Jeremike - Reunion

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*The AU where Jeremy and Mike never got together and they reconnect at their high school reunion*

Jeremy stepped into the gym, feeling the wave of nostalgia wash over him. He remembered all of the basketball games he attended, the physical fitness tests he struggled with, and all of the times he was picked last for dodgeball. Back then, being picked last definitely bothered him, but he realized that it didn't matter in the long run.
"Wow," His wife said from beside him. "Your School was a lot bigger than mine by a long shot!" Jeremy tucked some of his shaggy brown hair behind his ear.
"Yeah," He chuckled. "It's a public school. They usually are pretty big." Sarah, his wife, clung to his arm as they walked, Jeremy greeting all of his old classmates and promptly avoiding all of the guys who bullied him back in the day. "No way," Jeremy quickly walked over to the guy who was his best friend back in high school. "Mike Schmidt?"
"Jeremy!" Sarah slipped out of Jeremy's grasp and let him give Mike a huge hug.
"How've you been?" Jeremy asked, scanning Mike's face. He looked exactly the same. His hair was shaved very close to his head, his blue eyes shimmering in the multi-colored lights of the disco ball, and back in high school, he wore a smirk or flashed a sarcastic smile, but this one seemed genuine. Jeremy's heart rate started to pick up. He was giddy with excitement seeing his old best friend again. Every day, the two of them would navigate the highs and lows of high school. The first crushes, the first kisses, the detentions, the one time that Mike had sex under the bleachers after his football game and almost got caught by a teacher, even the time that the two of them were dared to spend seven minutes with each other in a closet at a party. Neither of them did anything except talk and stand as far away from each other as possible, but they still reminisced about it after the fact. The more Jeremy talked to Mike, the more it felt like it was just the two of them. He felt connected to him even more than he has before. Long-denied and repressed feelings started to come back into the light and Jeremy didn't deny them anymore. He was too old for that. He knew that he had a crush on Mike and he didn't want to deny it anymore.
"Hey," Mike said and brought Jeremy back into reality. He could see a girl talking to Sarah, the two of them occasionally looking at Mike and Jeremy every once in a while. He realized that Mike had moved on. "Wanna go get some punch?" Jeremy nodded.
"Sure. Why not?" Even if the two of them have moved on, Jeremy couldn't help but want to pretend that they were still two teenagers in high school, joined at the hip, and still planning on being best friends forever. He wanted to be selfish and keep Mike to himself for just a tiny bit longer, so he could imagine how it would have felt if he told him how he really felt all those years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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