Chapter 6

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Everyone was silent in the arena. They can even hear the pin drop if they want to. It was quite. Everyone was afraid that a mere girl out of nowhere was challenging the Alpha who was known every were for not being his friendly shelf.

"I accept" Ronan said and Paige can feel the same irritation bubbling within her which she can feel whenever she is near him. She turn back and saw Ronan taking position in the arena. He slowly removed his black coat and opened the buttons of his shirt.

All the time his eyes never leaving her. She cannot help but feel a green monster nagging in back of her mind. He was her mate and only she was allowed to drool at him.

Ronan looked at her and smirked almost instantly. He knows how he effected her. Because certainly now her blue eyes were turning darker and he can see the lust buried deep inside them.

Paige felt annoyed that Ronan was so comfortably stripping in front of all female population. Maybe he is the man whore who knows. She felt disgusted as soon as that thought crossed her mind. A sense of betrayal washed over her. But little did she know that Ronan had only eyes for her and her wolf.

She felt Ronan shift into his Grey-black wolf. He was larger than other being an alpha. He had a white streak running along his back signaling that he is Royal now. An evidence of alliance to the Royal Alpha and Luna and the Monarchy also it symbolizes him as the Prince of the werewolf world now.

Paige felt the power radiating off him. But she was only looking at how beautiful his wolf was. She wanted to run her hands through his soft fur. She shook her head to clear her head of the Lustful thoughts. "Move" She commanded Carlin who was trying to get close to her mate.

She positioned herself in front of the wolf never breaking her eye contact. The green eyes of the wolf was accessing her but it also indicated that it was Ronan who was in control. He snarled at her pulling back his lips and showing his canines. They both circled each other. He jumped but she was ready for the impact. She pushed her hand forward holding his mouth and twisted his body so he fell with a thud.

A series of gasp were arose from all over the arena. Ronan stood up on all fours shaking his wolf head charging once again. He nipped her right arm signaling it was bitten. She knew she cannot use her arm now. They circled each other once again. He came on her again but she side stepped and he almost collided with the pillar.

He swiftly turned and jumped on her back trying to go for her neck but she was prepared. She landed on her back making Ronan yelp and let go. She turned swiftly and Hit him hard on stomach. He kicked her using his hind leg. She fell down and he pinned her swiftly using his body.

She thrashed as he gone for her neck. She felt the pressure leave her leg and she used it as an opportunity for attack and turn around the table. She twisted her legs around his neck and turned them so she was pinning him down. Ronan Shifted beneath him and their eyes met again blue to green.

They both were breathing hard and she was aware of his naked body pressing against hers. She can feel his hard body warming her and sending the jolt to the core. Someone cleared his throat and both their head snapped towards the person. They saw Xander was standing with Destiny and both are looking at them.

Paige was quick on her feet and she mumbled a little hello to Alpha and Luna and left in hurry out of Arena. She need some fresh air. She without thinking twice darted into the forest.

"Here" Xander threw something at Ronan who caught it swiftly. He pulled on the shorts and T-shirt. "Right now I want everyone to go and wait for the results." Ronan said and everyone dispersed without any second thought.

"quite a show Prince Ronan Luca Donovan" Xander said smiling at Ronan. "It is not prince yet. I Hate the title and I hate to be a part of Monarchy." Ronan said glaring Xander. Xander looked at him amused. "Oh brother apart from that you get beaten by that girl" Xander smiled. "He let himself get beaten" Destiny chimed in. "Always so much observant love" Xander said looking tenderly at Destiny. Ronan could not help but envy them.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Is there a reason you made it necessary to disturb the trials.?" Ronan asked distastefully.

Xander however chose to ignore the tone. "Yes it is brother, today we are having a royal ball and as a Crown Prince you have to attend." Ronan looked at Destiny pleadingly.

"It is necessary brother I cannot do a thing about this." Destiny replied looking down at her feet. "Oh yes you can, I will free of this responsibility when you give him an heir so why don't you just go and make babies or something and leave me alone" Ronan was annoyed that he didn't get to spent time with Paige.

He let her win, he cannot let her lose. Not in front of the crowd that will be happy to see her lose. But He was on other hand was proud of his mate. She was strong enough to hold on her own. But the thing that was eating him up was the fact that she was still not with him.

Destiny hugged him from behind taking Ronan by surprise. "I know how you feel brother. But you cannot make someone love you if they don't want to.

Even when you are mates. Stop punishing yourself like this. You have endured enough already Ron. I am seeing you like this for almost four years now. And it pains me that I cannot make you happy"

Ron understood that they only meant to make him happy. But they should know his happiness lies inside that girl. The girl he meant to be with.

The girl who does not acknowledge him even. Paige Morgan the girl he supposed to be with. The girl who was not his. But somehow he became hers. And He will be hers for rest of the life.

He closed his eyes taking a deep breath as her faint sweet scent made him relax. She smell like fresh rain and sunshine in cold morning.

His sunshine. His life. "I am not giving up on her this easily Sista" He said walking out with the royal couple.

Word Count: 1140 words

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