Meakashi-hen Arc: Chapter 6

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I locked up France in chains down in the underground base. There was a chain on his neck that kept him up.

"All the countries are searching for you now." I told him. France looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"If you don't answer my questions, I'll tighten the grip of the chain on your neck." I threatened.

"I-I really don't know anything Canada." France stuttered.

"You don't know if Prussia's dead or alive?" I asked.

"Non." He replied.

"Then what's your opinion on this?" I asked. France just sighed and looked away. I growled as I yanked the chain, making him grunt in pain.

"I-I'm sorry Canada! I'm not trying to make you mad. I-I'm thinking about it." He grunted. I slowly lose grip of the chain, making him sigh in relief.

"Then about Prussia. Do you think he's alive or dead?" I asked him.

"I think it's hard to believe that he's still alive." France answered. I walked towards him and kneel down to his length.

"That's right, isn't it? He was only erased because he was related to Germany." I said while smirking at him.

"I-I really don't know for sure." France admits. If Prussia is dead, then where would his corpse be? My eyes widen in realization. Was his corpse down in the well?

"It can't be." I whispered to myself. I ran out of the room, leaving France alone. I grabbed a flashlight at walked in the cage where the well was. I shined the light down the hole.

"Prussia? Prussia!" I called out, my cries echoed through the well.

"Prussia.." I sobbed. I gasped as I saw a shadow that looked like Prussia's on the wall of the well.

"Canada, you've finally found me." Prussia says.

"Prussia! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!" I cried while blushing.

"You don't have to apologize birdie. You didn't do anything wrong." He says.

"Prussia. I'll go with you! I'm going to jump. so catch me Prussia!" I cried.

"Nein. Live Canada, live." He tells me, then fades away. I sobbed as I noticed that his silhouette was gone. I walked over to America's cell and leaned towards near the bars. America glanced up with me, his hair all messy which looked like my hair style.

"I found him. Prussia's at the bottom of the well, right?" I asked him.

"I think so. That's the only place I could think of." America sadly says.

"You weren't there when Prussia was killed, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. If I had been there, I would've definitely stopped it. I would've asked for his life to be spared." America tells me. My eyes widen as my mind flashed back years ago when I had to take responsibility, and the cold look on America's face.

"LIAR!!!!" I screamed at him. I kicked the bars of his cells in fury.

"It's your fault! You could've saved him but you didn't! Why didn't you save him!? Why!?" I screamed at him. America sobbed as he looked away from me.


I yawned as I sat down at America's seat in the meeting.

"You seem tired today America, da?" Russia asked as he sat besides me.

"I went to sleep around three a.m." I said while yawning once again.

"You've been up that late? Bloody hell America, you should know that staying up late isn't healthy." England tells me.

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