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Kurt's POV:

I was in class at NYADA when my phone started to buzz in my pocket. I looked at the screen to see it was Finn who was calling me. Obviously I couldn't pick up right now since I'm in the middle of class so I sent him a text saying I couldn't talk. I immediately got a text back.

Kurt it's important. I think you need to come home, like now!!!

You want me to go back to Ohio? What is so important?

It's Blaine. I don't want to scare you. Just please come here.

Finn, what's going on?

There was an incident

Finn just tell me!!

He's in the hospital. He's not doing so good.

I'm on my way now

I ran out of the classroom as fast as I could and called a taxi. Once I was in the vehicle I paid for tickets to a flight back to Ohio on my phone. It took about ten minutes until I was back at the apartment. I ran in and to my room. I threw a duffle bag on my bed and started to stuff clothes in it.

"What's going on Kurt? Why are you packing?" Rachel asked as she came into my room area that was separated by a curtain.

"I have to go back to Lima. Blaine's in the hospital," I told her as I finished packing my things.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" She asked frantically.

"I don't know. I just need to be there. I need to know he's okay." She nodded at me understandingly. "I'll be back as soon as I can," I said as I gave her a hug. I left and got on another taxi that took me to the airport. I was so worried. I didn't even know why he was in the hospital. Was he even okay? How badly was he hurt? Tears sprang in my eyes and I blinked them away. Soon I was on the plane and on my way to Lima Ohio.


I arrived in Lima in a couple hours and headed to my old house to drop off my stuff. Once I got there I opened the door with the key I still had. My dad looked over from the couch when I opened the door.

"Kurt? Why are you here? I mean, I'm happy to see you, but you didn't tell us you were coming." He said to me.

"Finn didn't tell you?"

"Tell us what? Finn's been gone since he left this morning, which is weird because he usually comes straight home after he teaches glee."

"Something happened to Blaine Dad. He's in the hospital. Finn called me so I came straight here." He looked at me surprised.

"Oh my gosh, is he okay? What happened?" Carol asked walking into the living room where we were talking.

"I don't know what happened or if he's even okay," I told them. "I'm gonna go see him in the hospital. I just came to drop off my bag."

"I'll take it up to your room," my dad said as he grabbed he duffle bag from my hands. "Just go see your fiancé." I nodded and head out the door. I dialed Finn's number and grabbed the keys to my old car. Finn answered after the first couple of rings.

"Kurt are you here?"

"Ya, I'm in Lima. What hospital are you at?"

"We're at Lima hospital. Blaine just woke up and he's asking for you. I told him you were on your way."

"Can I talk to him?"

"Ya sure, hang on." I waited anxiously for Blaine's voice to sound through the phone.

"Hello?" His voice was quiet and trembling.

"Blaine, it's Kurt."

"Kurt? Please come, I need you."

"I'm almost there. Just hang tight."

"Please hurry. I don't want to be alone."

"Isn't Finn there with you?"

"Ya, but I need someone to hold me. I feel alone without you."

"I'm here. I'll be up in a couple minutes." I hung up and jumped out of the car hurriedly and walked into the hospital building. I went up to the lady at the desk.

"Blaine Anderson?"

"What's is your relationship with the patient?"

"I'm his fiancé," I told her. As soon as I said that she gave me a disgusted look.

"I'm sorry, I don't think you can see him right now." I got so mad when she said this. I know I can see him because Finn is there right now. She was just a homophobic bitch.

"I know I can see him because my brother is up there now! Just tell me what room he's in!"

"Sir calm down," she said.

"Calm down?! I want to see my fiancé but you won't let me! I want to be there for him but I can't because you won't read me the stupid room number!" I yelled, attracting stares from everyone around.

"304," she mumbled under her breath. I rolled my eyes and went to the elevator to go to the third floor. Once the elevator doors open I ran out and through the halls until I came across room 304. I bursted through the door to see Blaine on the hospital bed with Finn sleeping on the side of him in a chair. I walked over to him to get a better look. His face was badly bruised, along with his neck. His shirt was off because he had bandaging that went around his chest and under arm area to wrap his shoulder up. Bruises were all along his torso and ribs and one of his arms was in a cast. His eyes were closed and his head was laid back on his pillow, but I could tell he wasn't asleep. His breathing was in short breaths and his expression was pained.

"Blaine?" I called. His eyes shot open and looked around the room until he spotted me.

"Kurt, what took you so long?" he asked quietly.

"The stupid receptionist wouldn't let me see you because she's a homophobic b—" I was interrupted by Blaine as he started crying. I was shocked. Was it something I said? "Blaine? What's wrong? Are you in pain?"

"Do you know what happened to me Kurt?" He asked me as his tears slowed down. I shook my head.

"Homophobes happened to me."

"Oh my god, please don't say you were—"

"Gay bashed," he finished my sentence. " I was gay bashed Kurt." He started to cry again. "It was five guys. They beat me 'til I was weak and unable to move. Then one of them shot me," he said, pointing to his wrapped shoulder. "Kurt, I was so scared. I thought I was going to die." I moved into the bed with Blaine and held him close to me. He laid on me and cried into my chest. I let a few tears slip. I can't believe this happened to him. He didn't deserve this. He was such a sweet person.

"It's okay Blaine. I'm here now. Your safe with me," I told him comfortingly.

" It hurts so bad."

"Do you want some more pain meds?"

"They said I couldn't have anymore. It would interfere with my concussion." I frowned.

"You have a concussion too?"

"Just a mild one, but ya." I stroked the few curls out of his face that managed to escape his gel from earlier. I kissed his forehead and stroked his back with one hand. He began to relax against me.

"I love you so much Blaine," I told him. I felt him smile against my chest.

"I love you too. Thanks for coming all the way here to see me."

"I will always be here when you need me Blaine."

"Thanks Kurtie." 

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