I Missed Us

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I've been a mess ever since Kurt broke up with me. Everyone's worried, but I just don't care anymore. I lost the love of my life, and now I just feel like I'm floating with him. It's like I have no purpose anymore. I barely eat anymore. Your lucky if I eat once a day. I barely show up to glee practice anymore because it reminds me too much of Kurt. Sam keeps telling me that I'll get over him and find someone better soon, and believe me, I've tried. I been on dates and to bars and on all the dating sites. No one is as good as Kurt.

"Hey Blaine," Sam said as I walked to my locker.

"Hi Blainey-Days," Tina called. I didn't reply to them. I just wanted to get this day over with so I could go home. "How are you doing?" I turned to her.

"You ask me that everyday Tina! The answer's never gonna change! I'm doing horrible! Can't you just leave me alone?!" I yelled causing everyone in the halls to stare as they walked by.

"Blaine we care about you," Sam said putting a hand on my shoulder. I took a step back so his hand fell down. "We just want you to be okay."

"Ya, well I'm not okay. I haven't been okay since Kurt left me." I grabbed my books and started to walk to my first class. Sam and Tina followed to stop me. "What!"

"We want to show you something," Tina said as she started to pull me in the opposite direction. I groaned but allowed her to pull me along with her as Sam walked beside me.

Kurt's POV:

I miss him. I miss him so much. I don't know why I broke up with him. Yes he cheated on me, but I was there for him when he needed me, so it wasn't all his fault. I can't live without him anymore. My life has no meaning to it without Blaine. Blaine is my life. That's why I called Sam and Tina. I was going to meet up with Blaine at McKinley, and Tina and Sam were going to bring him to me. They said he wasn't doing good after the break up anyway. They think him seeing me will be good for him.

"Hello?" Tina answered through the phone.

"Hey Tina. I'm at McKinley right now."

"Okay, I see Blaine coming in now. I'll bring him to the choir room to see you." I rolled my eyes as she hung up without saying goodbye. Typical Tina. I walked to the choir room and waited for Tina and Sam to bring Blaine to me.

Once I heard the door open I shot my head in that direction. I saw Tina walk in first, dragging in Blaine behind her. I look at him to see he was wearing a hoodie and skinny jeans. That was definitely not his usual attire. He did look so good either. He was way skinnier than last time I had seen him, and he wasn't smiling a bit. His hair was free of gel and it was everywhere. He hadn't even tried to do anything with it. Blaine looked like a whole different person. Once he saw me his eyes instantly filled with tears.

"No. No, I can't do this," he said running past Sam and out of the room.

"Blaine wait!" Sam yelled following Blaine out. My eyes filled with tears as he ran out. Had I done all that to him. He was barely recognizable anymore. He wasn't happy either, I could tell.

"Sorry Kurt. He just needs a minute," Tina told me.

"How long has he been like that?" I asked her. She knew what I was talking about.

"Ever since the breakup. He came to school the next day with no hair gel and an outfit similar to that on. He didn't eat lunch that day, and he hasn't eaten lunch since. I don't even know if he's eating at all. He just not himself Kurt. He misses you." I can't believe I did all this to him.

"I can't believe it. I cause him all this pain. It's my fault," I said in a whisper. Tina looked at me with pity.

"No Kurt. It didn't work out between you to then. How he handled it wasn't on you. He doesn't know how to handle this, and that is not your fault. But once you guys make up you can help him," she said, enveloping me in a hug. A few tears fell on her shoulder as I cried silently. "It's okay Kurt."

"Hey Kurt, he's ready to see you." I looked up from Tina's shoulder to see Sam, with Blaine behind him, avoiding eye contact with me. I pulled away from Tina and went over to them.

"Will give you a minute alone," Tina said and headed out the door as she pulled Sam with her. Once they closed the door I looked over to Blaine.

"Blaine, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I miss you. It was a mistake to break up with you and I'm sorry," I said as tears ran down my cheeks silently. He still didn't look up at me.

"Blaine please, say something," I said desperately. A sob came out of his mouth and he ran into my arms. He continued to cry as I wrapped my arms securely around him. His tears soaked my chest as mine went into his curls.

"It's okay baby. I'm here now," I told him comfortingly.

"I-I missed you so much Kurt," Blaine cried against my chest.

"I missed you too baby," I replied as I kissed the top of his head. I pulled away and grabbed his hand, smiling at him. We both wiped away are remaining tears. "I love you so much. I never stopped loving you," I said as I brought my lips closer to his. I stopped just centimeters away from his face.

"God, I love you so much," Blaine said as he connected are lips hungrily. I smirk against his lips and kissed him back. I missed the taste of coffee and cinnamon on his lips. It was addicting. I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance. His lips immediately parted. A moaned came from his lips as my tongue went into his mouth. I backed him up against the nearest wall. I moved my lips down to his neck and collar bone. He wrapped his fingers in my hair and moaned deeply as I kiss the sensitive spot right were his neck and shoulder met. "Kurt," he moaned. I smiled against his neck. I pulled away after a few minutes. The frown on Blaine's face when I did was priceless.

"Come on, let's go to my house," Blaine said to me. I looked at him skeptical.

"Don't you have classes?"

"Ya." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the choir room. "I can ditch," he laughed at my surprised face. Tina and Sam were there when we got out of the choir room.

"Kurt, why is your hair all messed up?" Sam asked cluelessly. Tina just laughed at my appearance.

"So you guys are all good now?" She asked looking down at are hands.

"Yep," Blaine responded with a smile

"Good. I'm so glad to see you happy again Blainey-Days."

"Thanks, both of you, for doing this. I will never forget it. You brought us back together. You made me happy again. I love you guys." Blaine had tears in his eyes, but they were happy tears. He let go of my hand as his friend hugged him tightly.

"We love you too dude," Sam said as they all huddled together. Once they parted Blaine took my hand in his again.

"Now if you don't mind I'm taking my boyfriend home," I said to Sam and Tina as I lead Blaine out of the building. A blush spread across his cheeks. I turned to him as have him a quick kiss when we got outside. "I love you Blaine."

"I love you too Kurtie." I smile at his nickname for me. We got in his car and he drove me to his house. I'm so happy came to see him. I'll never regret it. I grabbed Blaine's hand over the console. I wanted to be with him, fearlessly and forever. 

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