The Billion Dollar Man (Expert)

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Addie you are late yet again" First thing Adele Harper Cody-Valdez heard when she entered the office of Chicago real states services in Chicago Illinois. She shied sitting down at her chair and started to go through her mail.

As a real state agent her life was always on the fast lane and her car has became her home literally. She wanted to do anything but this. Alas she had no one to support. She lives with her aunt and her cousin.

She had never seen her mother though she knew she was loved by all around her and her father was non existent in her life other than paying her expenses time to time they have no other relation. She shied as her boss Mr. Lorenzo called her.

"Yes sir what can I do for you today?" She asked.

"Ah Adele come on sit I have a something to tell you" He said mentioning to the chair. Lorenzo was a good looking man with whitish skin and brown hairs and brown eyes.

But he knew better to involve with her. He only gave her the job because her father threaten him into it but he does not regret it a bit.

He shifted at his seat trying to lean as much close as he can. He liked Adele as soon as she walked inside his room with the tight black skirt that showed her long tanned legs and a creme blouse that compliments her complexion and showed all the curves she is blessed with. Even thinking about it made him feel tightness in his pants.

Only if he could just get her somehow.

"Adele I know we started off on a wrong foot but well look I will get straight to the point. My friend is coming here from New York and settling here for some business he needs a good house well I am a little low on staff due to holidays so I will suggest that you show him the finest here in Chicago." He said softly to her.

"Ok I will do it sir" She said pressing her knees together as his gaze roamed around her body. She shivered in disgust. She never liked perverts and her boss is one of the greatest Perverts of all the time. She just hated him.

"And Adele I would watch what I say in his presence he distaste cheap talks and blabbing so for god's sake stick to business" He said looking at her tight skirt that looks so good on her.

"Dress something good he loves the classy Woman" He suggested. "Yes sir by what time should I contact your friend?" She asked trying not to sound irritated. "Yes here is his number his name is Danzell Kwan Drechsler-Parks. Call on his number and he will pick you up and No flirting" He joked.

"Like he will chose a pathetic excuse of a girl like me" She thought as she walked out of his cabin and sat in my cubical with my hands furiously typing his name Danzell kawan Drechsler-Parks. The list appeared in front of her eyes.

The man was a perfection. His strong jaw and that constant smirk on his pink lips made her heart leap out of her mouth. His eyes were constantly sparkling with mirth. The silvery gaze was enough to send her into overdrive.

His neatly combed dark hairs made her want to run her hands through it. She snapped out of her day dream and averted her gaze from his sinful face.

"He is like every other handsome rich billionaire out there. He is just here for a business and eventually he will leave. No I am there only to make a deal for the company." She snapped out of the daydream she was into and dialed his number provided by her boss.

"Parks" Came a voice from another side. She almost dropped the phone from her hand. "No man can sound this much sexy it should be illegal to sound this much sexy." She thought. Then she composed herself.

"Hello someone on the phone?" He asked again. "Mr. Parks It is Adele from Chicago real states services and I have been told to ask you about the time you will be arriving" She said. "Bambie you can meet me at the airport tomorrow straight at eight A.M. " He said. Did he just gave her a nickname? Maybe he did. But she cannot be too sure about all these things.

"Ok sir" She said softy and heard a chuckle from the other side. "wear something good Bambie" He said and the line went dead.

She frowned for some reason. "How could the guy know I am not married or old? He never saw me and he gave some nickname at first conversation? Maybe he is just like that giving nicknames to everyone he meets." She thought putting her phone back down.

"Did you two talk?" Suddenly her boss appeared out of no where when she was just about to leave. "S...sir" She turned around and moved as far as she can from him. He frowned. "Is something wrong Addie?" He asked.

He touched her shoulder only for her to jerk back. "I am fine sir I have talked to Mr. Parks and He told me to pick him up from the airport" She said trying not to freak out about her and her boss's closeness.

"Ok then" Lorenzo said. As he tuck a piece of her Hair behind her ear. She shivered in disgust. "Sir c...can I leave Now?" She asked. "Shall I drop you Addie?" He asked.

"N..No it's alright I will take a cab and go " she said shuttering badly. By now she was on the fight or flight mode. She wanted to flee and looking for a way.

Her phone rang suddenly and she picked it up. "Hello" She spoke. "Can you pick me up Addy?" Her cousin's voice rang and she shied in relaxation.

"Sure I will be there soon" She said and used the distraction to get the hell out of that place she vowed to never ever be in such a compromising position with her boss ever.

She called a cab and told him told him the address of where she have to go and relaxed.

Word Count: 1053 words

Here is the first chapter of the Story of the newest story I am writing. So, i will be uploading it tomorrow. So, it is part of Billion Dollar series, the books are in order of

The Billion Dollar Man

The Billion Dollar Princess

The Billion Dollar Prince

The Billion Dollar Girl


Check it out tomorrow, for sut

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