6 - Meeting again

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Sasuke moved quickly. He had to keep his distance away from Naruto but also be close to him. When he entered the teachers lounge Sasuke cursed. That fucking idiot. Why out of all things did he have to be with who he loved? Sasuke smirked and opened the door. Naruto turned around. "Excuse me, this is teachers only kid," a woman with pink hair said. She wore glasses and a short skirt. Sasuke slightly glanced at Naruto who was looking at the woman.

Sasuke smiled. "I am so sorry. I thought this is where I could get my schedule. I'm Sasuke" They woman's eyes flashed.

"That aroma, what is it?"

Sasuke smiled. "So you smelt it? It's my cologne."

The woman sniffed his shoulder. Her eyes filled with lust. Too easy. "My name is Karin. Call me Ms. Kurosaki."

Sasuke nodded taking her hand and kissing it. She swooned. This would have to work on Hinata too. At least he hoped it would.

• • • • • • • • •

Hinata sighed. Class was boring. It was fourth hour, English. English was definitely not her favorite subject. She already knew English, she had learned it a while back. Of course she wasn't perfectly fluent but she nearly was. "This is an apple," her teacher spoke in English. Her teacher was Mrs. McMichael. She was an American who spoke fluent Japanese.

"Hinata stop doodling Mr. Uzimaki's name," Sakura whispered to Hinata. She blushed and looked down to see Naruto written everywhere on her page. Shoot! She quickly grabbed her eraser and started erasing his name. They were her notes and the teacher always checked them to make sure they were being taken.

"Alright class, let me see your notes." Hinata's eyes widened. She hadn't even finished erasing Naruto's name. Luckily she was in the back of the classroom.

Before her teacher came to her desk Hinata had just finished erasing the last 'Naruto' on her page. Hinata sighed with relief.

The rest of fourth hour was talking to friends. There wasn't much that they had to do in English. About five minutes before the bell rang the teacher handed back their notebooks.

The bell ran and Hinata ran out of the classroom. It was embarrassing knowing that Sakura had seen her draw Naruto's name. Hinata headed to her next class, avoiding eye contact with Sakura.

• • • • • • • • •

Sasuke sighed. Fifth hour. He walked down the hallway annoyed. Why did he have to deal with Naruto and Hinata. Now he had his teacher at the palm of his hand, and Naruto didn't seem to enjoy it.

He stopped once he saw Hinata go into the classroom he was going to. Finally they had a class together. He walked into the classroom to be greeted by Naruto.


Sasuke slid past him and went to the back of the class, sitting right behind Hinata. She smelt like flowers. Oh how he missed that smell.

Class went by so slow but too fast. Sasuke wanted to continue to stay near her. He knew he wouldn't be able to thanks to her forgetting and being with Naruto. He was her forgotten lover and he hated knowing he couldn't hold her.

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