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Kurt's POV:

When I woke up I felt something wet running down my legs. I pulled the covers off of me to see blood. Lots of blood, coming from between my legs. I started to panic. I was pregnant and bleeding was never good. I looked to my side to see a sleeping Blaine. I started to shake him to attempt to get him to wake up.

"Blaine wake up," I said, shaking him as hard as I could. He started to shift in his sleep until he opened his eyes and sat up.

"What's up?" He asked me sleepily.

"Blaine, I'm bleeding, like a lot," I told him, looking down at my lap. Blaine's eyes followed my gaze and his eyes widened.

"Oh my god! That's a lot of blood," he said quickly. He was panicking too, I could tell. He got up quickly and helped me out of the bed. "We have to go to the hospital." He grabbed my hand with one hand and he other wrapped around my waist. He helped me get to the car and strapped me in before getting in himself.

He sped to the hospital and got there in under 5 minutes. Once we were there I got out of the car quickly and Blaine came over to me. We walked into the emergency and Blaine called out.

"We need some help over here!" He yelled. A nurse came over quickly with a doctor. They put me on a stretcher and wheeled me down the halls. Blaine followed as he held my hand. Soon they got me to a room, but Blaine couldn't go in. I heard him screaming to go in with me. He was stubborn sometimes, but I really wanted him with me too.

Blaine's POV:

"I need to be in there with him! Please!" I screamed as the doctors held me back.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't go in there. If you want to know what's wrong then you have to wait and be patient for him," the doctor said to me calmly. Soon I stopped fighting them and sat down in the waiting room. I couldn't stop thinking about the worst possible situations. I grabbed my phone and sent a group text to everyone who should know about this. They might want to come and see what's going on.

I sent a text to Burt, Carol, Finn, and Rachel. The text read 'Kurt is in the emergency room right now. He was bleeding a lot when he woke up. If you want to come see him we're in Lima Hospital.'

I immediately got texts back saying they were all on there way. I put my head in hands as I waited for the doctors to come get me. Every minutes felt like a year in the waiting room.

"Blaine?" I shot my head up to see Burt and Carol walking over to me with Finn and Rachel following closely behind. They ran to me and started asking all these questions at once. I couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Guys, one at a time," I said to them. They all stopped talking except for Burt.

"Is he okay? What about the baby?" I sighed.

"I don't know anything yet. They wouldn't let me in with him," I replied to his question. He nodded understandingly and they all sat down near me. Rachel put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"It'll be okay Blaine," she told me.

"You don't know that Rachel! Anything could be wrong. I could lose both of them!" I screamed. Everyone looked shocked. No one had time to react because the doctor came into the waiting room at that moment.

"Blaine Anderson?" He called out. I jump up from my seat and ran over to him.

"What's going on? Is Kurt okay? Is the baby okay?" I asked him quickly. He didn't have a happy look on his face.

"Your husband is just fine, but I'm sorry to tell you that there's no more baby. Your husband had a miscarriage," he told me sadly. I just stood there for a moment, taking it all in. Our baby was gone. I bursted into tears and fell to the ground. This can't be happening. I can't believe this is really happening. They all ran up to me and Finn got me off the ground. Rachel hugged me as I cried. My tears soaked her shoulder.

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