10 - Issues in Konoha

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School was back in another month. Sasuke and Hinata continued to date, though Hinata only saw it as a joke. Sasuke, however, saw it as a stepping stone. 

Hinata was at her locker when Sasuke snuck up behind her and hugged her. She yelped then started giggling. Naruto was walking towards them so Hinata kissed him. Sasuke turned it into a passionate kiss. When Naruto walked past them Sasuke pulled back. Hinata looked at him in a daze. That was the look Sasuke was hoping for. She was already falling for him, that was the good part. 

Sasuke took Hinata's books and headed to their class. Sakura and Ino had tried to talk to Hinata, she denied them and clung to Sasuke. They even asked Sasuke to help, he just turned his head and walked away with Hinata. 

Everything was going smoothly.

                           In Konoha

Sakura came into the room slowly. It had been nearly seven months since Sasuke went into Hinata's mind. He had stirred in his slumber. 

She walked over to Hinata's bed and placed purple lilacs beside her. Hinata hadn't moved once she was hooked up to the machine. 

Sakura then went to Sasuke's bed, which was beside Hinata's. They had to move him to a bed to hook him up to a machine as well and give him food through a needle. Sakura touched his hand. "Bring her back Sasuke." 

"Sakura," Naruto yelled as he came in. Sakura turned to him, he was panting. "What is it Naruto?" He handed her a rolled up letter. It wasn't going to be a good thing by the seal that was on it. 

She quickly opened it to realize it was Tsunade asking for her immediately. She told Naruto to stay with Hinata and Sasuke. 

Sakura arrived at Tsunade's office to see Kakashi. He looked at her and sighed. "We are in a war." 

"With who," Sakura asked.

"The akatsuki. As you know Sasuke is part of them, we can no longer hold him here." 

"But Tsunade! He is trying to save Hinata. If anything I believe he will help us win. Just please wait!"

"Sakura we can not wai-" 

"We can wait for one more month, but that is all we have," Tsunade interrupted. 

Sakura nodded then ran to Ino. She had to get her to let Sasuke know, otherwise Hinata would be gone for good. 

           In Hinata's mind

Sasuke Was walking home. He had already dropped Hinata at home. Her father and mother approved of him, luckily. In the real world they barely approved of him.

Inoichi, Ino's father, walked up to Sasuke. Sasuke waved, slightly confused at what he was doing there. Then Inoichi grabbed his wrist. "Konoha is in danger Sasuke." Sasuke's face became serious. He knew this Inoichi  was the Inoichi that was back in Konoha, not in the realm Hinata had in her mind. 

Sasuke took him to his house so they could talk in private. What Inoichi had to say shocked Sasuke. It had been three months since he came here. So how was it seven months then?

"You need to hurry this process. If you don't we will have to move you out of the hospital...and away from Konoha."

Sasuke nodded. Shit. He definitely wasn't expecting this.  He thought he would get more time with her. Just turned out that wasn't going to happen. He had to say those words again, and pray to god that she would say it back. If not it would be torture. 

Inoichi nodded back then blurred into non-existence. Sasuke stayed on his couch, thinking of how he could bring this up to her, if he even could. Luckily they figured out how long a month was in Konoha to them. It was three days. He had three days to tell her and have her say it back. If she didn't say it back he knew it would crush him.

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