New School /part one/

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Blaine's POV:

I awoke to my alarm going off. I looked over to see it was 6:30 am. Today was my first day at McKinnely High. It was a little overwhelming since it will be the first time in a while that I will be in public school, but I was excited. I could be in the same school as my soul mate. I jumped out of bed and threw on some red capri pants and a black polo shirt. I put on a red and white striped bow tie and put it on around my neck. I also grabbed my yellow pair of sunglasses and hung them on my belt loop. I put on my shoes and head out the door with my keys in my hands. I grabbed my black hoodie just in case. I was smiling like a crazy person. Kurt was going to be so happy.

Once I arrived at the school I hopped out of my car and grabbed my book bag. I headed towards the entrance with a skip in my step. It was hard to contain my excitement. I just couldn't wait to see Kurt's face when he saw me.
I planned on surprising him by auditioning for glee club during lunch period. I had already ask the director, Mr Shue, if I could do that and surprise Kurt and he said it was. He will be there to see me sing at lunch. Until then I would just have to hide from Kurt. That wouldn't be easy. Everyone would be talking about the me, the new kid.
Once I got to the enterance I stopped for a moment, and took a deep breath. I pushed the doors open as I walked into the building as confident as ever. I wasn't going to let the bullies chase me away this time. I looked at all the kids at their lockers or running down the hallways. I missed this.
"Umm, excuse me. Can you tell me where the office is?" I asked a girl who passed by me. She was very tall, especially near my small height, and had short blonde hair. She was wearing a red track suit. She squinted her eyes at me before she replied to me.
"Who are you?" She asked. I noticed when kids walked by they all avoided eye contact with her.
"Blaine Anderson. Im new here." I told her as I stuck my hand out for her to shake. She started at my extended hand.
"It's that way bow tie." She told me as she pointed behind her. She called me bow tie. Weird.
"Thanks!" I yelled behind her as she walked away. Some people stared at me, causing me to blush from embarrassment. I walked in the direction she had pointed me to. I looked at all the doors I passed until I seen one that said "office" above it. I knocked on the door lightly. I heard someone yell "come in" and I turned the knob and pushed the door open.
"Hello." I said I as I walked in.
"Ah you must be Mr Anderson." Said the guy sitting at the desk. I nodded my head. "I'm the principal here at McKinnely. My names Mr Figgins. I have your schedule here along with a map of the school. I hope you don't mind but your in most senior classes since your studies at Dalton we're highly advanced." I smiled at him.
"That's okay. Nice to meet you Mr Figgins." I said as I extended my hand out. This time the person actually shook my hand.
"You have very good manners Mr Anderson. It's nice to see here." He said. "Your locker number is written on your schedule. Have fun here at McKinnely. You can come to me with any problems."
"Thank you so much sir." I said, taking the schedule. I walked out of the room and walked around trying to find my locker number. I really hoped I wasn't in any of Kurt's classes in the morning. It would ruin everything. I looked around hopelessly trying to find my locker. I groaned as I looked around. Everyone just walked by me not paying me much attention. I looked by down at the map the principal gave me. I furrowed my eyebrows confused as to where I was suppose to be.
"Need some help?" I looked up to see the glee club director, Mr Shue.
"Thank god." I sighed as I seen him. "I definitely need help. No one would stop to help." He laughed at my acknowledgment.
"Kids here aren't as helpful." He said as he smiled warmly. He made me feel welcome here. "Were are you headed to?" He asked.

"I'm trying to find my locker actually." I said as I showed him my locker number. He looked at the number I pointed to and started to walk.
"Follow me." He said.

"Hey have you seen Kurt anywhere? I can't let him see me."
"I haven't seen him yet today." He said as we walked side by side. We continued walking to my locker.

"Do you know what classes he has? They put me in some of the senior classes. It hard to hide from him if we're in the same class." I said as I laughed slightly.

