Bye now!" Finland cheerfully said as they both walked away.

"I'm tired." Canada yawned.

"I am too." I told him.

"Please keep tonight a secret. America would probably get jealous. And also, considering what we did tonight. Roman Empire's curse may occur tonight, and the four of us are prime targets." He tells me.

"Sure, I won't tell anyone." I told him.

"I wonder what that sound was." He quietly says.

"What sound?" I asked him.

"That slamming sound. Didn't you hear it?" He asked me.

"I didn't hear any sound." I told him.

"Are you seriously saying that?" He had a sad look in his eyes. What the hell was he talking about? Then he started to giggle.

"I'm just messing with you. I wanted to see you're reaction!" Canada giggled as he got up and skipped away. I looked dumbfounded at what happened.

"What was that?" I asked myself.

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