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Blaine's POV:

I woke up to Kurt shaking me. I groaned and pushed him away in attempt to get some more sleep.

"Blaine please. Wake up." I heard the terror in his voice and immediately sat up and looked in his direction.

"Kurt, honey what's wrong?" I asked him. I looked him up and down. He wasn't hurt. I didn't understand.

"Blaine I hear something downstairs." He said to me. I became silent and that's when I heard it too. It was loud noises coming from downstairs.

"Maybe it's the kids," I told him. I heard a loud bang and more noise as I sat there for a moment. Kurt looked at me skeptical. I heard more loud noises.

"Okay that's not the kids. I'm going to see what it is." Kurt grabbed my arm as I went to get up.

"I love you. Be safe, please."

"I love you too," I said as I walked it the door. I grabbed the baseball bat we had at hanging around the hallway. It was are kids. We had two that were currently sleeping for school tomorrow. I walked down the stairs with the bat by my side. I sneaked into the living room, but there was nothing here. That when I heard my noise. It was coming from the kitchen. I slowly walked over the the kitchen doorway. That's when I saw the source of the noise. It was a man dressed in all black. He also had a ski mask around his face so I could only see his eyes. 

"Hey!" I yelled at him. He turned around quickly to see who it was. "Who are you. Why are you in my house!" He looked at me for a second and smiled. He ran to me and went to grab me but before he could a whacked him on the side of the head with the baseball bat. He stumbled back a little and I took the opportunity to grab and one of the knifes that was on the counter. He ran back as I reached over the counter and tackled me to the ground. I groaned as my body fell against the hard kitchen floor. They guy was hovered over me with a gun in his hand. My breath hitched in my throat as soon as I saw the gun. The guy got off of me and grabbed a bag he had. It was filled with a bunch of our stuff. He had come to rob us. I put my leg as the guy tried to get away, causing him to trip, dropping his gun in the process. That's when I saw Matthew, are youngest kid who was only 5, coming down the stairs. He must have woken up because of all the noise. The mystery guy must have saw him too because he grabbed his gun and pointed it straight at Matthew. 

"Matthew, NO!" I screamed as the guy raised his gun up to my son. I got up as quick as I could. Just as he pulled the trigger I had pushed his hand away, causing him to miss and hit the bottom of the stairs. We both fell to the ground. I saw Kurt come running down the stairs. He grabbed Matthew and hugged him close, protecting him. The guy got on top of me and aimed his gun at me. My breath hitched as the gun came in contact with my face. I heard Kurt's cries as he watched what was happening to me. My body shook with fear as the guy stayed there, holding the gun to my face. 

Once he got off of me I let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding in. He turned his back to me to get the bag and run, but I jumped on top of him before he could leave. He struggled to stay standing with me on his back. I grabbed his hand that held the gun and squeezed his wrist. It was so painful that he dropped the gun out of his hand. I jumped off his back and ran for the gun. I grabbed the gun but before i could lift my hand up he had stepped on my wrist. I screamed out as he put all of his weight on my wrist. i heard the little cries of my children. They were probably all watching. My hand let go of the gun and he took the chance to grab it. He kept his foot in place. He then picked me up by my shirt and through me across the room. My back hit the wall with a loud bang. I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground. He came back over to me and lifted up his gun. He hit me with the butt of the gun several times. I tried to stop him but I was too weak from him throwing me across the room. 

Soon I heard sirens and cops were pulling the guy off of me. I groaned due to the pain I felt everywhere. 

"Daddy!" I heard Matthew and Elizabeth yell as they ran over to me. They hugged me, but instead of hugging them back I squeezed my eyes shut I screamed because of the pain it caused me. They backed away from me with tears in there eyes. I know they didn't mean to hurt me. A couple tears ran down my face. I felt someone wipe them away and I opened my eyes to see Kurt looking down at me with tear filled eyes. 

"Kurt? Why are you crying? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I asked him. He just smiled sadly at me. 

"I love you so much Blaine." He said to me. I then saw paramedics coming my way. Then my eyes started closing and I slowly drifted into the darkness.

I awoke to some running their hands through my hair. I moaned at the feeling. 

"Blaine, honey. Are you awake?" I heard my husbands voice ask me. I peeled my eyes open. All I saw was white. White bed, white sheets, white walls. Obviously I was in a hospital. All the memories of what happened came rushing back to me. I sat up quickly in the bed. I immediately started to fall back because of all the pain that rushed through my back. I had a pounding headache and I felt completely terrible. I groaned as I fell back against the stiff bed. "Blaine you need to take it easy." Kurt told me.

"The kids. Where are the kids? Are they okay?" I asked quickly. 

"Blaine, everyone is fine. You just worry about yourself right now." I nodded. 

"When can I go home?" I asked turning my head towards Kurt. 

"Not for a couple of days." I groaned. I hated hospitals. "Is there anything you need?"He asked me. I shook my head.

"Can you just stay with me?" I asked him. 

"Of course I will." he said. I scooted over in the hospital bed and patted the spot next to me. He came over and sat on the bed, being careful not to hurt me. He sat behind me so I could lean my back against his chest. He one of his hands around my waist and intertwined are fingers with the other. "I could have lost you." I heard him say as his voice cracked. I turned around in his arms so now my chest was on his instead of my back.

"Don't cry Kurt. I' okay. I'm right here. You didn't loose me." I told him. He nodded and I rested my head on his chest. He kissed my head and we both started to fall asleep. 

"I love you."

"I love you too Kurt." 

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