Seinaru Rōma Arc: Chapter 3

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I was worried about Italy since the day I mentioned Holy Rome in front of him. He must of been hurt really bad. I've decided to look for answers on who really killed Holy Rome. I can't believe I'm saying this but, I think England might know who did it. I walked in front of his down and knocked softly. England opens the door, confused as why I was doing visiting the enemy.

"Germany? Why are you here?" England asks.

"I need to talk to you, it's important." I firmly stated. He looked at me with confusion and gives out a heavy sigh.

"Fine, you can come in." He says as he lead me into his house. I sat on down on the couch across from England, who was sitting in his chair.

"So what is it that you wanted to discuss?" He curiously asked.

"Welll, I wanted to know if you knew about the Holy Roman Empire." I said.

"The Holy Roman Empire? Yes I do know about him. Why do you want to know?" He asked.

"I wanted to know if he was killed by another nation." I stated. England raised his eyebrows at me.

"Well, I heard that France killed him, but I'm not one hundred percent sure." England says.

"Why would France kill him?" I asked. England shook his head.

"From what I heard, France and The Holy Roman Empire didn't seem to get along with each other very well." He explains.

"France did not like Holy Rome spending time with Italy a lot. The two of them always gets into fights." England says. So could it be France was the one who killed Holy Rome? That French bastard! I growled quietly while grinding my teeth.

"Germany?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard England's voice. I looked up at him.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Ja, I'm fine. So England, do you really think France might of killed Holy Rome?" I asked him. If France was the one responsible for killing him and making Italy feel horrible, I'll make him pay for what he'd done.

"I believe so. Why are you asking me all this Germany?" The British country asked curiously.

"It's none of you're business. I'll be going now. Thanks for the information." I firmly said as I began to walk out of England's house. I stomped off back to my place, and slammed the door shut.

"Germany?" I glanced behind me and noticed Italy standing in the middle of the hallway. He looked better then he did the other day.

"Oh Italy, are you feeling better?" I asked him. Italy nodded.

"Si, I am!" He smiled at me.

"That's good. By the way Italy, do you know where France lives?" I asked him. Italy tilted his head in confusion.

"Huh? Si, but why do you wanna know where big brother France is?" He asked.

"Well, I had things to discuss with him about." I lied.

"Oh, okay! Well here's his address." Italy began to wrote something on a piece of paper before handing it to me. I glanced at the piece of paper with France's address on it.

"Danke, Italy." I said while patting his head. Italy blushed lightly.

"Germany.." He mutters softly. I began to walk out the door.

"I'll be back when the festival starts today, I promise." I told him.

"Alright! I'll see you soon!" Italy waved at me. I slowly went out the door waving back at him. Then I grabbed the bat that I hid and ran the direction where France lives. I finally reached a house, that matches the description of the address Italy gave me. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. I stood there nervously, but I was ready to put an end to France. I'm doing this all for Italy. The door suddenly opened to reveal France.

"Oh, bonjour Germany! What brings you here?" He asked cheerfully.

"I just came here to talk." I firmly said.

"Ah, alright! Come on in!" He says as he guides me in the house. I walked in the house and sat on one of his sofas. He sat down in his chair across from me.

"So, what brings you here Germany?" He asked as he played with his hair.

"I wanted to ask you a question." I told him.

"And what would that be?"

"About Holy Rome." I noticed France's face turn pale after hearing those two words. His eyes shrunk, and his body began to shake.

"England told me you might've killed Holy Rome. Is that true?" I asked him. France looked up at me with a shock expression.

"W-why do you want to know?" He stuttered.

"Tell me already verdammt!" I shouted. France jumped at my loud voice. He began to shake once more.

"I-I didn't want to do it..." He quietly stutters.

"Do what!?" I demanded.

"K-kill Holy Rome.." He quietly says. I angrily slammed my fist on France's coffee tables.

"Do you realize how much pain you caused for Italy!?!" I screamed. France flinched with tears in his eyes as he looked at me with pure horror.

"I-I know how much he loved him. I only wanted to protect Italy. I didn't know how m-much it would hurt him." France sobbed as he covered his face with his hands.

"LIAR!" I screamed. France looked at me, his eyes widen.

"I'll make you feel pain, the same way Italy did!" I snarled as my hand tighten the grip of the bat.

"G-Germany? W-what are you talking about?" France stuttered. I stood up walking slowly towards France with the bat in hand.

"You already know what I'm talking about." I muttered. France's eyes widen in terror. He began to slowly back away from me.

"G-Germany. Haha, very funny. You can stop joking around now!" France laughed nervously while stuttering.

"A joke?" I laughed manically.

"This isn't a joke." France gulped as he tried to run away from me. I swung the bat, missing him. Instead it hits France's lamp and other items. I noticed he was trying to run up the stairs. 

"Merde, merde, merde!" France swore to himself as he tried to get away from me. While he was trying to run up the stairs, he tripped and began to slide down. Once he was at the bottom of the stairs trying to get up, I stood in front of him with the bat in my hands. His eyes widen in horror as he tried to get away. But it was too late. I begun to swing the bat at him. France screamed as I was beating his head and body to death.

Blood smeared all over his walls and onto my face. I continue to bash him to death until he was dead. I stopped after I noticed he stopped screaming and moving. I went to to check his pulse and noticed he was dead. I sighed in relief as I had killed France. Italy can't suffer anymore. I grabbed France by the hair and dragged him to his yard. I grabbed one of France's garden shovels and I began to dig a hole near the woods.

I looked up at the sky and noticed how late it was. It was festival night and everyone should have been at the festival. I promised Italy I would be back when the festival starts. I panicked as I begin digging the hole quickly. After it was deep enough, I tossed France's body inside the hole. I covered the hole back up and in order for no one to find the body, I placed one of France's outdoor chairs on top of the buried hole.

I ran out of the house and began to run to back to my house. Once I finally got there, I changed my clothes that had blood on them and washed it. I put on my uniform and I began to bike it towards the festival. I noticed I still had the bat in my hand. Fearing that I would be caught, I drove near a river and I tossed the bat down there.

"I've done it Italy." I muttered to myself as I rode to the festival.

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