Chapter 15

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Daniel was not shocked to see Alpha Ronan on his door. He was just curious. Because Ronan was the person who hated Daniel with passion and there was no way on earth he will ever going to ask for his help. "Alpha Donovan what brings you here at this unholy hour?" Daniel asked trying to hide his smirk.

"Cut the chase Kingston I want to learn how you can control it" Daniel was now clueless. "Control what exactly?" Daniel asked. "Your wolf. How do you control your wolf in front of your mate?" Ronan asked. Daniel could not control himself anymore. A laugh came out of his lips.

Ronan only scowled. "Damn you Kingston. Why everything looks like a joke to you" Ronan said distastefully. " Because it is a joke. I have a big reason to control myself why do you want to control yourself in front of Paige?" Daniel asked. "I have my reasons and I do not think I am oblieged to tell you. Now you are helping me or not?" Ronan asked.

"Simple I just don't give into temptation. It is not like my mate is not tempting. I don't have an option in that department." Ronan pinned him to the wall. "She is my little sister you douche" Ronan yelled. "Yes and she is my mate. The one who is made for me do you think I like to hurt her in anyway Ronan? You know better what is it to live a life without having a mate" Ronan slumped down.

"I do not want to go through it Daniel. Can you please help me win her over. I just want her to open up to me. Nothing much I want." Ronan said pleading. "Look dates are not my forte but yes I will recommend you to take her on a date. Do not force her to tell anything. Let her decide for herself if she want to open up or not. Why don't you take a walk with her. Talk things through. Make her see that you mean no harm" Daniel said looking at him.

"Will it work? Will she give me a chance I screwed up bad. And she still does not know about the blood bond and my biggest fear is she might reject me." Daniel nodded at him wearily. "But you cannot see what you will get until you take the leap. You might soar or you might fall. But there will be fun in both and a lesson in the end" Daniel said. "A walk you say" Daniel nodded.

He walked towards the castle on his return. "Hey sista" He barged into the office of Xander causing Xander and Destiny to pull apart. Xander growled. "Don't you know how to knock?" Xander asked outraged. "Don't you know how to lock the doors?" Ronan countered. Destiny shied in defeat "Xander shut up and Ronan spill the beans" Both the men gulped looking at her. Pissed of Destiny is very much scary.

"Ummm So I wanted to take Paige on a date nothing fancy if she agrees and I need your help" That caught Xander's attention. "Thank goddess finally you make him come to his senses" Xander said only to earn a glare from Destiny.

"But first I need to know what her favorite flowers are" Ronan asked. "You might not find it Ron but if you want to try it is a black rose" Xander looked at Destiny with are you kidding look.

"You know Ron where can you get one?" Xander asked. "Yes I know it was in my old territory near the cliff where..." he paused not wanting to refresh all his hidden turmoil.

"You don't have to you can always give her something else like Peonis or maybe other roses." Destiny suggested reading his expression. Ronan shook his head. "I will get the Roses." He said.

He shifted into the woods and ran towards his old territory. He passed by the ground where he used to have his camps. He tore his eyes away from the place. His pack was safe now. He did what he promised. He ensured their future, he secured it. But sometimes he thinks was he even a good leader? A good alpha to them?

He reached to the cliff. He saw around and looked for the Roses. He saw one coiling around the edge of the cliff. He walked towards the vines and thorns plucking the roses quietly. It was almost serene and peaceful. Maybe that is why it was one of her favorite spot.

A pain went through his chest when he remembered her. His Christy, she was the one thing that brought light into his darkness. He didn't have strength nor the courage to walk up to her place and meet her. He cannot bring himself to do it even after all these years.

He knew he was the reason of what happened to her. "Christy I am sorry" He didn't break down and cried he knew he cannot. He didn't wanted to be weak. He didn't want anyone to find out that he was broken.

Ronan picked the flower and kept them in his mouth and he shifted again and ran trying to keep his overwhelming emotion at bay. He wanted to forget. He wanted to forget everything that had happened. He wanted someone to hug him and say that it will be alright.

But life was not what you want it to be. There is no one who can take care of yourself like you can. He had to be strong for himself. For his sister, for the people who meant world to him. No he never had time to mend his broken self. Instead he learned to make himself hard and impenetrable. He made himself untouchable and the second most powerful alpha ever known.

But somehow he always felt lonely. He always felt he never will have chance to know what love was. And the hollowness in his chest was always there. He felt unwanted, he knew he will never be the rightful heir. He was all but a mistake.

An Illicit bastard son who was born out of a scandalous affair, his own mother didn't cared if he lived or died. No one wanted him. No one but her. And he had just taken it for granted. Not this time. He will do everything and anything to protect her.

Paige Morgan he will protect her from everything. He will not take her for granted. He will protect her from everything even himself.

He didn't stop until he reached the pack territory. He was still in his wolf form so he didn't bother to shift. He walked inside the academy door. All the students were giving him a strange look. He shook his head and head towards his room where he can sense Paige.

She was still there looking out of the window. He barked lightly making her look at him. He slowly put the flowers down the bed. And got into bed still in his wolf form. He circled the bed slowly and sat down beside her. He was content that she was close all that he needed for now.

Word Count: 1200 Words

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