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Blaine's POV:

Kurt went out with Rachel today while I watched the kids. I tucked in the kids and I went to the living room to watch some TV before Kurt came home. Soon I heard the door open and in came Rachel with a stumbling Kurt behind her.

"Heyyyyyyyy B," He said as he came up to where I was on the couch. I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Are you drunk?" I asked as I looked at Rachel. She laughed as she replied.

"He's totally drunk. He had a lot to drink."

"I'm not drunk." He yelled back at Rachel. He looked back over to me. "You lookin good B." He said as he stared me down. I stood up from the couch.

"Okay Kurt your let's get you to bed." I said to him as I grabbed his shoulders. He put a hand on my chest and pushed me back on the couch. I landed flat on my back. Kurt jumped on top of me and put his lips to mine. I kissed him back, not being able to push him away. I felt my pants start to get tighter as he rubbed his hand all over my chest. I moaned in his mouth as he put his hand on the tent in my pants. He started to move his hand up and down. "Kurt," I said out of breath. His hand continued to move as I spoke. "Kurt your drunk." I said pushing him away. When I pushed him away he just started to kiss my down my neck. I moaned again and he smiled against my neck. I tried pushing him off again but he just continued what he was doing. I was weak under his touch. He moved his hands and grabbed the end of my shirt as he tried to pull it off.

"Rachel. Rachel get him off of me." I said to her as he continue to pull on my shirt. She giggled at us and went over to help me. She grabbed his back and pulled, causing the both of them to fall over the side of the couch. I got up and walked over to them, helping Kurt off of Rachel. I stood behind him and gripped his shoulders. "Okay Kurt lets go." I said as I pushed him into our room. I pushed him onto the bed and put the covers over him. "Stay in bed." I told him as I walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before coming back into the bedroom. Kurt was passed out on the bed. I laughed silently as I walked over to him. I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off as well as his pants so he could be more comfortable while he slept. I crawled in the bed with him and wrapped my arms around him. Drunk Kurt sure was a lot to handle.


The next morning I woke up to Kurt in my arms. The memories of last night came flooding to my mind as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I kissed his forehead as I got out of bed and to our kitchen. Kurt was going to need some aspirin for the headache he will have when he wakes up. As I walked by the living room I saw Rachel just waking up. I guess she had slept on our couch.

"Hey Rachel. How'd you sleep?" I asked her as she got up from the couch and followed me into the kitchen.

"As good as you can sleep on a tiny couch." She said laughing slightly. I smiled at her as I grabbed an aspirin and a glass of water and put it on the table for Kurt.

"So what did you do with Kurt yesterday? Why did he come home drunk?" I asked her. She laughed and replied.

"We went shopping for a little while and then Kurt wanted to go to a bar. He drank so much I'm surprised he didn't drop to the ground right then and there." She said laughing at the memory. I laughed with her picture Kurt there.

I started to cook some breakfast for Rachel, Kurt and the kids. I'm the middle of cooking I felt arms wrapped around my waist. I looked back and saw Kurt rest his head on my shoulder.

"Your finally up." I said as I turned back to the breakfast I was cooking. "There aspirin over there for you." I told him. He kissed my cheek and walked over to the table and sat down. He took the aspirin and laid his head on the table. Once I finished the breakfast I put some it plates and handed them to Rachel and Kurt. I put the kids plates on the other spots on the table for when they woke up. Kurt looked up at his plate and smiled at me.

"Thanks Blaine." He said in a quiet voice do to his headache. He and Rachel stared to eat the food I had made. I grabbed and apple from the fridge to eat as the kids came running down the stairs.

"Aunty Rachel!" They yelled as they ran to her and engulfed her into a hug. Kurt groaned and held his head as the kids screamed. I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. I kissed his temple and he leaned into my touch. I smiled down at him.

"Elizabeth, Matthew. Sit down and eat your breakfast. And try being quiet. Papas got a headache." I told them. I unwrapped my arms from Kurt as I walked over to the kids. I kissed each of their heads as they sat down

"Okay Daddy." Elizabeth said. Matthew didn't response because he had already started to gobble up him food. I laughed at him as he continued to eat. Rachel smiled at them as she went back to eating her food. As Kurt finished his food he went up to me.

"I'm gonna go lay down upstairs." He said as he gave me a peck on the lips. I nodded to him and he head up the stairs to our bedroom.

"Can I take the kids out today?" Rachel asked me as she put her plate in the sink. The kids looked at me hopeful.

"Ok sure. Bring them back by 3." I said to her. She nodded and the kids ran upstairs to get ready. I put there dishes in the sink and went up to see Kurt.

Once I got to the bedroom I saw Kurt laying down with his head dig into the pillows. I went up to him and sat on the bed near him.

I rubbed his back soothingly. "How's the headache?" I asked him. He looked up at me with a death glare. I held in my laugh.

"It's hell" he stated.

"Well maybe you should t have drank so much," I stated. " do yo even remember what happened." He smiled at me.

"Oh, you mean when I came home and then we had a hot make it session. How you moaned into my mouth and went weak under my touch. Ya I remember that part." He smirked at me. My breath caught in my throat as he came closer to me. I bit my lip as he stopped inching towards me, his lips ending up just centimeters away from mine. "Now that part I wouldn't mind redoing." He said as he pushed me down onto the bed. He crawled on top of me and pushed his lips down on mine. He soon pulled away so we could catch our breath.

"I love you"

"I love you too Kurt." 

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