Meakashi-hen Arc: Chapter 1

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Canada's P.O.V

It was the middle of the night and I decided to walk out of my house. The air felt cool as usual, and heard the sound of crickets throughout the night. I begin walking down the road until I noticed a car in the distance. I ran to the side of the road and noticed the car began to slow down. Inside the car I noticed a familiar country. It was one of my good friends named Cuba.

"Oh, Cuba." I said quietly. He rolled his windows down so he could speak to me.

"Hola Canada! What are you doing out late at night?" He asked.

"I decided to get out of my house this week." I told him. Cuba chuckled and unlocked his car.

"Hop on in, I'll drive you to my apartment." He says as he opened the car door. I smiled and jumped in Cuba's car. I sat down and sighed in relief. I'm sure Kuma can take care of himself while I'm gone.

"Is America okay?" I asked, feeling concerned for my brother.

"I believe so." He replies. I sighed as I glanced out of the window, staring at the dark sky. America and I are identical twins. We're like exact replicas from each other, but I was forgotten and everybody thinks I'm invisible or as if I didn't exist. My brother was well known and most countries liked him.

I felt like a burden to the other countries. They would always forget about me, and when somebody says my name they ask, who?

"We're almost there." I heard Cuba say while I snapped out of my thoughts. We finally arrived at Cuba's apartment and I sat down on his sofa. He walked towards me and gave me a cup of ice cream.

"Thanks Cuba!" I smiled at him.

"No problem. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask me." Cuba says as he walked towards the other room. I took out my phone from my pocket and I decided to give my brother a little call.

"Yo! This is the hero! Who's calling?" America asked.

"Hello. Can you tell who I am?" I asked evilly as I smirked. I heard America gasp on the other end.

"That voice! C-Canada? Is that you bro?" He asked. I began to laugh loudly at how scared America was.

"So I did manage to scare you, eh?" I asked.

"Dude not cool! Why are you calling me this late?" He asked.

"Well I decided to have a little visit to your house." I replied, still giving a small smile.

"Really? Hell yeah bro! It's about time you'd spend time with me!" We both laughed through the phone. My brother's voice was so nostalgic after not talking to him for a while. Surprisingly, when me and America aren't in meetings or dealing with other issues, we were close brothers.

"I'll be there by tomorrow alright?" I asked.

"Yeah dude. See ya then." He says. I hanged up and looked up at my friend Cuba.

"Hey Cuba, do you mind dropping me off at America's tomorrow? I'll be staying with him for a while." I asked.

"Si, sure." He nodded as walked to his room.


The next day finally came, and Cuba was driving me to America's house. I was a little excited to see my brother since it's been so long since we saw each other. We finally arrived at America's house. His house looked exactly the same as the last time I've been there. I'd thanked Cuba and walked towards the front door. I rang the door bell and I heard footsteps running towards the other end of the door. The door opens and reveals America in his Captain America shirt.

"Canada dude! I'm so glad you're here!" He says as he gave me one of his bear hugs.

"Y-Yeah, me too." I laughed nervously. He leads me into the house and showed me one of his guestrooms.

"You can sleep here for now." America says while helping me place my suitcase on the bed.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile.

"Oh, one more thing! Do you mind running to the store real fast? I forgot to get a pack of coca cola at the market." He turned to me saying.

"Oh, sure." I replied.

"Oh also get some Doritos while you're there, and a can of dip." He adds. I groaned in annoyance. Why did I decide to visit America again? I walked out the door, and rode on America's bike to the market. Luckily, it wasn't too far away from here. It was right next to a restaurant called Angel Mort.

After some boring shopping, I breathed heavily as I carried the grocery bags to my bike.

"Why does America need all this stuff?" I asked while groaning. I was walking until I felt something tear my grocery bag. Rolls of coca cola cans fell out of the bag. I looked to see what caused the tear of my bag. Of course there was a motorcycle near me.

"Damn it! Don't park here!" I angrily kicked the motorcycle. It fell and knocked down two others. I laughed nervously as I knew I should get out of here. As I turned around, I suddenly felt a large hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned around and faced three large scary men. They all cornered me against a wall.

"Hey cunt, you'll pay for what you did to our bikes!" One of the large men growled. My eyes widen in fear as I waited for one of the men to punch me in the face.

"Hey!" I heard a unfamiliar voice shout. I looked towards to where the voice came from and saw a guy. He was a albino with red eyes and he had on a blue military uniform. 

"Stay away from him." He snarled angrily. The three men faced him with an annoyed look.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" One of the men asked as he charged towards him. The albino man smirked as he kicked one of the men in the crotch, and punches him in the jowl. The man screamed in pain as he placed both hands on his crotch. The other two men looked at him in fear, and dragged the other men along on their motorcycles.

"We're outta here!" One of the men shouted. They hopped onto their motorcycles and booked it out of there. I turned around and glanced at the guy who saved me.

"U-um.." I stuttered. He walked towards me and smiled.

"Eh? You look like America, but somehow you're different." He says.

"I'm actually his twin brother. I get mistaken for him a lot. Actually you're one of the first ones to notice." I nervously laughed.

"I don't think we ever met. I'm ze awesome Prussia, and who are you?" He asked, winking at me.

"Oh, I-I'm Canada.." I quietly said while looking away.

"Canada hm? I think I shall call you birdie." I blushed as he called me that.

"Thanks for saving me by the way." I quietly told him. He let out a loud laugh.

"It's no problem. I'm just glad you're okay birdie!" He says, giving me a warm smile. He pats me on the head softly. I felt my face feel warm and my heart beating twice as fast. 

I don't know what this feeling was, but I never felt like this before. He didn't ignore me or think I was invisible like all of the others did. He was different, and I think I was falling for him right after the day I met him.

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