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Kurt's POV:

I woke up next to my fiance. He was still sound asleep next to me. He looked so peaceful. I moved the curls out of his face and kissed his forehead. I decided to make him  some breakfast in bed. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. Once I got there I got the materials I would need to make blueberry pancakes. As I was cooking I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I leaned into the touch, but it didn't feel right. I ignored the weird feeling I felt. 

"You know, I can't make you breakfast in bed if your not in bed Blaine," I told him as I flipped one of the pancakes in the pan. I heard him chuckle. The laugh didn't sound like Blaine's normal, adorable laugh. Maybe he was getting sick.

"Not Blaine. Try again," I heard him say with a chuckle. That voice, I recognized that voice, but it wasn't Blaine. I immediately turned around in the mystery person's arms to see Sam Evans. I pushed Sam away from me. His arms unwrapped from my waist as he stumbled back. 

"What the hell Sam?!" I yelled at him. Only Blaine was allowed to hold me like that. He just gave me a smirk. 

"Oh, come on Kurt. I know you liked it." I shuddered, still able to feel his hands gripping my waist. 

"Just don't touch me Sam. I don't know if this is some kind of sick joke, but I don't want your hands on me," I said to him. I turned back around to keep the food from burning. I felt a hand work its way to the front of my pants. I yelped, causing me to burn my hand on the stove in front of me. I ran across the kitchen, away from Sam. "Stay away from me," I said as he got closer. I held the spatula I had in my hand in front of me, trying to protect myself on instinct. He just smirk devilishly. 

"But I don't want to," he said. My breathing started to become faster as I panicked. Why was Sam doing this? He was Blaine's best friend. Suddenly he started running towards me at full speed. He ran right into me, causing me to fall, with him on top of me. I screamed as I made impact with the cold, hard floor. Sam leaned down to kiss me, but I turned my head to the side. His hand explored my body as tears rolled down my cheeks. 

"Stop, please!" I begged him. Blaine please wake up. I need you. 

Blaine's POV:

I awoke to an empty bed beside me. I frowned, wanting to wake up near Kurt. He was probably downstairs already. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I didn't want to kiss Kurt with morning breath. Kurt hated that. As I was brushing my teeth I heard a loud bang. Then I heard Kurt's blood curling scream. I dropped my tooth brush as I ran out of the bathroom to check on Kurt. I hope he wasn't hurt. It sounded like he fell. I reached the stairs and rushed down them, almost falling a couple times. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw what was happening. Kurt was on the floor, and Sam was on top of him. My eyes trailed down to Sam's hands. All I saw was red, as anger rushed through my body. Sam's hands were all over Kurt's body, on his chest and his pants. I ran towards them and grabbed Sam's shirt, pulling him up off of Kurt. I threw him to the floor and went over to Kurt. He had tears running down his face. I pulled him off the floor and helped him stand straight. 

"Kurt, are you okay?! Did he hurt you?!" I asked anxiously. I looked him up and down. He didn't look hurt, except for his right hand. It had a big burn on the palm of it. I took his hand in mine and examined it. It wasn't too bad. I swear I'm gonna kill Sam. He shook his head, telling me he was okay. I sighed and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry Kurt," I told him as I rubbed his back. Suddenly, Kurt was pulled out of my arms and into Sam's hold. Kurt struggled in Sam's hold, but he was too strong. "Get your hands off him!" I yelled. Sam just smirked at me. That was the last straw. Nobody touches Kurt but me. I shoved Sam and grabbed Kurt. I moved him away from Sam. As soon as I got Kurt away from Sam I hit him. I hit Sam so hard that he fell to the ground. 

"Kurt belongs to me, and I belong to him. In no way is he yours, so NEVER! TOUCH! HIM! AGAIN!" I said angrily. Sam got back up and stood directly in front of me. He stood there silently, not making a single movement. 

"He's not yours," he spat in my face.

"Yes he is!"I yelled, shoving him. He grabbed my shirt collar and pushed me to the ground. He got on top of me and punched me a couple times, but since I was smaller I slipped right out of his grasp. I was on top of him now, delivering punch after punch to his face. I heard sirens outside, but I didn't stop. I felt a hand on my shoulder as someone pulled me away from Sam. I turned around to see it was Kurt who pulled me up. "What the hell Kurt! Why'd you stop me? He deserves it!" I yelled. My hands were shaking from anger. My knuckles were all bloody from punching Sam repetitively.

"It's over Blaine," Kurt said hugging me. Cops barged into the room and went to Sam. I watched from over Kurt's shoulder as the cops took Sam away and examined the scene. I pulled away from Kurt and looked at him. A few tears rolled down his cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumb.

"You're okay, right?" I asked. He nodded.

"Thank you so much Blaine, for protecting me. I love you," he told me as he looked into my eyes.

"I love you too Kurt. And I will always protect you," I told him and brought his head closer to mine. I connected my lips to his own in a kiss. I pulled away after a few seconds and embraced him again. I was just glad he was safe. 

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