Coming out

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Blaine's POV: 

Today was the day I was going to tell my parents I was gay. Cooper already knew but I didn't want to tell my parents, like at all. I figure it was the time. I knew I was gay since I was little. Cooper had accepted me so maybe my parents could too. I was going to tell them at dinner. Cooper promised he'd be right by my side if I needed him. He came to this dinner so he could be there with me. He lived in his own apartment since he was older than me. Soon my mom called me down to the kitchen. I waked out of my bedroom and to the kitchen smelling the amazing food my mom had just cooked.

"Looks good mom," I said as I hugged her and sat down at the table. Cooper sat right near me and my mom and dad sat on the opposite side of us. We all started to eat. I looked over to Cooper and he gave me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath and started to talk. "Mom, Dad I need to tell you something," I started. Cooper patted my thigh under the table telling me he was right by my side. I loved my brother. Even though he can get on my nerves sometimes he was always there for me. 

"What is it son?" My dad said as he continued to eat his food. 

"Umm... I— I'm gay." I said hesitantly. I looked at there expressions. My mom just looked at me, shock written on her face. My dad looked up from his plate with and angry expression. 

"What did you just say?" He asked.  

"I'm gay," I repeated. He slammed his fist on the table, making the whole table shake. I flinched back in my chair. 

"No son of mine is going to be a fag." He yelled at me. I put my head down as his words sunk in. I can't believe he called me that. My own father. A tear rolled down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. Cooper noticed and spoke up. 

"He is not a fag. He's your son. So what he loves a different gender. It's no different then him loving a girl because it's still love," he yelled at our dad. He walked over to me and Cooper, furious.

"It's disgusting." He spat in my face. Then I felt a sting in my cheek. My dad hit me. I looked up at him with hurt in my eyes. Then he pushed my chair so it fell to the ground with me in it. I hit my head on the ground. Cooper got up immediately to help me. My dad came over to me to trying to hit me again, but Cooper stopped him. 

"Get away from him!" He yelled at our Dad. He grabbed my hand to help me up. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I stood behind Cooper, scared of my own Dad. 

"Do you have a boyfriend Blaine?" My dad asked me but I stayed silent. "I will find him and I will kill him for making you this way." I suddenly got angry at my dad for saying this. No one will put there hands on Kurt. 

"No you won't. If you even dare touch my boyfriend I will hurt you. I don't care if it kills me. He didn't make me like this. I was born like this. You were just too stupid to notice." I yelled as I came from behind Cooper. My dad gave me a bad look. He didn't like me raising my voice at him. He raised his fist but before he could touch me Cooper grabbed me and spun us around so my dad ended up punching Coopers back. He turned around to yell at my dad.

"I will not let you hurt my little brother." He yelled. Finally my mom stood up from the table and came over to us. She walked right to me. She stood there for a second before she spoke. 

"Get out of my house." She said calmly. 

"Mom are you serious?" 

"You are no longer my son. Get out of my house." She said again. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I can't believe my own mother was kicking me out. I turned to Cooper and he looked at me sadly. 

"Come on Blaine. You'll be living with me." He said as he walked me out the doorway. My dad slammed the door behind us. A sob left my mouth as Cooper dragged me to his car. He looked back at me. "It's gonna be okay Blaine. You don't need them." I nodded and got into his car. I really wanted Kurt right now. I loved Cooper but he couldn't comfort me like Kurt could. 

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