Fire at Dalton

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Kurt's POV:

I was at home, sitting on the couch reading a Vogue magazine while my dad watched football My phone started buzzing, indicating I had gotten a text message. I looked at my phone to see Blaine's name on the screen. The text read 'Hey Kurt, it's  Wes. Call me when you get this.' Why did Wes have Blaine's phone? I clicked the call button and held the phone to my ear. Wes answered right away. 

"Hello, Kurt?"
"It's Blaine. He's in the hospital."
"Why? Oh my god is he okay? I'll be right there." I hung up the phone and turned to my dad. "I'm going to see Blaine. He's in the hospital." I told him. Before he could answer, I ran out the door with my keys in my hands. I sped to the hospital, thankful that no cops pulled me over. 

Once I arrived I ran into the building and up to the front desk. "Blaine Anderson?"

"Room 204." the lady told me. I ran up the stairs, figuring it would be faster than the elevator. I ran up to the second floor and down the hall until I found room 204. I opened the door quietly, in case Blaine was sleeping, and I went in. The first thing I saw was all the Warblers, and some other kids from Dalton. The room was full of kids. Most had bandages some place on their bodies. They all had messy hair, and some even had black marks on their faces. Then I looked over to where everyone's attention was, and saw Blaine. He was laying in the hospital bed, eyes close, and his right arm and some of his chest was wrapped up in bandages. He too had some black marks on his face. 

"Whats going on? What happened?" I asked the crowd of kids in the room. They all turned their heads towards me.

"Kurt," Wes started. "There was a fire, at Dalton."

"No. No, this can't be happening," I said in a whisper. Did he get caught in the fire? Why was no one else extremely hurt like like Blaine? 

"Blaine helped some kids get out when he was getting out of the building, but he went back in to get Jeff and David. They were still in the building. They had gotten trapped in their dorm room," Wes stated. He stopped because he couldn't say anymore. He looked close to tears.  

"He knocked down the door of our dorm," David started. "He pulled Jeff off the floor and he carried him to some of the fire fighters that were in the hall." I looked up to see Jeff, who was in crutches. I remembered Blaine telling me about that. "Then he helped me. I was coughing so much I could barely breath. He was helping me walk out, but the ceiling collapsed above us. Blaine pushed me out of the way. It ended up falling on his right side." A tear rolled down David's cheek and some of the warblers comforted him. 

"He's a hero," Jeff spoke up. "He got other kids out too, not just me and David." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I listened to all the kids. Blaine had gotten most of them out of the building, risking his own life. Blaine had done all that. He was so brave and courageous. I walked up to his hospital bed and brought up a chair. I sat near him and took his hand in mine.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked, praying it wasn't serious. Everyone looked at each other, not saying a word. "Please, someone tell me." David ran out of the room in tears.

"They said it's bad. When the ceiling collapsed, he hit his head. They don't know if he'll even wake up. If he does, there's only a 40 percent change he'll be able to walk again. The ceiling hit his spine. He has bad burns on his back and arm from when the ceiling collapsed," One of the Dalton Kids said to me, I think his name was Nick. "He doesn't deserve this." I heard the same kid whisper. 

Soon all of the kids left, seeing as it was 10:30 pm. I stayed. I stayed all night, hoping Blaine would wake up.

I woke up to screaming. I looked up to see Blaine awake, but he was the one screaming

"Blaine? Blaine whats wrong?" I asked him, grabbing his hand. He didn't answer. Soon nurses came barging in, probably because they heard Blaine's screams. They pushed me out of the room and closed the door. What was wrong with him? Was he really in that much pain? The Dalton kids were right, he didn't deserve this. I slid down the wall outside Blaine's room as tears rolled down my cheeks. 

Soon the nurses came out of his room and I stood up. 

"It looks like he was in an intense amount of pain from his burns," She told me. "We gave him some medication or it. You can go see him now. He's awake." After she finished I ran into the room to see Blaine. He had his eyes closed and a pained expression on his face.

"Blaine?" I called out to him. His eyes opened and he looked at me.

"Kurt?" he chocked out. I went up to his bedside and held his hand. 

"I'm right here baby. Your  okay," I told him reassuringly. He closed his eyes again and squeezed my hand.

"It hurts Kurt." When he said this it broke my heart. I couldn't help him. If I could I would take all the pain away, but I can't.

"I know Blaine. Your so brave. You saved so many people without thinking of yourself once." He smiled. "I love you so much. I'll be right here until you get out of this hospital."

"Thanks Kurt," he said and looked up at me again. "I love you too." Blaine scooted over and patted the spot next to him. I climbed over and patted the spot next to him. I climbed in the bed, being careful not to touch his right side. He cuddled into my side and closed his eyes with his head on my shoulder. Soon I heard quiet snores coming from his lips. I kissed his forehead and whispered "I love you" to him before slowly drifting off to sleep with him in my arms. Hopefully, he'd get better soon. I hated seeing him in so much pain.

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