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A/N  I hope you like this story. I'm running out of ideas so please comment some if you want some more Klaine one shots. I'll glad write them for you guys. Enjoy  :)

Kurt's POV:

I awoke to the sound of of phone ringing beside me. I grabbed it as I sat up, trying to wake up a little. I looked at my phone to see Blaine pop up on my screen. Why was he calling me this late? We had school tomorrow. Why was he even up? I clicked the accept button and held it up to my ear.

"Blaine why are you calling me this late?" I asked a little frustrated. I need my beauty sleep.

"Am I bothering you? Forget it you should sleep." He said through the phone. His voice sounded weird, raspy. He kept sniffling too.

"Blaine are you okay? Is something the matter?" I asked, now concerned about him.

"Well... it started to thunder a while ago," he started. That's when I noticed the loud thunder coming every few seconds. It was also pouring out. "I'm well... I'm not a big fan of thunderstorms."

"Wait, Blaine are you scared?" I asked him.

"It's just that I'm here alone and— Ya. I'm terrified Kurt. I hate thurderstorms. They're just so loud and--" He stopped mid sentence as a loud boom a thunder sounded from outside. I heard him yelp through the phone. I couldn't believe he was scared of the thunder. It was somewhat adorable.

"Your alone? Where are your parents, and Cooper?" I asked him. Why did they always leave him alone all the time? I mean I knew Cooper was busy a lot, but his parents shouldn't leave him alone at night.

"I have no clue where my parents are. Cooper had to go to L.A. for a commercial. I wouldn't have called if Coop was here. He usually helps me." He said in the phone between sniffles. "Kurt I need you. Can you just come to my house? Please."

"Of course I will. I'll be right there Blaine. Hang tight." I told him.

"Thanks Kurt. I love you."

"I love u too." I put my phone down and changed into some sweats quickly. I ran out of my bedroom and went to grab my keys. Soon I was out the door and on my way to Blaine's. The thunder got louder and more violent as time passed. All I could think about was Blaine, all alone in his gigantic house, crying every time thunder struck. The thought broke my heart. I raced to his house, getting there in under 10 minutes.

When I arrived, I knocked on the door and soon it opened to reveal Blaine. He looked adorable in his pajamas, but his hair was messy, as if he'd been pulling at it. He had dark bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept at all and there were tears rolling down his cheeks. Suddenly, a loud boom of thunder struck and Blaine jumped. I pushed him inside and closed the door behind me.

"Hey Blaine. How are you doing?" I asked. He just jumped into my arms and cried silently on my shoulder. I never thought Blaine would be so scared of thunderstorms. He was always so strong. "It's gonna be okay. It's just thunder." I told him reassuringly. When thunder boomed outside he jumped up in my arms, scared of the loud noise. I just rubbed his back trying to comfort him. I brought him over to the couch and sat him down. I sat down near him and laid back, bringing him with me. He buried his head in my chest as he tried to block out the thunder. He still jumped a little every time thunder struck. I ran my hands through his hair in attempt to calm him. "It's gonna be okay. I'm right here." I told him. He gripped my shirt in his hands as he listened to the thunder outside. "Kurt, its too loud." he looked up at me with tear filled eyes. He jumped again as the thunder was heard from outside. It seemed to be getting louder and louder, still.

"How about we put on a movie or something. Maybe it'll distract you from the thunder." He nodded his head, so I got up to go get a movie.

"Can we watch the little mermaid?" He asked shyly. I laughed.

"Sure we can." I said to him. I grabbed the movie that was right in front and put it in. Thunder struck again and Blaine whimpered a little.

"Kurt," he cried. "Kurt, hurry up." I sat back on the couch quickly and pressed play, putting the volume all the way up. Maybe it would help Blaine tune out the thunder outside. Blaine cuddled into my side as soon as I sat down. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close to me. He rested his head on my shoulder as he focused his attention on the movie. The movie must have worked because soon he was fast asleep. I looked at my phone to see it was about 4 in the morning. I only had a few hours of sleep and would only get about two more. It was okay though. I would help Blaine if it meant me getting zero sleep. Soon I feel asleep along with Blaine.


"Kurt!" I heard someone say as they shook me. I groaned. "Kurt come on. Wake up!" The person yelled. I opened my eyes to see Blaine staring down at me. "It's already six-thirty Kurt. Go get ready.You have some clothes in my closet from last time." I got up and got ready. As soon as I was done I meet Blaine in his massive kitchen. "Kurt you looked exhausted." Blaine acknowledged as I came into the kitchen. I nodded at him, confirming that I was extremely tired. "Baby I'm so sorry I bothered you last night. You didn't have to come. I would have been fine." he told me.

"You needed me Blaine. I wasn't going to leave you all alone in this house to suffer through your fear. I love you too much. I will always be here when you need me. Losing a little sleep is fine with me as long as I can help you through whatever your going through." I said as I smiled up at him.

"Thanks for being there for me Kurt. I love you."

"I love you more."

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