Noah Puckerman

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A/N  Some of you said you liked protective Blaine, or Blaine in general 🤣 so here's some of that for you guys. I hope you like it. 

Blaine's POV:

I walked out of my last period class and headed to the choir room. I was already late to glee club because my stupid teacher held up the class. I ran through the halls to the choir room and walked in. The first thing I saw was Noah, or 'Puck' as everyone called him, and Kurt in the middle of the room. They were screaming at each other and Mr Shue was trying to get them to stop.

"Guys stop. We're suppose to all be friends in this room." He said in attempt to get them to be quiet. I watched from the door as the verbally fought. I had no idea what they were fighting about, but it wasn't very nice.

"Your so annoying Hummel. Get over yourself."

"Get over myself? Your the one being a douche!!"

"Ya, well at least I'm not a fag!!" Oh no he didn't. How could he say that. I thought he was Kurt's friend.

"Oh hell to the no!" Mercedes yelled from her seat. Finn got up and went in between Puck and Kurt.

"You will not talk to my little brother like that." He yelled in Puck's face.

"It's true. He's a fairy. We all know it." That was the last straw. I dropped my bag on the ground with a thud and everyone's head snapped in my direction. I had an angry expression written on me face as I walked over to Puck. I pushed Finn out of the way so I was in front of Puck. Finn stumbled a little, surprised at my actions. I looked at Puck angrily.

"He's right, you are a douche." I said to him. I raised my fist and punched him in the face, hard. He stood there, shocked I had hit him. Then he went to punched me, but I blocked his blow. I had been boxing for a couple years now. He would never win a fight with me. He stopped tried though. He raised his fist again, but I punched him in the stomach causing him to collapsed. He grabbed on to me, pulling me down with him. I fell on top of him and delivered punches to his face over and over again. "Never. Say. That. To. Him. Again." I said as I punched and hit him. Soon Mr Shue pulled me off of him. I tried getting out of his hold. "Let me at him. He deserves it." I yelled.

"Hey Blaine, stop." He said to me in a firm voice, holding me back. "Look at him, I think you've done enough." I looked at Puck who was on the floor bleeding badly. Some people helped him up. "Kurt's not a fag. Kurt's the most trusting and loyal person you'll ever meet. He's better than you'll ever be. Never call him that again or you'll deal with me." I yelled at him when Mr Shue let me go. Puck just nodded in my direction, too scared to look up at me. I walked to Kurt to see him with tears down his cheeks. "Come on Kurt, let's go." I said as I grabbed his hand. He nodded and walked out into the hallway with me.

"Thanks Blaine." He said.

"For what?"

"For sticking up for me."

"Of course I stuck up for you. Your my boyfriend and I will never let anyone hurt you, physically or emotionally, without a consequence." I told him. He hugged me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm so lucky to have you. I love you so much." He said, as his tears soaked my shoulder. I rubbed his back comfortingly.

"You deserve so much more. Your not a fag Kurt. Your a wonderful person who deserves everything you get. Your not lucky to have me, I'm lucky to have you. I will protect you at all cost because I don't know what I would do without you by my side." I told him. "I love you so much more." He pulled away and kissed me. I kissed him back as his tears mixed in with the kiss. I love him so much it hurt. I wasn't lying when I said I would protect him. I will protect him even if it puts my life on the line because he is my soulmate and I don't want him hurt. 

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