Fire At Dalton /part two/

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nerdgirl0416 Requested a part 2. Hope you enjoy :)

Blaine's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining in the room. I've been in the hospital for a couple days now, as my burns healed, along with a bad concussion I had. The doctor told me about the risks I had had. My legs were working fie and I was up and about. They did have some sharp pain sometimes, as they healed from the collapsed ceiling, but they said I was lucky I was even walking. They said I could get out of here and go home today. I was going to go to Kurt's because he wanted to look after me until he knew I was good as new.

Kurt had never left my side once. I was so lucky to have him. He would hold my hand through all the pain I was feeling, and was there for me every second of everyday. I looked over at him. He was laying on the chair by my hospital bed, fast asleep. His head rested on the edge of the bed as he slept. I told him he could sleep on the bed, but he refused. He didn't want to kick me or something while I was sleeping because he was afraid he'd hurt me. It was sweet but I wanted him to cuddle with me at night. I told him I was fine but he just refused to sleep in my hospital bed with me. I shook his sleeping body lightly, knowing it would wake him up He was a very light sleeper. Me, on the other hand, you couldn't wake me if there was a tornado outside. He picked his head up as his eyes slowly opened.

"Is something wrong? Do you need something?" he asked me. His voice was raspy because he had just woken up, which was very sexy. I smiled.

"No," I said simply. He looked at me questionably. "I was bored." He just smiled at me. "I'm getting out of here today right?" i asked him to make sure I was remembering right. He nodded at me. "Thank god!" I said dramatically. "It's like a prison in here." He laughed at me.

"It's not that bad," he said. I just stared at him. "Okay fine, it's bad," he claimed.

"When can I leave. I wanna go now," I whined. He smiled at me.

"Your like a 5 year-old, Blaine," he told me. I smirked.

"But I'm a cute 5 year-old," I told him.

He sighed. "I can't lie with that." I laughed. He gave me a quick kiss as he got up. "I'll go check with the nurse to see when you can leave," he told me before he turned to leave the room . I watched his butt move as he walked out the door. I couldn't wait to go home with Kurt. He looked so good in his sweats with his hair messed up from sleep. I could just imagine what we could do at his house. I started to feel the hospital gown rise off my thighs as I thought of some not-so-innocent thoughts of Kurt. Kurt came back in the room smiling.

"They said your clear to go now." I smiled.

"Yes!" I screamed as I jumped up in the bed. Kurt laughed at my childishness.He walked over to me to help me out of the bed. Once I got out I saw Kurt's eyes travel down my body. I blushed, embarrassed of the boner I had. Kurt smirked at me.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked me mischievously. My face became even redder, if that was possible.

"Um... nothing," I said rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. Kurt just laughed, finding this amusing. "It's not funny. If you didn't look so good I wouldn't have this problem," I told him angrily. He just smiled at me.

"Why don't you go get dressed so we can head home," he told me. I nodded and grabbed my clothes, and turned around to head to the restroom connected to the hospital room. Kurt smacked my butt as I walked past him. I looked back at him and he was smirking devilishly at me. "What?" He looked at me innocently. "It's not my fault you have a cute ass." I blushed again as I went into the bathroom. Kurt would be the death of me.

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