Jeremike - "Cooking"

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Of the two of them, Jeremy and Mike both couldn't really cook

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Of the two of them, Jeremy and Mike both couldn't really cook. They left that to Fritz, Scott, and Vincent. But, this occasion called for some cooking. It was the two year anniversary of Jeremy and Mike getting together and Mike had a surprise planned for Jeremy. He was going to cook a four course meal for the two of them. With his phone in hand, Mike had all of the courses planned out, each with many instructions and plenty of difficult techniques.
"Well, shit." Mike sighed, finally figuring out how difficult this was going to be. "Here goes nothing."

Jeremy was watching anime in their bedroom. This morning, Mike told him to sit back and relax. This was a chill day. Jeremy sighed, watching the third episode of No Game No Life. Mid sigh, the taste of smoke got caught in his throat.
"G-Geez," Jeremy said in between coughs. "Wh-" As Jeremy opened the door to his bedroom, smoke billowed into the room, while smoke alarms blared in the hallway. During all of the chaos, a giant boom came from the kitchen.
"Everything's fine!" Mike rushed up the stairs and grabbed Jeremy to haul them outside, his phone in his hand.

The fire department came and cleared all of the fires that came out of the kitchen- or what was the kitchen. In its place was ash covered walls and floors. It was gray and dreary aside from the bright and cheery house. Jeremy wasn't entirely pleased about the whole situation to say the least.
"Mike, you set the entire kitchen on fire!"
"Technically, it wasn't on fire," He muttered.
"Of course it wasn't! You completely blew it up!"

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