New School /part two/

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Blaine's POV:

At the end of the day I walked out of my last period classroom and looked around for Kurt. He had been meeting me at the door when I ended class so he could help me around. I barely knew the building so he wanted to help me. As I looked around I didn't see him anywhere. I walked down the hallway thinking he would just meet up with me. I ended up getting lost, still not seeing Kurt around. I seen Rachel walk by and I yelled to her.

"RACHEL!" I yelled holding she would stop. I had already meet Kurt friends before so I knew her well. They all liked me, except for Finn. Rachel's head spun around to meet my gaze.

"Oh what's up Blaine." She asked turning back to me.

"Have you seen Kurt. He was suppose to meet me at my last period." I asked her. She thought for a moment.

"I just saw him in class but I don't know what he did after that." She told me. "I can help you find your way around if you need it."

"Thanks so much. I'm trying to find my locker." I told her the locker number and she smiled.

"Your lockers right near mine." She said excitedly. I smiled back at her and she grabbed my hand and lead the way. We arrived and put my books away in my bad and put it over my shoulder. "Ok come on." She said. "Let's go find Kurt." She said grabbing my hand again. She dragged me through the halls.

"Rachel slow down." I said as I almost tripped. She was walking a little to fast for me.

"Oh sorry." She slowed down a little and let my hand go. "Maybe I should call him." She said as she took out her phone. I watched as she clicked on Kurts contact and held it up to her ear. Soon we heard a phone ring. Kurt phone. He was close. When he didn't answer I got worried. Rachel and I followed the sound of Kurts phone we had heard before. It took us to Kurt, but not just Kurt. Kurt was being beat up by no other than Karafsky. My blood boiled as I saw him on my Kurt.

"Hey!!" I yelled walking over there. Rachel stayed away, in shock. Karofsky stopped punching Kurt and looked over at me.

"What do we have here. Another fairy." He said walking over to me. I charged at him, ramming into his stomach and we both fell to the ground. I fell on top of him. I started punching his face as Rachel ran up to Kurt.

"Never. Touch. Kurt. Again." I said in between punches. He pushed me off of him causing me to fall to the side. He got up and grabbed my shirt collar, pulling me up with him. He threw me to the ground again. I landed a couple feet away from him. As I went down, I got my head in the hard ground. I got up right away, but I stumbled a little, feeling dizzy. I looked over at Kurt who was watching me along with Rachel. I looked back at Karafsky who was right in front of me now. My eyes started to unfocus as I stared at him. He raised his fist and punched me and I stumbled back a little, but I didn't punch back. Everything started to become blurry as I looked around.

"Why isn't he doing anything?" I heard Kurt whisper to Rachel.

"Giving up already Anderson?" Karofsky asked, smirking. Suddenly everything sounded like it was under water. Karofsky gave me one last punch as I fell to the ground. I heard Kurt yell my name before everything went black.

Kurt's POV:

Blaine fell to the ground with Karofskys last punch. He wasn't fighting back. Something was wrong. He hit his hit again as he crashed to the floor.

"Blaine!" I screamed as I saw him black out. "Look what you did you Neanderthal. His unconscious." I ran up to him with Rachel behind me. I looked at Blaine on the ground. Tears came to my eyes. He was defending me. It was my fault. I ran to Karofsky. "Your such a hypocrite. You kiss me then you roam the halls calling people like me fags. I can't see anyone ever loving you." I said to him as I walked back to Rachel. She was knelt near Blaine with tears in her eyes.

"We need to get the nurse." She said to me. I nodded and ran down the hall to the nurses office. I bathed into her office.

"Nurse I need you right now. My boyfriends unconscious in the hallway." I yelled running back out. She followed me through the halls until we reached Blaine again. Karofsky was gone, but that was the least of my worries. The nurse ran over to him and check his pulse. It was strong.

"Can you pick him up?" She asked. I nodded and knelt down to Blaine putting my arms under his knees and back. I lifted him, following the nurse to her office. Rachel was right beside us. When we I got there I rested Blaine on the bed thing in the nurses offices and she check him out.

"He looks fine, just a few bruises and he may have a concussion, but I doubt it. He should wake up soon." She told me. I sat down on the bed thing with Rachel as we waited for him to come to. I sighed. He was a little too protective sometimes. He rarely thought of himself. Most of the time it wasn't good. I killed me seeing him like this.

Soon enough I heard a groan come from Blaine's mouth. Rachel and I both snapped our heads to Blaine to see him sitting up. I grabbed him arm and helped him.

"Hey Blaine. How do you feel?" Rachel asked him.

"I'm fine,"He told us. "Just a little dizzy." I nodded at him.

"I'm so sorry Blaine." I said looking down. Blaine's stuck a finger under my chin to lift my head up.

"Its not your fault Kurt. It's Karofsky's. He did this to me, not you. I love you Kurt."

"If he wasn't bullying me you wouldn't have stepped in."

"Kurt, I will always protect you. That is a promise I made when I asked you to be my boyfriend. I will not let the person I love get hurt if I can do something about it."

"I love you to Blaine." I said. I leaned in and kissed him. He was the best boyfriend ever.

"Awww. You guys are to cute." Rachel said gushing over the moment we were having.

"Thanks for ruining the moment Rachel." I rolled my eyes. I turned to Blaine and smiled. I really did love him.  

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