Blaine's Dad

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Kurt's POV:

I came home from work and walked into the apartment Blaine and I lived in. When I looked around I saw just how messed up the apartment was. Things were everywhere and pillows and cushion from the couch were thrown across the room. Were we robbed or something? Then I heard loud noises and screaming coming from our bedroom. I ran over to the room hurriedly. I opened the door quickly and I was meet with the sight of Blaine. He was throwing stuff across our room and breaking things. He was a wreak. He was crying like crazy and screaming at nothing as he ruined the bedroom.

"Blaine?! Blaine what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at him. He turned to face me with a blank expression.

"No! No! Get out! Get away from me!" He screamed at me as he pulled at his curls.

"Blaine please, what's going on with you?!" I asked raising my voice. I had never seen him like this before. He kept shaking his head and pulling at his hair. I walked up to him slowly, trying to not get him to freak out. Once he noticed me getting closer he screamed.

"Leave me alone!" He ran pass me and out of the room. I sprinted after him.

"Blaine stop! What's wrong?! Why are you acting like this?!" I followed him back out into the living room. His tears started to go down his cheeks like waterfalls and a sob escaped his lips. He punched the wall in front off him, making a hole in the wall. He fell to the ground right then and there and started to cry hysterically. I ran over to him and sat on the floor, wrapping my arms around him. He cried and cried nonstop as I just did my best to comfort him.

"Why him? Why did it have to happen to him?!" He said between his cries. His hand went into fist as he punched my chest over and over again. I just let him, because he needed to calm down and it didn't really hurt at all.

"It's aright Blaine. Just calm down."

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down?!" He yelled at me, pulling away from my embrace. "And no, it's not alright! How can things be alright when I just found out my dad is dead?!" He cried. I looked at him shocked. His dad was dead? How did that happen?

"Blaine, honey, what happened?" I asked cautiously. I didn't want him to act out again.

"Nonononononono!" He murmured. "He... no—" Blaine couldn't even get a sentence out when he started to cry again. "Kurt," he called in a broken voice. I wrapped my arms around him securely.

"Shh. I'm right here. It's gonna be okay baby," I reassured him as he cried.

"He was shot Kurt. Somebody shot him in the head. He had no chance of surviving. He's g-gone," Blaine said in a quiet voice, but I still heard him.

"I'm so sorry honey, but it'll be alright. Your dad's in a better place now." He nodded against my chest.

"I'm sorry about the mess," he apologized and looked around at the mess he had cause.

"It's okay. I'm not mad," I told him. "Do you want to be alone or something?" I asked, not knowing if he wanted to greave on his own. He shook his head quickly.

"Please d-don't leave me. I don't think I can deal with that." He said as he held onto me tightly. I nodded and held him close to me.

"I won't leave you. I'll always be here." He nodded against me. "Come one, let's get you off the floor and in bed. It's a little late anyways," I told him as as I stood up. He stood up along with me and I lead him into the bedroom. I cleaned up the room a little and laid Blaine on the bed. I laid next to him and he instantly grabbed onto me.

"I miss him so much," Blaine said as he started to sob again. I wrapped my arms around him and kept him close to me as he cried his heart out. I knew what he was going through, because I had lost my mom. It hurt like hell to lose a parent so I was going to be there for him anyway I could. I stroked his hair back and rubbed his back up and down as he cried. It broke my heart to see him so upset.

"What do you need me to do? Do you want anything?" I asked once he stopped crying. He shook his head.

"Can you just... hold me?" I smiled sadly at him.

"Of course I can." I brought him as close as possible and wrapped my arms around his waist. He laid his head on my chest and his legs entangled with mine. "It's going to be okay baby. The pain your feeling will ease soon enough," I told him.

"I don't think it will ever go away. I feel like my heart was ripped out and stomped on," he said sadly. I kissed his forehead gently.

"Trust me. You'll be okay. It hurts now, I know, but the pain will get better as time goes on."

"Thanks Kurt, for being here for me," he said as he cried silent tears. "I don't know what I'd do if I had lost you instead."

"I'm right here Blaine. I'm not going anywhere." He held onto me tightly. "Just get some rest, okay? All the crying and messing up the house wore you out." Soon he was asleep in my arms. I stayed with him the whole night. I wasn't gonna let him be alone at a time like this. I wanted him to know that he had me to lean on. 

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