Purplephone - "Split"

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Scott slowly put his tie on, straightening it and sighing. Today was the day. After many long years of trying, fighting, and pretending that everything was okay, Vincent and Scott were splitting up. It first started with Scott seeing poorly hidden hickies on his partner's neck, hugging him despite his strong stench of feminine perfume and alcohol. Then, Vincent would go away for sometimes days at a time, only coming back when he truly felt like it. Scott truly loved Vincent, no matter what he did (or at least, that's what he told himself). Scott would ask himself when this started. What didn't he do to keep Vincent with him? Was it really Scott's fault that they're growing apart? It had to have been.
"Dad," Junior brought Scott back to reality. He was thinking so deeply about his mistakes he didn't realize that he was one second away from bawling like a baby. "What're you so dressed up for?" Scott shook his head. How do you explain to your child that both of his fathers are going to meet with a lawyer to finally get divorced? How do you say that his dad was off cheating with other sexes, drinking heavily, and abandoning him and his sister? How do you explain that their other dad is going to win custody of the both of them and that they'll probably never see Scott again...? No one told Scott that this would happen. No one told him about the added anxiety to please and make sure that Vincent was still satisfied with him. No one told him about the nights where he'd sit up in bed, restless, because if he closed his eyes, Vincent may not be next to him anymore. No one tells you a lot of things about how sucky life can be.
"Your father and I are going to see someone, Junior. They're going to help us with something we've been struggling with for a while..."

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