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Kurt's POV:

"Do we have to see this movie?" I asked for the thousandth time. It was Blaine's turn to pick a movie to watch. He picked a horror movie with killing and violence. I hated movies like that.

"Yes baby," He told me. I gave him my best bitch face. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"No it won't. You know I hate scary movies," I said defeated. I followed him as he walked into the theater. I had a large cup of soda in one hand and Blaine carried popcorn in his.

"Ya, but then you always cuddle into me because your scared. That is what I call heaven," he said happily. I rolled my eyes.

"I hate you sometimes."

"And I love you," he replied with a smile. He grabbed my free hand and dragged me the rest of the way into the theater. We took are seats and waited for the movie to start.

Soon the big screen lit up and the movie started to play. Blaine looked excited, which was cute, but I was terrified. I guess Blaine could tell because he grabbed my hand in his. "I'm right here if you need me," he said and kissed my cheek.

The movie wasn't bad at first. It was calm, with the occasional scream and stuff. Into the middle of the movie is where it started to get bad. There were demons and blood and dying and terror. It was the worst thing I had ever seen. Whenever something popped up on the screen I would get scared and jump in my seat. Blaine had his arm around my shoulders comfortingly. Then a guy came on the screen with a chainsaw. I bet you know what I happened next. I yelled and dug my head in Blaine's chest and tried to block out the screams from the girl in the movie. Blaine wrapped and arm around me. I clutched onto his shirt as I buried my head in his chest.

"How do you watch this stuff?" I mumbled into Blaine's chest. He chuckled, causing his chest to rumble.

"It's not that b— holy fuck!" He interrupted his sentence when a scream came from his mouth. I looked up from his chest to see popcorn everywhere and Blaine had the empty container in his hands. It was in his hair and all over us. He was staring at the screen intently with a horrified look on his face. I started to laugh at him.

"Not that scary? Says the person who jumped so bad they spilt the popcorn everywhere!" I laughed as I brushed the popcorn out of his hair.

"Shut up," he mumbled under his breath. I chuckled at him causing him to give me a death glare.

"You look like a dork with all this popcorn on you," I laughed.

"Ya, well it's all over you too," he said as he picked up a piece off my shoulder and ate it.

"I can't believe you spilt all the popcorn."

"Hey, you weren't looking. It was terrifying." I rolled my eyes playfully at him and rested my head on his shoulder. He ran his hands through my hair and got all the popcorn out. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and I closed my eyes.

"How about no more scary movies for awhile," I said with my eyes closed.

"Good idea." He replied. He laid his head on mine and finished the movie as I fell asleep on him.


"Kurt wake up!" Someone said as they lightly whole me. I opened my eyes to see Blaine looking down on me. "Come on Baby, the movies over. Time to go," he told me with a smile. I looked around to see people exiting the theater. Blaine grabbed my hand and brought me to my feet. I looked at him to see his clothes were soaked.

"Why are you all wet?" He looked away from me and rubbed the back off his neck sheepishly.

"I kinda spilt the soda everywhere," he said, not looking at me.

"Really Blaine?!" I started to laugh. "Your so adorable," I told him with a kiss on the lips. He tasted like butter and soda. "Let's go home so you can clean up. You look horrible." He laughed slightly and we walked out of the theater hand in hand.

"Tomorrow, you can pick the movie." 

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