Chapter 17

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Paige stood up shocked. Was he speaking the truth? Or he was just lying to her. Can she be ever able to believe him? Can she be able to bare her heart and her true self to him? Was it even possible for her to love someone? She didn't knew the answer to these wandering questions.

"You can even put me on leash. I will do anything to show you little mate what you mean to me." Ronan said softly still bowing his head. She put her hands over his shoulder. The first contact. Shocks ran all over his body. He was enjoying his mate's touch.

"Please get up Alpha Donovan. You are my Alpha I cannot see you bowing down to me" She said softly. Ronan looked up wearily. "Yes I can because you are my mate and I will do anything for you. You are my Alpha in every sense. You are my master and I am always and will be just a slave"

A Slave the will worship you as his goddess, a Slave that will love you till eternity. A slave that will never disobey you, A slave that will put your wishes before him.

Paige was almost in tears. "Please don't say that. I am not that good. I do not deserve you as a mate. I do not deserve you" Paige turned around to run but he caught her effortlessly.

"Don't run away from me little mate my control is already thining and running away from me only make my wolf chase you." He said in a pained voice.

She turned around and sat down. "I can give us a chance I think but I don't want you to touch me. Do not question me about anything and do not stop me from doing anything unless it is really necessary as an alpha. But do not be biased the decision because you are my mate and want to protect me." He listened to all of it and then nodded.

"I agree to all of it. But can I do one thing?" Ronan asked. "What do you want to do?" She asked curiously.

"Can I announce you as my Luna? My pack and me need you. You do not have to be my mate just be my Luna for now on. That way I can have a little ease with maintaining my pack and well I can also do my Princely duties" He said with irritation.

That made her laugh. Ronan looked at her mesmerized. Her laugh was the most beautiful sound he ever heard. "You don't like the title too much do you?" She asked.

"Honestly little mate if Xander and Destiny did not have announced it I would have never suggested it anyway. I am happy as the Rogue king, the prince title does not suits me. I cannot help but wish that Destiny gets pregnant already. More work for them and less worry for me" Ronan said and that made her curious.

"You said you will take a mate for yourself so why didn't you?" Paige asked. "Because I already have one and she is all that I can ever ask for. I have you and I do not need anyone other than you ever little mate" she raised her eyebrow .

"How old are you again?" She asked. "Twenty four" He said playing with her hairs.

She glared at him but she didn't have the heart to tell him to let go. He looks content and calm. She likes this side of him much better. "you are three years older than me" She stated wanting to keep him talking. Somehow his voice became her addiction she wanted to keep hearing it all day long.

His other parts are addictive too want to try it?

Her wolf purred inside her head giving her all kinds of unholy images to think about. Specially his naked body over her. She blushed embarrassed by all the doings of her wolf. "I like it" Ronan said. "Like what?" She asked.

"The peace the serenity. I never actually been this much peaceful ever. And honestly it scares me." Paige sensed unease through their bond.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "I never seem to withhold the happiness Paige. That is after all my greatest curse. I am afraid now that I have found you. I may lose you and I do not want to go through it. I am afraid that something bad is going to happen. Something bad that no one has foreseen." He said looking at her.

His face held seriousness and his eyes held fear. The one of the fiercest alpha of the werewolf world was afraid of the stability of his life.

And only made Paige wonder what kind of fucked up life he must have to make him think that he cannot have a happy ending ever. The pain in his eyes was overwhelming. The uncertainty in his voice made her cold heart stair.

How could she have been so stupid? How could she not seen it before all the signs were there. He pushed her away not because she was not worthy of him but because he thought he never would be worthy of her.

He can never be the mate she wanted. He can never keep her happy and all those millions of insecurities he had in his heart and mind.

She knew how it felt to not be good enough. She knows how it can break a person and make them the shell of the person they were. That what was driven her to be this much cold towards everyone. Cold towards her mate because she did not wanted to be broken again.

And it driven her to train harder be the best and become feared among all. She did it to shield her hear from everyone. She did it to shield herself, her broken self from the world.

And the bitterness that slowly filled her heart made her push away only thing that can ever heal her. The thing that can give her peace and solace and make her comes term with the fact that it was alright to not be the strongest. It is alright not always want to fight until you are true to yourself you don't have to prove the to the world around you.

"You are too quite little mate" Ronan said looking at her guarded expression. Did he took it too far? Maybe he somehow made her rethink her decision and make her see that maybe he was not good enough for her. He was not good enough for her and she might going to reject him at this very moment.

"Ronan" she said softly testing the name on her lips. It was meant to be their and she knew it. "I decided" Ronan clench his fist bracing himself for the ultimate pain but instead a pleasure swept over him.

"I accept you and your Proposal. I accept You Alpha Ronan Luca Donovan as my mate" She said whispering into his ear and placing a soft kiss over his forehead.

Word Count: 1187 words

A/N: sorry for extremely late update my internet was not working properly for some time. I will update regularly from now on.

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