Jeremike and Purplephone - "Night Shift"

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It was an abnormal night at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Boss usually wouldn't tell four people to take the night shift, but with kids out of school for the summer, and plenty of new parties, he had to add a few more animatronics to the already cramped pizza place. The robot count went from four to eight, Boss adding the toy versions of the main four so he could relieve the stress of the other, older animatronics, or he could mix and match depending on how the patrons of that particular party wanted the setup. Being as this wasn't the optimal location for four grown men to be watching over temperamental, haunted robots, Mike was not the happiest to be working this warm June night. He wore a deep scowl on his face, his blue eyes scanning each room as he watched the cameras with a mixture of fear and irritation. Jeremy was sitting at the left door, waiting for Mike to give him the cue to close it. He and Mike didn't talk to each other since they walked in the door. He knew that he shouldn't try to talk to Mike when he gets annoyed. It never ended well for anyone. In the corner near the right door, Scott was sitting atop his husband's lap, per Vincent's request. Vincent claimed it was so the four could have a bit of wiggle room in the office, but mainly he just wanted to have Scott sitting on his lap. Mike hasn't said a word about the power for a while. The four weren't that far away from the end of their shift, but they still had at least a good hour and a half left.
"Mike," Vincent's voice made Mike want to punch him right then and there. It wasn't like they weren't friends, it was just the wrong time to joke right now.
"How's our power?" Mike didn't want to look over at the number in the corner of the tablet. This has only happened one other time in his career at Freddy's, and he miraculously came out alive. But tonight, with all of the talking and distractions that came from the couple named "Purplephone", Mike couldn't work his specific, foolproof, power-saving way.
"One percent." He croaked out as the lights went off. He didn't want to believe it was true. No one in the room wanted to believe it was true. But sadly, the four men had to face reality. They were dead. Mike grabbed Jeremy and turned to the left door, checking the hallway before bolting to the nearest closet.
"Crap," Scott muttered. On the right, Toy Chica was making her way down the hall. So, the two rushed out of the office on the left, passing the door that Mike and Jeremy were hiding in, and trying to find somewhere to hide. They'd need to go into the specific closet that Jeremy and Mike were hiding in to get to the tool kit that helped them open the vents without kicking it in and causing a scene. Right now, they had no choice but to run through the Show Stage area, possibly alerting Toy Freddy of their presence.

Mike stood in front of Jeremy, ready to slug a robot with a wrench if he needed to, the adrenaline flowing through his veins.
"Mike," Jeremy touched his husband's shoulder softly, trying to get his attention in a calm manner so he wouldn't get hit in the jaw with a rusty wrench. "We're sitting ducks. If one of th-" The doorknob began to jiggle as if someone was trying to open it. But it was locked from the inside. Toy Chica from the outside figured out the situation and opened her endoskeleton mouth to screech as loud as her voice box would let her, alerting the other toy animatronics of Mike and Jeremy's location.
"Shit..." Mike looked around for anything for Jeremy to grab to defend himself. There was nothing but a broom. "Jere, I'm going to need you to listen to me, alright? I know you only have a damn broom, but you use that broom to beat the shit out of those animatronics when they get in here, you hear me?" Mike's voice was frantic, as this was the closest he's ever been to dying by an animatronic (aside from the bite he got from an animatronic during his childhood). Jeremy nodded and grabbed the broom with shaky hands. BANG! BANG! BANG! The door started to be hit from the other side by the three toy animatronics while the fourth, The Mangle, hung from the ceiling, getting ready to strike. The door started to crumble under the weight of robot fists pounding it, pieces of wood giving way and creating a hole for Toy Chica to stick her hand through. Mike swatted at the plastic-covered robot with his weapon, soon knocking her hand off.
"That probably wasn't one of your brightest ideas, duck! I'm fucking armed!" Mike said, hearing Toy Chica screech out in pain. Toy Freddy yanked the doorknob out of its socket, allowing Toy Bonnie to open the door. Towering over the two males, four seven foot robots looked down at them, as a robot hanging off of the ceiling like a spider snapped at their heads. Jeremy pulled Mike down to the ground, saving their skulls, but Toy Freddy grabbed him by the arm, pulling the smaller male into the air with bone-crushing strength. Jeremy yelped out in pain, trying to pry Freddy's hand off of his arm. Mike tried to swing for the glorified teddy bear, but his arm was intercepted by Toy Bonnie, and he was lifted into the air by his neck by the blue bunny, the rabbit staring right into his eyes. Tears started to pour from Jeremy's eyes as the strength from the robotic bear's hand caused his arm to bruise and bleed, almost letting Jeremy escape from the deep red, natural lubricant. He wasn't lucky, sadly.
"Let...him...go!" Mike fought to speak. He was frantically kicking his legs, trying to catch Toy Bonnie in the head, but he was held too far away. Toy Chica and Mangle went off to find Vincent and Scott. Mike's vision started to blur and spot as he looked over at Jeremy, whose hysterics were causing him to hyperventilate. Before Mike closed his eyes, losing to the lack of air in his lungs, Toy Freddy was knocked to the ground, powering down as his head was decapitated.
"Get him, I got Mike." Vincent's voice was faint. "You owe me big time Schmidt..." Mike heard as he passed out.

Vincent used an old fire ax to dig into the back of Toy Bonnie, disrupting his "intricate" wiring (even the animatronics were shoddily wired. It's Freddy's. Who expects anything more than mediocre). The giant rabbit started to jerk and spasm while trying to turn towards Vincent and attack him with his free hand. But he was too slow for the purple man. Vincent chopped Toy Bonnie's arm off and used the momentum to bring that same energy through his leg and kick Toy Bonnie and have him stumbling into the wall, powering down after he made impact.
"The kiddies really can't win, eh? That's funny." Vincent chuckled at the past, remembering who these animatronics were possessed by.

Scott put Jeremy down on a party table as he wrapped up his friend's arm, checking his surroundings for Mangle or Toy Chica. Thankfully, while he patched Jeremy up, neither of them were around.
"God, where do I hide you, Jeremy?" He asked, knowing that the younger male couldn't answer him. Scott finally settled for putting him against the wall, in his peripherals, so he could see if he was in trouble or whatnot. Speaking of trouble, Toy Chica was staring the phone man down at the other end of the party room. Her eyes flickering from Scott to the unconscious Jeremy. Mangle was at her side, waiting on all fours like a dog. Without warning, Toy Chica ran towards Scott with full intention on taking advantage of this opportunity before Vincent could help intervene. As the giant thuds of her metallic feet hit the floor, Scott just barely heard the scraping of metal and wood as Vincent slid the ax to Scott, his purple husband running past Toy Chica to Mangle, kicking the broken bot to a pulp. Scott grabbed the ax and perfectly decapitated the promiscuous bird's head, causing it to fly away and hit the floor somewhere else. After Vincent finished beating Mangle down, and the four men had a moment of silence, he started to snicker. This definitely wasn't a situation to laugh about, but what else was he supposed to feel in this situation? It was so surreal that he and Scott just saved their friends and took out four death machines. Scott started to laugh as well. All four of them survived! Yes, they had a couple of wounds, but they're all alive. After they wiped the tears from their eyes from laughing so hard, the six a.m. bell rang, signaling that Scott and Vincent could leave through the front doors and drive Mike and Jeremy to the hospital to make sure they were truly okay. This was a night shift for the history books, and strangely, they would do it again, but neither Vincent nor Scott were sure if Mike and Jeremy's would want to.

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