7 - Before Hell Broke Loose

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Hinata glowed. It was something special about her. Even when the sun wasn't shining she glowed. She was his sun after all. She had helped him as children, he helped her as a teenager, and now they were lovers. Of course he had his heart set on revenge but he promised Hinata he would never die and always visit her. She still never liked the idea.

It was their third year as a couple. Sasuke had just killed Orochimaru and gained his power. The stupid bastard thought he would use his body, not even his brother would fall for such a trick.

Kabuto came into the room where Sasuke and Orochimaru's dead body laid. "I was wondering when the slimmy bastard would be killed by you," he spoke. Sasuke shrugged. It wasn't a big deal. Orochimaru was so slow he wasn't even a hard person.

Something crossed Sasuke's mind causing him worry. He hadn't seen Hinata for the past month. He was going to hear it. Hinata wasn't shy, at least now to him. Around Naruto she was also shy, he knew she liked him but she didn't want to be with him.

He turned and grabbed his traveling cloak. He groaned. He darted out the secret hide out and made his way to the village. On the way he picked up a purple lilac bunch for her.

When he arrived it was night. He never could show up during the day. Tsunade, the hokage now, would send him to jail. He climbed the high wall and sat on it. He could see Hinata's house in plain view.

He jumped on the roofs of the houses and quickly made his way to her house. Her window was open, something they promised to do so he could easily get in. But something stopped him. "C'mon Sakura-chan! Just one date!" Sasuke stayed in the shadows and looks down to see Naruto talking to Sakura. His old team mates. The stupid fool. She never liked him in that way.

He continued to move to Hinata's knowing if he stayed too long he'd be caught. When he reaches the wall of Hinata's house he could hear Neji and their father talking. Sasuke sneaked along to wall until he saw her room.

She was sitting at her desk, frustrated. She was writing, probably to him. She crumpled the paper and threw it to the trash. Sasuke quietly climbed into her room. "Stupid Sasuke... never even bother to-" She stopped abruptly when Sasuke put the flowers in front of her.  She turned around and blushed. "You didn't hear that did you?" He gave a nod and a grin. She blushed even more.

He smiled and kissed her forehead. They had never kissed on the lips. He wanted to wait and make it special. She took the flowers and put them in a vase, replacing the wilted roses. "Neji knows I have a boyfriend." She looked at Sasuke with a smile. "Everyone suspects Naruto, but I would never want that fool. He's all over Sakura now." She gave a small smirk. "They are actually dating now, but she won't go on dates with him. Plus it's all fake. She doesn't even like him like that."

Sasuke sat on her bed listening to her talk. When she asked he told her about the recent things and why he hadn't visited.

When they had caught up Hinata sat next to him while he held her close. This was their precious time together. With Sasuke being a rogue ninja it was more important to see her.

A few hours later Sasuke got up to leave. Hinata sighed knowing she might not see him again for a few months. That was what hurt her but she knew one day he would be back in the leaf village.

Before he left he hugged her tight. He brought her chin up and kissed her lips lightly. She kissed him back smiling. When they pulled apart Sasuke said the three words Hinata thought she would never hear. "I love you." Hinata blushed and gave a large smile. "I love you too."

With one more kiss Sasuke was gone. He had to go get new teammates so he could find Itachi. That was his goal now. He would come back for her with them. Maybe she would even join, at least he hoped that.

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