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"Hinata," Naruto called.

"Yes sir!"

Naruto gave a slight laugh. She was always business around him. "Can you come here please?"

Hinata walked over to Naruto. What in the world would he want? It was probably another mission that he had no one else to do. He had just sent Sakura out on a mission, she would be back in about a week.

"I need you to do this one for me," he said as he handed her a scroll. She took the scroll and opened it.

In the sand village Temari is requesting help.

This wasn't a kill mission, it was a helping mission?

"I was told about the assassination of you...I don't want to send you on any mission that could cause it... for Sasuke's sake."

Hinata nodded. At least Naruto cared about what was going on. "Do you know who would do such a thing?"

"Someone under me but also close to me. But don't worry about it. I will make sure Sasuke stays safe while you are gone. Oh and your teammates are going to be waiting at the gate for you."

Hinata smiled then bowed to Naruto. She would hug him but it wasn't the right time to do that.

Hinata walked home with her scrollnin her pocket. At least he was going to keep an eye on Sasuke.

Who would meet her at the gate? It didn't seem like the mission included a lot of people. Hopefully not a lot of people would be there.

Hinata walked into the front door and got greeted by a Sasuke who hugged her tightly. "Gah, Sasuke!" He laughed. What was he in such a good mood about?

"I heard about your mission. Be safe ok?"

Hinata looked at him, confused. "Kiba came by. He's on the mission with you."

Oh. Well at least that would be ok.

* * * * *

Hinata was sitting on a bench near the gate. It was almost time for the people to meet up. Hinata had already said her goodbyes to Sasuke, he nearly snuck into her bag.


She looked up to see Kiba and Shino. Her teamates. "Is this all of us?" Hinata asked standing up.

Kiba grinned. "Oh yeah...well there is one more."

"I am so sorry I am late." Hinata turned to see Ino. She had been training under Sakura. Of course a medical ninja might be needed. "Mom had so many chores for me!"

Ino gave Hinata a big hug. "At least I'm not the only girl!"

It took a day to finally reach the dunes of the sand village. Only a day more of traveling. Just as they reached the dunes Hinata felt a sharp pain. "G...guys can we stop for a bit?"

Ino looked back and nodded. They sat at the end of the road away from the sand itself. It was night time and luckily it was cool.

Hinata grabbed her water container and took a small sip. Something hitched in her through and she bent over, puking on the ground.

"Oh my gosh Hinata!" Ino held Hinata's hair back so it didn't get tainted with her puke.

When Hinata was finally able to stop Ino did a regular medical check up. The boys were far away, making sure no one was around.

"Did you miss your period?"

Hinata looked at Ino, shocked she would even ask that. It had been a few weeks since her and Sasuke even had the time to have their bonding time.

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