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Kurt's POV:

I walked down the halls of McKinnely, looking for Blaine. It was only his first few days here so I was helping him around the school. He didn't quite know where everything was yet. I walked through the halls, but stopped when I saw a group of football players, surrounding something, someone. They laughed and walked away with empty slushy cups in their hands. I looked back to the spot they left to see a kid on the floor, hugging their knees up to their chest. The kid was full of red slushy, the worst kind. Then I noticed the silk, gelled back hair. That's when I realized it was Blaine. I ran up to his side.

"Hey, Blaine are you okay?" I asked him as I rested my hand on his drenched shoulder. He looked up at me, quickly closing his eyes again. He looked horrible.

"Kurt, it burns. Please, make it stop." He said. If that didn't break my heart then I wouldn't be human. I helped him up and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I led him up to the girls bathroom and brought him inside. No football players would be here. It was like my personal spa. I picked Blaine up by his waist and sat him on top of the sinks. I grabbed some paper towels and wet them in the water. I dabbed at his eyes gently with the paper towel to ease the burning a little. This happens to me a lot so I know exactly what to do. I stopped dabbing his eyes soon enough, figuring his eyes should okay now.

"Okay, open your eyes." I told him. His eye lids slowly opened to reveal his beautifully golden orbs. He smiled at me.

"Thanks." He said. I held his chin up with my hand and I wiped away the cherry slushy from his forehead and cheeks as he leaned into my touch. After I was done I threw away the used paper towel and grabbed some more. I wet some of the paper towels and started to work on his hair, getting most of the slushy out. Their were still some crystals in his hair so I ran my fingers through his hair to mix them in with his gel. I slowly wiped his shirt were the slushy had gotten with a dry paper towel.

"Thanks Kurt. You really know what your doing," Blaine said.

"Well a couple years of this and you figure out how to deal with it." I told him with a smile. I could tell he was upset. He didn't have a very good record with bullies and this was his first time being slushied. Of course he would be upset, but I hated seeing him like this. I looked up at him again and saw tears in his eyes. "Hey, sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked him, though I could probably guess what was bothering him. He took a shaky breath before he started speaking.

"It's just... I don't know... I just... Im freaking out. I didn't know what they were going to do." His breathing stared to become short and quick.

"Hey Blaine, it's okay. I'm here now. Your fine now. No need to be scared." I told him reassuringly, as I rubbed his shoulders soothingly. He nodded his head. "Wait, Blaine why is your cheek all bruised?" I asked. Now that the slushy wasn't there I could see a big reddish purple mark on his cheek. Did they hurt him? I swear if they did they were going to pay.

"Uh... one of the guys... he hit me." I heard him say as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"What?! He hit you?!" He nodded. "Which one was it?" I asked, trying to calm myself down.

"I don't know his name. He was kinda huge... like a lot taller than me. I think... I think they called him... Korfy? Something like that." He answered, his breath shaky. My blood boiled.

"You mean Karofsky?"

"Ya, him." He answered. A tear fell down his cheek and he wiped it away quickly. I stood between his legs and brought him close to me, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry Blaine." I told him. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head my shoulder. Soon I pulled away and got him off of the sink. I stood him right in front of me and I wiped away of the tears that had escaped his eyes and fallen onto his cheeks. "Why don't we just leave. We could just go to your house and cuddle." I told him. His face light up a little and he nodded. I grabbed his hand and walked out of the bathroom, but not before giving him a small peck on the lips.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear as we walked down the hall hand in hand. He rested his head on my shoulder as we walked.

"I love you more" He told me. I let go of his hand so I could wrap my arm around his waist to support him as he leaned on me. I kissed the top of his head as went to walked out of the building.

"Look at those fairies." I heard some yell behind us as they laughed. Blaine lifted his head as tears built up in his eyes again. People saying stuff like that to me usually didn't bother me. I had gotten use to it over the years, but Blaine hadn't. Tears threaten to spill out of his eyes as he looked down at the ground.

"Blaine it's okay. Don't listen to them." I told him. He nodded his head, but still didn't look up. I hated seeing him like this. I turned around to see Karofsky and his little buddies all laughing at his words. "Hey, Neanderthal!" I yelled at him. Blaine's head snapped up in my direction. "Get your own love life and stop ruining mine!" He looked at me shocked and all of Karofsky's friends tried not to laugh.

I grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him out of the building and to my car. He was smiling at me. I opened the car door for him to get in. Once he did I closed the door and got in to the drivers side. I grabbed his hand over the console and started to drive.

"Your the best Kurt. I love you so much." I heard Blaine say to me

"Never listen to them Blaine. They don't know us, or what we have. Our love is strong, and they can't break us. I love you so much B. I will never stop loving you. Your worth so much. Don't let them push you around. Have courage. It's the best thing you can do. Don't let the bullies chase you away." I told him.

"I love you more than you could ever imagine Kurt." He smiled at me, his tears completely gone by now.

"I love you too B. Never forget that."

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