5 - Jealousy

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Hinata smiled as she laid on her bed. How could she not smile. Naruto was her boyfriend! It was  something she had always wanted. Something in her gut told her she wasn't feeling something real but she ignored it.

She continued to giggle and wiggle. She was excited. When she finished her homework she looked at the homework for Naruto's class. She grabbed her pen.

21.) Naruto-kun I am so happy now that I am yours. I have waited to be yours but I was so shy to even talk to you!  I hope we can have fun again ♡

She nodded and put it into her folder with the rest of her homework. She quickly headed to the bathroom, running past Neji. She didn't care for him anymore. He was only a brother. What had happened was a mistake.

Her shower could have made the entire house steamy. She never liked cold water. When she came out only wrapped in a towel her mother was standing in front of the door with a glare on her face. "Oh! Mom, I was just heading to my bedroom."

"No you are not young lady. Get dressed and meet your father and I in the kitchen." With that she angrily walked away.

Hinata walked slowly to her bedroom. Whatever her father and mother wanted to talk about it wasn't going to be good. She got changed into a nightgown, not bothering to put anything on underneath. She walked to the kitchen, giving a slight bow to every maid she passed.

Neji was at the table. In front of him was father. Mother was bringing drinks to the table. Neji looked nervous. He better not have told them! Hinata sat down next to Neji, who flinched. He told.

Their mother put two papers on the table. At the top of one it said Neji, the other said Hinata. "Now who wants to tell me the problem with these papers," father asked.

Hinata grabbed the paper that had her name on it. Her mouth dropped. They were their report cards! Why were they so mad about their report cards? She looked down the report card and saw one problem. She had gotten a C in Naruto's class! How was that even possible? She had always made sure that everything was turned in on time and correct.

"Hinata we called your teacher. He said you need to stay after school every day to get your grade up," mom said.

Hinata blushed then put her head down. "Yes ma'am." This was perfect! Every day after school with Naruto! What more could she ask for? Then something clicked. Just two days ago her grade was an A. Was he doing this on purpose? No, he wouldn't. He was a teacher for goodness sake. But...what if he was doing this on purpose to spend time with her? Butterflies filled her stomach.

The talk with her parents ended not long after. Neji got a worse scolding. He had one A and the rest were B's and C's. Hinata was just glad she didn't have to deal with that.

Hinata rushed to her rooms and grabbed her phone. She had his number after all. She quickly pulled up a text message and texted him. "Hey! My grade, did you do that on purpose?" Send.

Not a minute later, her phone dinged. "Well kind of. Your last test wasn't so good, brought it to a low B. I just took it to C so I could spend some time with you."

Hinata blushed and grinned. He did that to spend time with her! Her fingers worked fast at the buttons. "Oh that makes me so happy! I'm so glad you did that. But a C...really? A B would have been ok. I got scolded. You will need to deal with that." Send.

Ding. "Yes I know. I'll take care of it."

Hinata smiled and put her phone of the bedside table. She laid on her bed and pulled the blanket over her. Her pillow felt much softer than it did before. Within moments she was fast asleep.

                       •   •   •   •   •   •   •

Sasuke was ripping his hair out. Why? Why did that dumbfounded idiot have to ask her out. Out of all the people, why him? He'd rather it be her brother! But no it had to be Naruto.

He knew he was going to have to settle this. There wasn't anything he could do till tomorrow, since he was then enrolled. He better not make a move on her. She was all he cared about. If it meant hurting her by Naruto then hurting he would sadly have to do. He wouldn't lose her in her mind, let alone the world she was actually a part of. It wasn't going to happen this way.

Sasuke puched the wall, completely frustrated. How had he been so stupid? Hinata used to like naruto, always fidgeting when he was brought up. This wasn't going to work. She loved him, not Naruto! This wasn't going to go on, not as long as he was here to save her.

Sasuke's body was limp in the real world, siting beside Hinata as she was in a coma. There was only this he could do thanks to Ino's family and his own ability. In this worls his sharingan eyes wouldn't work, infact they didn't exist. The only problem, he had to make her swoon over him again. Not hard to do, he was able to do it years ago when Naruto was just trying to become hokage and Hinata was swooning over him. He knew he would just have to get creative tomorrow and begin his mission.

Although he had already introduced himself to her yesterday didn't mean anything. Seeing her the way she was almost had made him hug her and kiss her. He had to use everything to make sure he didn't. "Wait for tomorrow." That was all he could do.

                     •   •   •   •   •   •   •

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Hinata groaned. School again. She slowly sat up to rub her eyes.  When she opened them her brother was at her door. "Don't do anything stupid Neji." He made a disgusted face then left. Whatever was his problem Hinata didn't care.

She quickly got up and dressed herself. She looked in the mirror. She rolled the top of her skirt to make it shorter. Oddly enough she liked it. Maybe Naruto would too. She grabbed her bag and headed to the door. There her mother and father stood. "Hinata."

She completely ignored them. "I'll have Naruto-sensei bring me home," she said as she walked out the door, not looking back.

On the way to school Neji yelled at Hinata for ignoring their parents. Not like it mattered, she didn't care. Sakura and Ino shoved Neji away and hooked arms with Hinata. "Look at whose joining us Saku."

"I know Ino. I think she looks sexy."

Hinata just smiled. As they walked down the hallway Naruto was walking toward them. When his eyes met her she winked. Naruto smiled as he passed her, looking back to enjoy the small view he could get.

Hinata hit someone and fell backwards before arms wrapped around her.holding her close to the body that connected to the arms. Sakura gasped with Ino. "Are you alright?"

Hinata looked up to see the black eyes she had seen yesterday. "Sasuke?" He gave his sad smile. He enjoyed her speaking his name but it wasn't the same as before. He slightly lifted her so she was standing on her own. "You are quite sexy boy, are you single," Sakura asked. Hinata's eyes were still locked with Sasuke's.

"Yes, but I have my eyes on someone." He took his eyes off Hinata and scooted past them in the direction Naruto went.

"Damn I wanted him." Hinata watched him walk away. Why was he so sad? Hinata reached up to the necklace Naruto had given her. Who is he looking for? Hinata turned and walked to her locker while Sakura and Ino chatted. One day she would figure out why he was so sad.

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