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Blaine's POV:

I woke up to Kurt's arms around me. I was snuggled into him  with my head on his chest and he had a strong, protective hold on me. He was still asleep so I didn't want to wake him. I shifted a little so I could get more comfortable and closed my eyes  again, not wanting this moment to end. I love being in Kurt's arms. It made me feel safe and loved. That didn't last because I soon felt bile rise in my throat and I jump out of Kurt's arms and ran towards the bathroom. As soon as I reached the toilet I let everything out of my stomach. I felt someone  rub up and down my back as I reched into the toilet. Once I was finished I leaned back against the wall and looked up. I saw Kurt looking down at me with concern in his eyes. He kneeled down to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He looked me up and down. He rested his hand on my forehead to see if I had a temp. He brushed the hair out off my face and pulled me towards him in a hug. 

" What's wrong B? You don't have a temp. Did you eat some thing that upset your stomach yesterday?" He ask my as he stroked my hair. I melted in his embrace and wrapped my arms around the small of his back and put my head on his shoulder. I honestly didn't know what was wrong. I didn't eat anything unusual yesterday so it wasn't that. I did feel a little sick though. 

"I don't know. I feel sick Kurt." I mumbled into his shoulder. He rubbed my back and stood up, causing me to go up with him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. His hands went to my back and butt so he wouldn't drop me. 

"I'm sorry baby," he said as he started to walk out of the bathroom. He entered our room and placed me back on the bed. He sat down next to where I was laying. "I'll call your work to tell them you won't be able to make it today." He got up to go over to my phone but I grabbed his wrist before he had the chance. 

"No I need to go in. Today is an important rehearsal. I can't miss it." I said and sat up quickly. Mabye a little to quickly because I got queezy again. I put my hand on my stomach as I felt I was going to vomit. 

"B? Are you okay?" Kurt said running back to the bed. I stayed silent for a moment as the feeling passed. 

"Ya, just a little nauseous." I said looking at him. 

"You are not going to work like this. You need to rest so you can get better." He grabbed my phone and went to go call my work. 

"Fine." I sighed watching him walk out the door. I didn't really want to be in the apartment alone today. Kurt had to work and I hated being alone when I was sick. Once Kurt walked back in the room he handed my my phone back and sat down on the edge of the bed. 

"Blaine I have to go to work today. I can't miss it I have important things to do today. I'm really sorry. I know how much you hate being alone when your sick. If you really need me though, you can call and I'll come right home." He said. I nodded at him and he kissed my forehead and started to get ready for work. Once he was ready he came back over to me and pulled the covers over me. He pushed my hair back and kiss my forehead again before he left for work. Only 8 hours until Kurt comes home. 

Hours later:

I was feeling a little better after an hour or two. No, I felt as good as new. I don't know how that was possible but it was. I don't know what the problem was. It's weird. I tried to think about what was wrong. I tried to remember what I had ate yesterday. Wait. Oh my god no. I can't be. It's not possible right? My breathing started to become uneven as I thought of the possibility. I couldn't be. I grabbed my keys and sweater and was out the door. I had to make sure I wasn't.

 I drove to the nearest pharmacy and walked to the aisle I was looking for. I needed a pregnancy test. I grabbed the most accurate test they had and paid for it. The guy gave me a weird look but I really didn't care. I was too worried about what the result would be. I wasn't ready to be a dad. I was only 19 and Kurt was 20. It was too early. 

I arrived home and grabbed the bag that was holding the test in it.  I ran inside and into my bathroom. I took the test out of the box and held it in my hand. I took a deep breath and I peed on the stick like I was supposed to. Once I was done I flipped the test over on the counter so I couldn't see the results. It told me I had to wait 90 seconds. I was pacing around the bathroom, pulling at my hair. I was so nervous. When the ringer on my phone went off, indicating that the 90 seconds had passed. I shut off the timer by I couldn't look at the stick. I kept pacing around the bathroom until finally I had the courage to look. I flipped the stick over and what it said scared me. It was positive. I was pregnant. My breathing started to become uneven again and I fell to the ground as tears pooled in my eyes. No. This can't be happening. Kurt. I need Kurt. 

I pressed on Kurt's contact on my phone and put it up to my ear. It barely ringed before Kurt answered it. 

"Blaine what's up." Kurt said through the phone. A sob sounded from my lips as I cried into the phone.  "Blaine? Are you okay?"

"Kurt," I said through my cries. "Kurt please come home." I heard shuffling from Kurt's end. 

"What happened?" He asked clearly concerned for me. 

"Just please come home. I need you." I said as I hung up the phone. I leaned against the wall in the bathroom as I cried. My breathing was short and I was finding it harder and harder to breath. My sobs got worse as time went by. Soon I heard the door of the apartment open and someone called out to me. 

"Blaine? Blaine where are you?" I heard Kurt say. 

"Kurt." I said through my cries. That's all I could get out. I couldn't breath properly and I was crying uncontrollably. Kurt ran into the bathroom and looked at me. 

"Oh my god. Blaine." He came up to me and kneeled in front of me. He pulled me towards him and rubbed my back as I cried. "Blaine you need to calm down. Take some slow deep breaths." He told me as he hugged me. I did as he said and soon my breathing was back to normal. The tears had stop flowing as Kurt pulled away from me. "B, what happened?" I looked at him and looked down at my hand which still held the pregnancy test in it. Kurt followed my gaze down to my hand. "What's that?" He asked trying to grab it. I pulled it back, away from him. What he if didn't want this baby. What if he left us. My heart dropped at the thought. Tears streamed down my cheeks again and Kurt pulled me back into a hug. "Baby, please tell me what's wrong. I hate seeing you like this." My tears soaked his shirt as I dug my face in his chest. I loosened my grip on the test and it fell to the floor. 

"Kurt I— I'm pregnant" I said as I got off or his lap and ran out of the bathroom. I went to the bedroom not wanting to know how Kurt would react. I ran my hands through my hair anxiously. Kurt ran after me and walked over to me. 

"B, I love you so much." He said as he kissed me. I looked at him with teary eyes. 

"So your not leaving me?" I asked him. He hugged me. 

"I would never leave you. I love you. I love both of you." He said as he put a hand on my stomach. I smiled at him.  How did I get so lucky? 

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