Purplephone - "Meeting the Family"

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*Requested by @Sydney_parker (Anastasia is also their addition to the chapter!)*

Vincent and Scott have been dating for about eight months now, and to everyone they know, they're still acting as they've just gotten together. At the beginning of last month, while Jeremy and Mike were doing the night shift, Vincent spammed the two of them with texts frantically asking what he should do for his and Scott's anniversary, even if it was about 5 weeks away. He was stuck between getting him a huge arrangement of flowers and a giant teddy bear or getting a horse-drawn carriage to take him and Scott to all of their favorite places. Mike and Jeremy didn't respond, obviously. They were focused on trying not to die. Fast forward to the present day, Scott was on the phone with his parents as Vincent drove the two of them to his own parents' house. They decided it was about time for the other to formally meet their parents. They've heard their voice on the phone, and received cards, and heard stories, yes, but neither male has truly met the other's family. They haven't seen them face-to-face.
"Here we are," Vincent pulled into the driveway of the two-story, purple house. It was framed with a white gate and had a small flower garden near the porch's steps. The two stepped out of Vincent's car and started towards the door. Before they went in, Vincent turned to Scott and pecked him on the lips.
"You ready?" He asked. Scott nodded apprehensively.
"What if they don't like me," He nervously chuckled. Vincent shook his head.
"They will. Trust me." Using his old key, Vincent opened the front door, catching Scott by surprise. He didn't expect Vincent to just walk in like he was coming home after work. Immediately, the noise of a piano filled his ears, along with dogs barking and people bickering over what sounded like a video game.
"I'm home!" He called, smiling brightly. As soon as he spoke, two figures who looked similar to him rushed over and gave him a hug, almost crushing poor Vincent.
"Scott," Vincent could barely croak out. "My brothers, Vendetta and Richard." Vendetta was the first to let Vincent go, smoothing his own hair back in place. He looked a tiny bit older than Vincent, hair slicked back and fairly nice clothes on. Richard was next, with short hair and comfier clothes on. "I'm the middle kid. Richard's a year younger than me and Vendetta's a year older than me."
"The most annoying brother you could ask for," Richard sneered, earning an elbow in the ribs from Vincent. While Vendetta gave Scott a warm smile and a side hug, Richard and Vincent were roughhousing, pushing each other and chasing the other into the next room. Vendetta and Scott followed the two rambunctious brothers into an open concept kitchen, where Vincent's mother and father were. The piano playing was coming from the infamous William Afton, who Scott has met on occasion, but only when it came to business. Even then it was brief. Mrs. Afton turned from her cooking and slightly gasped. She didn't actually have purple skin. She was fair-skinned with purple hair and purple eyes. She looked from her second-oldest son (who had her youngest son in a chokehold) back to Scott. Scott nodded.
"Hello!" She gave Scott the biggest, most love-filled hug he's ever been given. "We've heard so much about you, Scott. I'm Violet." Mr. Afton stopped playing the piano to walk over and give Scott a handshake. It didn't feel formal this time. It was more relaxed. Kind of like you were meeting back up with a friend after you haven't seen them for a while.
"Nice to see you again, Scott."
"You too, Mr. Afton."
"We're not at work. You can call me William."
"William," Scott repeated.
"Is Vincent home? I thought I heard him." A female voice said. Down the hallway, Scott could see a girl a little bit shorter than Richard, walking into the kitchen. She was a bit pale, with long brown hair and shiny blue eyes.
"Scott, this is Anastasia. We adopted her about nine years ago." Mrs. Afton said. Like the rest of the family, Anna gave Scott a nice hug.
"I've heard about you, Scott." She winked. Or Scott thought it was a wink. The winks started coming in a succession but then subsided. "That's one of my tics. I have Tourette's."
"Ah. And a slight accent I see."
"I'm from Germany," She smiled. "So when are you and Vincent getting married-" Vincent grabbed Anastasia from behind and hoisted her in the air. She giggled like a child and turned to give her big brother the tightest of hugs. "I missed you!" She said into Vincent's shoulder.
"I missed you too, Anna."

After a bit more talking and stories of their antics, Scott and Vincent left. It was time to meet Scott's parents.
"So," Vincent spoke while texting his sister on his phone. "What're your parents like?" Scott gulped.
"Uh...they're...conventional...?" Scott shrugged and kept his eyes on the road, not looking forward to how this meeting was going to go.

Slowly, Scott pulled into the driveway of the quaint, one-story house he used to live in, frowning at the car he pulled up behind. It was his brother. His brother was visiting.
"Great," He mumbled under his breath as he got out of the car. Vincent followed closely behind Scott and waited while he rang the doorbell. Scott grimaced as he saw that his brother opened the door.
"Scott. Hey." He hugged him. It felt awkward. Something about the hug seemed a bit forced.
"Hi. This is my b-boyfriend, Vincent. Vincent, this is Drew, my brother." Vincent held out a hand to the reluctant Drew. Drew looked from Vincent to Scott and slowly opened the door to let the two inside. One thing that Vincent noticed when they walked in was that the house looked basically brand new. Everything was clean and basically in mint condition it seemed. Another thing was the silence. He could almost hear himself breathing. Scott grabbed Vincent's hand and led him into the living room, where his parents were sitting. They both stood and made their way to the couple.
"This is Vincent, guys." Scott semi-smiled and watched their tense body language. It wasn't that they didn't like Vincent, as a person. They just were never for the whole being gay "thing". Originally, when Scott was younger, they thought that it was a phase. But now, as they shook the unnaturally purple hand of Scott's boyfriend, James and Mallory knew that he wouldn't get over it any time soon. Drew left the room, saying a few choice words under his breath so that Vincent could barely hear. The purple man shook it off and sat down on a loveseat, next to Scott.
"How've you're been, Scott?" His father asked him. Scott looked a lot like his father. Same hairstyle, same glasses, same fashion sense it looked like.
"I-I've been good-"
"Put that robotics degree to good use?" Scott sighed.
"Not yet," He said through clenched teeth. His father always wanted him to succeed. He didn't mean to compare Scott to his brother, but he just wanted Scott to do something else with his life. Not just be a manager at a pizzeria. Vincent noticed that as they were talking, Mrs. Cawthon kept looking at Vincent, quickly scanning him up and down.
"I-Is there something wrong?" Vincent caught her.
"Oh, no. It's just...I haven't seen anyone who's purple before. With white eyes. It's...interesting." There seemed to be a hint of snark in her voice like she disapproved of Scott's choice in a partner. Vincent said a plethora of things he wanted to say in his head before sitting back and patiently waiting to go home.

"I'm sorry," Scott said as the two pulled up to their house. "They're still new to the whole gay thing, I guess. I've told them multiple times, and they-" Vincent cut Scott off with a kiss.
"It's fine, Scotty. They'll come around. And if they don't, it'll be even more fun to see their faces at our wedding." Vincent got out of his car and went to walk into his house.
"Wedding. Our wedding." Scott sighed happily and let himself smile wider than he ever has before.

Yay! My Afton and Cawthon (thinking about changing his last name) headcannon, ft. the addition of @Sydney_parker's character, Anastasia!

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