Jeremike - "Nightmares"

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Jeremy tossed and turned in his sleep. His green eyes under his eyelids rapidly moved back and forth, signaling he was in the middle of a terrible nightmare, one he's been having for the past month now. It was a repeat of his past, being a witness to the Bite of '87, the bite that Mike was the victim to. It'd begin with a child Jeremy, walking into Fredbear's with Mike's hand in his. Since he's had this dream before, he's become aware of what's going to happen. Jeremy would warn Mike and tell him to not get near the bullies or Fredbear, but it was like he was deaf. Mike kept walking, leading Jeremy to the room where it happened. The bullies were waiting, making eye contact with Jeremy and Mike holding hands like young friends did. A chorus of laughter erupted from the older boys, followed by an onslaught of gay slurs. Then the bullies would yank Mike's hand from Jeremy's and hoist him into the air.
"Hey Schmidt, since you like boys so much, why don't you go and give Fredbear a big kiss!" They'd say.
"No! Please don't!" Jeremy pleaded every night to no avail. Jeremy would usually be forced to stare at Mike's head being crushed open by the powerful jaws of Fredbear, but not tonight. He was woken up by Mike, right on time.
"You alright?" He asked. Jeremy shook his head and laid it on Mike's chest. "Fuck those guys," Mike commented. "They're asses."
"They almost killed you..." Jeremy shakily said.
"But they didn't. I'm too stubborn to die to homophobic douchebags. Besides, if I died, I wouldn't be able to be here with you." Mike held on to his boyfriend tighter as he stroked his hair. Soon enough, Jeremy fell into a light, peaceful sleep. 

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