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Blaine's POV:

Today me and Kurt decided to go out to scandals to have a little fun. We have been working hard in school and just wanted a break from all the stress. I got ready in a pair of regular blue skinny jeans, which were cuffed at the bottom and a blue and white striped shirt. I also grabbed a blue bow tie and put it on. I had to pick up Kurt before heading over to scandals. Once I had pulled over at his house I beeped my car horn to let him know I was hear. When he walked out I saw he was wearing a black shirt with a red collar, red skinny jeans, and a black jacket. He looked great. He got in my car and we gave each other a quick kiss before I started to drive to scandals.

Once we arrived at the bar I walked over to Kurt's door and opened it for him. He smiled at me and I took his hand, leading him inside. I pulled out my fake ID to show the guard, as well as Kurt. Once we were inside I walked to the bar and ordered a drink. None for Kurt since he was the designated driver. We dance for a while and I had a few drinks, but not too many so I wouldn't get drunk.

"I'll be right back. I have to use the restroom," I told Kurt as I left the dance floor he nodded at me and went to sit down.

As I walked in the bathroom I saw Sebastian at the sinks. I rolled my eyes. I had hated him ever since he throw that slushy in my face. He just did it because he was mad that I didn't want to be with him. I tried to walk pass him but he quickly stood in front of me.

"Hey Blainey," Sebastian said as he looked me up and down. I looked at him disgusted. He obviously had a little to much to drink.

"Move Sebastian," I said trying to get by him, but he wouldn't let me. "Get out of my way." I pushed him to the side and he fell to the ground. I went to go into a stall so I could relieve myself, but Sebastian tripped me and I fell flat on my face. I sat up and realized my nose was bleeding. "What the hell Sebastian." I said looking over to him. He was now standing above me looking at me with anger and lust in his eyes. He leaned down so he was just inches away from my face.

"You shouldn't have pushed me" he whispered in my ear. Then he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and throw me in one of the stalls. My back hit the edge of the toilet and I screamed from the pain. I fell to the ground and Sebastian came in the stall with me. "Be quiet," he said as he slapped me. Tears were building up in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. He lifted me onto the toilet in the stall and pinned my arms to the wall behind me. I tried to get free of his hold but he was too strong. He slowly leaned in and as our lips got closer my breathing came in short breaths. This can't be happening. Soon I felt Sebastian's lips on mine. I let the tears fall down my face. I hated this. I didn't kiss back but he kept kissing me. Once he parted from me he started to kiss my neck.

"Please stop Sebastian." I begged, but he kept going. He then started to trail kisses down to my collarbone. Once he got to the hem of my shirt he took his hold away from my arms and I took the chance to punch him in the face. He looked at me shocked. He suddenly kicked my leg so hard I probably couldn't walk on it anymore because it hurt so bad. I held my leg in pain as I tried not to scream. If I did it would just make it worse. Sebastian grabbed the end of my shirt and pulled it off of me so he could see my bare chest. I tried hiding my chest with my hands but Sebastian grabbed my wrists forcefully and held them by my sides with each of his hands. He starts kissing all over my chest, leaving a few bruises from hickeys. "Stop, please." He didn't react at all to what I was saying. "Please Sebastian I don't want this." Tears we're rolling down my cheeks as I sobbed and begged him to stop. Soon Sebastian made his way down to my pants. He let go of my wrists, but only for a quick seconds as he pinned them back on the wall. With his free hand he made his way down my chest and to the zipper on my pants. He fiddled with it for a moment before pulling it down successfully. "No, please stop. Kurt" I cried. I needed him. He slowly slid my pants off. I tried to stop him but it was useless. He got my pants off and threw them to the floor. His lips went back onto mine and he leaned his body against mine. His hand went down to my boxer and he started to feel me through the thin fabric.

"Your so beautiful babe," he said to me.

"Stop please. Stop."

"Hush darling. It'll be over soon." He said in a whisper. I shivered as I heard his voice against my ear.

"Please." I begged one last time, hoping he would leave me alone. He didn't I felt his hand slowly make its way into my underwear.

"Stop!" I yelled as I cried. "Stop please." That's when the door was opened and Sebastian was pulled off of me. I fell off of the toilet Sebastian had me on and onto the ground. I curled up into a ball trying to hide myself from whoever was here. I heard Sebastian's cries, but didn't look to see what was going on. Tears were running down my face as my sobs got louder. My whole body was shaking as I cried. Kurt. I just wanted Kurt. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I flinched away.

"Stop please." I cried.

"Baby it's me." I heard the person say. Then I knew it was Kurt. I looked up from my knees to see Kurt sitting in on the floor in front of me, looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"Kurt?" I said as I jumped into his arms. I cried even harder as he hugged me. He wrapped his arms around me and made me feel safe again. I cried into his shoulder, making his shirt soaked full of tears.

"It's okay baby, I'm here now. Everything's okay." He said rubbing my back as I cried.

"Kurt I— he just— I couldn't get him off. He w-wouldn't stop." I said as I sobbed.

"Shh. It's okay. Your safe now. I won't let him touch you." I gripped onto his shirt as I cried my eyes out. When I shivered because of the cold, Kurt pulled out of the embrace and walked over to my clothes that were scattered on the stall floor. He put my pants back on along with my shirt. He also took his jacket off and put it over my shoulders. He wiped my tears off my cheeks and pulled me back into a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder trying to stop the tears that were still flowing freely down my face. Kurt stood up and grabbed my hand to help me up. As soon as I stood up I feel back down because of the pain in my leg.

"Oww," I said holding on to my leg to try to stop the pain.

"Baby what's wrong. Are you okay?" Kurt asked nervously.

"Kurt my leg. It hurts. Sebastian kicked it." After I said this Kurt slowly lifted up my pant leg to reveal blood. Lots of blood. I think I'm gonna puke. How did I not notice that before when Kurt had put on my pants?

"Oh my god Blaine I can't believe he did this to you." I started to cried more as I saw what damage he did to my leg.

"Kurt" I said looking up at him teary eyes.

He grabbed some paper towels that were damp with water to clean my leg. Once he cleared all the blood away you could tell I had a big cut in the middle where Sebastian had kicked it. "I wanna go home."

"I know baby. Come here." He help me stand up so he could picked me up and brought me out of the bathroom and too my car.

"I wanna go home with you. Please. I don't want to be alone tonight." I said to him as he set me down in the backseat so I could lay down.

"I was not gonna let you stay at your house all alone after what just happened. I want you to be with me so I know your okay. I will protect you from him, Blaine. Don't worry. Your safe now." 

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