I'm home

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Kurt's POV:

Blaine had been gone for about a year now. He is currently serving in the army. I miss him so much. While he's gone I have to look after our kid, Matthew. He misses Blaine a lot, like me, and he's always asking when he's coming home. It breaks my heart, because I never actually know if he's ever going to come back to us.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked to see Matthew coming over to me in his pajamas. He had just woken up and had his teddy bear in his hands.

"Hi Daddy," he greeted me as he sat on the couch with me. I turned on some cartoons for him so he wasn't bored.

"Good morning bud," I said as I ruffled his hair.

"Daddy, stop!" He said, pushing my hand anyway. I laughed. I guess he got that from me.

"I'm gonna go make you some breakfast, you stay here." I walked into the kitchen and got out some eggs to make him a quick meal. I cooked the eggs and made him some toast and brought it over to him.

"Here you go Mat, eat up." He grabbed the plate from my hands and started to gobble up the food in front of him as he watched whatever cartoon was on now. He was adorable, and he looked more and more like Blaine everyday.

"Hey Daddy," He questioned once he was done with his food.

"What's is it honey?"

"When's Papa coming back home?" I sighed. I couldn't give him an answer, because I had no idea.

"I don't know bud, but he loves you and will come home to see you as soon as he can," I said as I have him a hug. He wrapped his tiny arms around my neck.

"I miss Papa." Of course he missed his parent. He didn't understand what he was doing. Matthew was only four.

"I know honey. I miss Papa too, but we will see him soon, okay. You just have to be strong for Papa. He misses us just as much." Matthew had tears in his eyes.

"I wanna see Papa now," he cried. I hugged him tight.

"It's okay honey," I told him as he cried. There wasn't much I could do. Soon he stopped crying and went back to watching cartoons. I laid my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. I ended up falling asleep.

Blaines POV:

I knocked on the door of Kurt and I's apartment. I stood there in my uniform waiting for the door to open. I hadn't seen Kurt or Matthew in about a year, and I missed them dearly. I heard tiny footsteps come close to the door and the handle started to turn. Once the door opened I was meet by Matthew.

"Papa!" He yelled, running into my arms. I picked him up and spun him around in my arms as he giggled. His tiny arms went around me as he hugged me tight.

"I missed you too buddy." I put him down. "Where's Daddy?" I asked. I needed to see Kurt. Matthew pointed behind him. I looked in that direction to see Kurt sleeping on the couch. I smiled. He looked so cute.

"He missed you too Papa!" Mathew told me excitedly.

"Oh really? Why don't you go wake him up." Matthew smiled and ran over to Kurt.

"Daddy wake up!" He said as he shook Kurt's body. Kurt's groaned and opened his eyes.

"What is it honey?" He asked Matthew. God, I missed his voice. It was like an angel.

"Look!" He pointed at me. "It's Papa!" Kurt looked over to me. When he spotted me his eyes filled with tears and he jumped off the couch. He ran into my arms and began to cry. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. I really missed him.

"I missed you so much Blaine. I love you so much," he cried.

"I love you too baby," I said as I gave him a kiss on his forehead. Matthew pulled on Kurt shirt to get his attention. Kurt looked down at him.

"Daddy, why are you crying?" Kurt smiled at him as he wiped his tears.

"I'm just really happy to see your Papa." Kurt picked up Matthew and rested him on his hip. I wrapped my arms around both of them.

"I really missed you guys," I said with tears in my eyes. Kurt's kissed my cheek and put his free hand on my shoulder.

"Can we get ice cream with Papa? Pleeeeeease!" Matthew begged, looking at Kurt with puppy dog eyes. I laughed quietly. He was exactly like me.

"Ugh, fine!" Kurt said defeated.

"That look never fails," I said laughing with Matthew. I kissed Matthew on the head and we all headed out the door. Matthew ran in front of us. I wrapped an arm around Kurt waist and he leaned into me as we walked to the car.

"I really love you Kurt. Never forget that."

"I love you too sweetie."

"Daddy, Papa, hurry up!" I laughed.

"Okay, were coming." Kurt said and dragged me to the car. I really did miss them. 

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