1 - Life or Death

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Upon hearing that the leaf village had been attacked Sasuke, Karin, and Suigetsu headed toward the village. When Sasuke neared the entrance he froze. The entrance to the village had mostly been destroyed. 

His instincts kicked and and he jumped over the wall, immediately looking for Hinata. Please be ok!  He quickly hurried and stopped at a large rock in the middle of the village. "Karin!" She quickly nodded and closed her eyes, searching for a chalkra she had seen before. She had met Hinata multiple times and accepted Sasuke was taken. She was okay with it though. She knew she would find someone, at least that was what she had told herself.

"Sasuke!" His head jerked to look at her. "She is only a few feet away from us!" Karin led him to where she was and he immediately dug her out of the rubble that looked burnt and brittle. "Hina-"

"Sasuke," a familiar, annoying male voice said behind him.

 Sasuke looked at the man who said his name. In fact the man looked oddly familiar. "Naruto why did yo-" A pink haired girl came beside him. "Sasuke you're..."

"Hinata needs help." Sasuke cut Sakura off. He was only concerned about Hinata. He did not care that he was being reunited with his team. Sakura nodded. "Come with us," Sakura said.  Sasuke nodded and told Karin and Suigetsu to stay and help find others.

Sakura led Sasuke, who was carrying Hinata, to a hospital. Sakura immediately began to treat Hinata once Sasuke laid Hinata on the bed. 

During th entire process they were silent. Only when Sakura grumbled did the silence vanish. "Sasuke are you....really back," Naruto asked.

Sasuke looked up. Why was this woman asking him this? Then he could remember her specifically telling him she loved him. He didn't want her though, the one he wanted was in front of him on the bed.  "I will stay here for her, nothing more." She gave him a slight nod. Sasuke could tell she didn't like the answer. There wasn't anything she could do about it. He still had things he had to do.

Sakura stopped using her medical practice on Hinata. "That is all I could do. I nearly healed most of her bones." She wiped her brow. Sasuke looked back at Hinata. Please come back.

~ Days later ~

Sasuke still sat by Hinata's side. He never wanted to leave her side, nor did he plan to. Just when Hinata seemed to be calm her heart began to flutter and skip. Sasuke ran out of the room, immediately calling for Tsunade, who he had already spoken to. Thanks to her he was going to be able to stay for Hinata. Karin and Suigetsu just had to help the village while he stayed.

She came rushing in with multiple nurses. They began to do procedures Sasuke knew nothing about. "She is going into a coma," Tsunade nearly yelled. Sasuke could feel his heart break. Don't you die!

They soon had her attached to a machine to keep her alive. Sasuke, sitting beside her once again, was slightly crying. "Don't die Hinata."

Sakura was at the door watching. She stayed back knowing Sasuke would  ever show that side of him unless he really loved someone. She looked at Hinata and back at him. "Live Hinata," She muttered under her breath as she walked out of the room, leaving Sasuke to let his tears fall.

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