"Well I know he was Sp-" he stopped suddenly. He stood in front of me and hide my small figure completely.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Kurt coming." He whispered back. My eyes widened as I hide the best I could behind the teacher. He walked passed us with out even noticing. He waved hi to Mr Shue as he passed. "That was close." Mr Shue said. I laughed as I agreed. "So as I was saying I know he has Spanish first. That what I teach. After that he goes to History class, but I don't know his others."
"Thanks." I said. We got to my locker and I opened it up. I put my bag in there and grabbed some of my books.
"It's really nice that Kurt finally has someone like you. I've known him for a while and he wasn't the most happy kid out there. Now he's so cheery and really himself." I smiled and nodded. "What class do you have first?" He asked. "I can tell you how to get there."
"Let me check." I paused for a moment as I looked down at my schedule. My eyes widened. "Spanish." I told him as I bit my lip.
"Hurry up. We still have 10 minutes till class starts. If we get there early no one else will be there. You can sit in the very back. Kurt will never notice." He said rushing me. I quickly grabbed my books and followed him.

"I hope your right." I sighed. I really didn't want to ruin this surprise. Other then Spanish I didn't have any classes with him before lunch. I had a junior class next and then senior history class, then lunch.
We walked into the class room and I ran to the back of the room. I put my books down and grabbed my black hoodie I grabbed this morning. I put it on and pull the hood on so you couldn't see my face. I looked over at Mr Shue and gave him a thumbs up, asking if I looked okay. He gave me thumbs up back, telling me I was good. I sat back in my chair and waited for the rest of the class to arrive.
At lunch time I waited in a corner near the top of the stairs outside. I saw Kurt sit outside at the tables with his friends to eat lunch so this is where I was going to preform. The band members met me here with there equipment.

"Ready?" I asked them. They all nodded. I pull the hood over my face again and and walked out of the corner so people could see me. My hood was pulled over so you wouldn't be able to recognize my face. I went down the stairs with the band members behind me. Once we got to the bottom of the stairs everyone was watching us. They had all seen me, but almost all of them how had seen me had only seen my with my hoodie on. Barley anyone had seen my face. I looked for Kurt and seen him in the same sat with his friends, who I had meet before, eating his lunch. I took a deep breath and turned to the band members. They gave me a thumbs up and I went over to me Shue who was with the Kurt and his friends, standing near there table. I pulled him to the side.

"Are we good?" I asked him. He looked around and check all the equipment and nodded.

"Good luck." He told me as he patted my shoulder.

"Thanks." I said. I was suddenly really nervous. I was going to need the luck. The whole glee clubs eyes were on me as I walked back up the stairs to the top. I stood in the middle with Cheerios behind me. I looked to each of my sides and nodded at them. They nodded back so I knew they were ready. I unzipped my hoodie and took it off, whipping it to Mr Shue who caught it. He gave me a reassuring smile. I started singing and dancing to the lyrics.

It's not unusual to be loved by anyone

It's not unusual to have fun with anyone

But when I see you hanging about with anyone

It's not unusual to see me cryI wanna die
It's not unusual to go out at any time

But when I see you out and about it's such a crime

If you should ever want to be loved by anyone
It's not unusualit happens every day
no matter what you sayYou'll find it happens all the time
Love will never do
what you want it toWhy can't this crazy love be mine?

I stopped singing and did the rehearsed dance with one of the Cheerios as the rest danced behind and around us.

It's not unusual to be mad with anyone
It's not unusual to be sad with anyone

But if I ever find that you've changed at anytime

It's not unusual to find out I'm in love with you
Oh woh woh woh woh woh wohOh wohOh wohOh wohOh woh
As I finished the song I was breathing heavy.

"Welcome to glee club!" I heard Mr Shue yell. Every single person that was outside erupted in applause. All except one. I payed little attention to that person. I looked over at Kurt and he was staring at my, shocked. I smiled at him and gestures with my hand for him to come over. People claps started to subside as he ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and spun him around in a circle. He giggled as I put him down.
"I can believe your here." I kissed his cheek
"I wanted to be here with you." I smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too Kurtie." He smiled at the nickname. I grabbed his hand and we walked back into the building to finish the day off.

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