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Kurt's POV:

I woke up in the middle of night to an empty bed. Where was Blaine? He should be right beside me. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I got out of the bed and went to check the bathroom, but he wasn't in there either.

"Blaine?" I called out. I got no answer. I walked down stairs to look for him. Maybe he got thirsty or something and was in the kitchen. As I passed by the living room I heard quiet sniffles. I looked back towards the living room to see a small figure sitting on the couch. "Blaine?" I called out again. The persons head wiped around to look at me and then I knew it was Blaine. But why was he crying? And why in the middle of the night?

"Blaine, sweetie are you okay?" I asked as I walked up to the couch. He put his head back in his hands to hide his face.

"I'm fine." He said. Of course I didn't believe him.

"Then why are you crying?" He sighed and looked up at me. His eyes were full of tears and they were running down his cheeks. "Aww baby it's okay." I told him as I sat next to him on the couch. I rubbed his back with one hand and grabbed Blaine's hand with the other.

"It nothing. I just— I had a nightmare. I didn't want to wake you." He said with his head down as his tears fell.

"It's not nothing Blaine. Look how upset you are," I said to him. "What was your nightmare about?" He just looked at me again as a sob escaped his lips. I pulled him into a hug and continued to rub up and down his back as he cried into my shirt. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me." I reassured him.
"I-it was Cooper." He sobbed. "He h-hit me just like my d-dad had before." He paused.

"Shh it's okay." I told him.

"Th-then he turned into m-my dad. He t-told me he n-never wanted to s-see me again." As I listened to him I felt so bad. I hated how he had to have this dream over and over again. It was just people turning into his worst nightmare, his father. It was like his biggest fear was the people he loved would turned into the person he hates the most. Once his dreamed was about me turning into his dad. He would even go near me when he woke up.

"It's okay Blaine, it's not real." I told him. He cried into my chest as I spoke to him.

"Can we go b-back to b-bed." He asked as he lifted his head up. I wiped his tears with my thumb and I stood up.

"Sure sweetie. Come on," I said grabbing his hand. He got up from the couch and stood besides me. I put and arms around his waist and guided him up the stairs. He rested his head on my shoulder as we walked. He was clearly exhausted.

Once we got to the bedroom he went over to the other side of the bed and laid down. I did the same on my side and pulled the covers over us. I pulled Blaine by his waist closer to me so his back was against my chest.

"If you have another one just wake me up. I'll be right here." I told him. He nodded and I rested my arm over his waist. My other hand went to his hair, softly playing with it.

"I love you Kurt."

"I love you too Blaine." He soon fell asleep again and I drifted off to sleep not long after him.

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