Watanagashi-hen Arc: Chapter 2

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I was walking my way home along with America and France. The meeting was boring as usual, but time quickly past and we were finally going home. We stopped walking when America stands in front of us.

"Well, I gotta be going." He says.

"To you're job?" France asked.

"Yeah. I'm going in early till I'm used to it." He chuckled.

"I guess being a waitress is tough." I said.

"Eh? You're a waitress Amérique?!" France asked as a large grin spreads on his face.

"W-what? No, no! I work as a cashier at a supermarket! Canada's the waitress!" He says.

"Oh sorry, looks like I messed up." I sarcastically said.

"Who's Canada?" France asked.

"Oh it's America's twin brother, but their personalities are nothing alike." I grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. We look alike but we're totally different. I'm the nice, brave hero and caring one! While Canada is the cold and mean one!" America let out his usual obnoxious laugh.

"I didn't know you had a brother Amérique. Although, he seems quite nice." France smirked.

"Y-yeah well. I gotta go now! I'll be late for my job if I don't get going!" America laughed as he waved at us and ran at full speed down the sidewalk.

"That was weird." France says.

"Unfortunately I have to agree with you on this one." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Well I'm off then. Au revoir Angleterre! Ohonhonhon~!" France gave out his famous laugh as he began to walk to his house. I groaned in annoyance as I began to walk home. I finally reached to my house. Exhausted, I immediately laid on my couch. I had suddenly hear the door bell ring.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me. Canada." A familiar soft voice said. I chuckle a bit and opened the door for him.

"Oh hello Canada. Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Here." He handed me a box.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Oh, America told me you liked scones so I thought I would make some for you." He says.

"Oh, thanks Canada. But why are you giving me this for?" I asked him.

"Well, since you're a customer." He says.

"Customer?" I asked.

"W-well I better get going back to work now!" Canada says as he runs of my house. I shrugged as I opened the box. It had fresh scones in it.

"Woah, it looks really good." I said. I began to take a bite out of one of the scones.

"Wow, this is delicious!" I said to myself as I begin to quickly eat the entire scone. Then I took a few more and stuffed them in my mouth.


The next day it was time for a very important meeting. It was to plan about what we were going to be doing at the World Nation Festival. Nearly everyone in the room shouted an idea.

"I think we should have more hamburgers!" America says.

"But what about pasta? Vee~!" Italy pouted.

"I could have my China Town at the festival!" China suggests.

"How about some vodka at the festival, da?" Russia asks as he smiled creepily. I sighed as I laid back in my seat, listening to all the idiotic things every country had to say. Germany suddenly slammed his fist down at the desk.

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