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It had been a week since they had gotten back from Gaara's party. Hinata was still throwing up, requesting not to be put on a mission. Luckily she got a day of no puking and decided she need to make her decision.

Sasuke was out grabbing things for the house. She slowly crawled out of bed and got dressed.

She walked out into the slightly cold weather. She looked to the cherry blossom tree. It was starting to bloom. Soon they would be fully bloomed.

Hinata walked on the streets of Konoha, a walk she hadn't had in a while. Kids continued to play in the streets. One bumped into her and fell to the ground. She reached her hand out and gave a smile. The boy gave a slight smile back and took her hand.

Hinata smiled as she saw the boy catch up with his friends. Maybe she would have a boy.

She reached the Hokage building faster than expected. She knocked on. The door twice then entered. Kiba and Shino stood in front of Naruto's desk. "Oh Hinata, give me just a moment."

Hinata nodded and looked outside. Naruto was discussing a mission with the two. Hinata looked at the reflection of them both in the window and saw Kiba looking at her.

A few minutes passed till Kiba and Shino left. "So Hinata... you wanted me?"

Hinata turned to Naruto and held her headband in her hand. "I want to give up being a shinobi."

Naruto's face was covered in shock. "Are you sure about that Hinata?"

She gave a nod. "You know my predicament. I do not want to put this child's life in danger."

Naruto gave a nod. Then closed her hand over her headband. "Keep it for when you want to come back."

She smiled and nodded, putting the headband back into her pocket. She bowed to Naruto and left.

* * * * *

Kiba appeared in the same place as before. "Sir!" There the white-haired man answered. "She is prengnant sir. I overheard her speaking to Naruto."

The man grinned then his mouth turned into an angry expression. "Get rid of that abomination. The Uchiha clan will not come back!"

Kiba gave a nod and vanished. He had to get rid of Hinata and Sasuke. They could not bring back the Uchiha clan. Especially not with someone he loved.

* * * * *

Hinata came home a few minutes after Sasuke got home. She kissed his cheek. Sasuke smiled and held her close."And where have you been all day?"

"I went to see Naruto."

"Told him you're on leave?"

She nodded. He kissed her forehead. Well we have some ti-

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Sasuke grabbed Hinata, picking her up in his arms and dashed to the bedroom. He put Hinata in a floor board that they had arranged in case something happened.


The door hit the floor. Sasuke quickly got into the other one and closed it. He would not allow them to hurt her and his child.

Sasuke reached his hand over to Hinata. It was dark but thanks to her eyes and Sasuke's eyes they were able to see each other by chalkra.

Footsteps were heard. "We need to find them and kill them. We have a certain amount of time before and we can not miss the deadline"

The footsteps continued to walk. One pair came into the room Sasuke and Hinata were hiding in. Hinata held her breath.

The steps stopped right above Sasuke. He slightly looked up. Just from the chalkra he could tell it was a male.


Sakura was calling? What was she even here? "Shit," the man above Sasuke mummbled.

"Hinata-chan! I have ramen for you and Sasuke!"

The footsteps headed toward the back door as another pair headed into the living area.

When Sasuke could no longer hear the other footsteps he lifted the floor and climbed out. Sakura came into the bedroom as he lifted the floor for Hinata. "Why were you guys hiding?"

"Remember Naruto telling you someone is out to kill us?"


"Well they were here," Sasuke said before Hinata could.

Sakura made the "oh" with her mouth. She took Hinata's hand and led her to the kitchen while Sasuke stayed to fix the floor.

"I thought you and your joy bundle would like some food."

Hinata nodded and sat down, immediately eating. Sasuke came in and sat next to her. "So tell me why else you are here."

Sasuke gave a grin. "Well around this time I could determine the gender of you little bundle. I've done it before with another pregnant woman so I know what to look for."

"Well if you will."

Sakura reached over to Hinata and put her hand on her stomach. Her hand began to glow green then slowly turn to blue.

After a few minutes Sakura removed her hand and smiled. "He is a lively one. I can't tell his gender yet."

Hinata gave a sad smile and held the little plump that she had. "I dont care if it's a boy or girl, I will love him just the same."

Sasuke kissed her cheek then ate his food. He would have to think of a way to make sure they didn't find her, especially not his child.

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