4 - "First" Encounter

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Hinata sighed as s he sat in class waiting till the last bell rang. Naruto was teaching the class as usual. He was occasionally looking at Hinata, giving a wink every once in a while.

Hinata continued to look into her book, trying to ignore Naruto. She continued to doodle in her book, trying to not think of sex. It wasn't her fault. Her brother hadn't satisfied her. Too small. 

The last bell rang. Sakura and Ino immediately came up to her. "So we heard you fucked Neji," Sakura said. Hinata shook her head. "No I didn't."

Ino giggled. "Then you might want to tell your brother to shut up," Ino said. 

Just as Hinata grabbed her belongings, after hearing that Neji was telling people she was quite furious. She didn't pay attention to where she was going until she hit something hard. When Hinata looked up a man with black hair was looking at her. His eyes were completely black. "You alright?" His voice, it was if he was an angel. Hinata gave a nod and slightly blushed.

"Are you here to make fun of me too," she asked. He shook his head.

"No. I heard what was going around. I wanted to make sure you were ok." 

Sakura gasped and ran her finger across her lip. Damn that boy was sexy. She wanted him. She definitely wanted him. Why was he talking to Hinata? That whore. She fucked her own brother for god's sake! Why would he talk to her. 

Sasuke had part of Hinata's hair in his hand. He slightly smelt it. She smelt the same as before. He gave a slight sigh. Why had she had to get hurt? The Hinata that stood in front of him blushed. He gave a small smile. "Hasn't changed." He turned and headed for the door.

"Wait what is your name," Hinata asked.

Sasuke stopped and turned to look at her and gave a sad smile. "Sasuke." With that he left.

Hinata blushed even more just thinking about how he had given her a sad smile. Why was he so sad? She shook her head and headed to the teachers lounge. 

Naruto greeted her. He led her to his office where Neji was already seated. Neji's face was red. Fury filled Hinata. She didn't show it though. She sat in the chair that was slightly away from him. Naruto leaned onto his desk. "There is a rumor going on that your two had sex." Neji stayed quiet.

"Why would I have sex with my own brother?" Hinata was angry, and it was showing now. "I would never have sex with such a immature boy." She crossed her legs, knowing that her crotch would show since she wasn't wearing panties that day, they were all dirty. "I would never go for immature. Only mature intrests me." Hinata looked at Neji gave a glare. Neji jerked and gave a wince. Hinata lifted her hand. "Plus he is probably too sm--" Naruto stopped her. 

His lips were on hers. His hand was on her wrist, pinning it to the chair. He opened her mouth just enough so his own tongue invaded her mouth. His tongue played with hers in a swirl. She gave a small moan when she felt his began to spread her legs apart. 

When he pulled back he gave a large grin. "What a naughty girl." Neji looked over. Naruto then motioned him to come close. He did as he was motioned. Naruto had Hinata's legs spread wide open, showing her folds. "Now Neji," Naruto said as he got to his knees and pulled Hinata's crotch to the edge to the chair, "This is howto pleasure a woman." Neji nodded as Naruto began to inch closer to Hinata's crotch. She moaned just by his breath.

Soon his tounge and fingers invaded her. His fingers penetrated her entrance while his tongue played with her cl*t. Hinata was moaning. This was something Neji couldn't even do. This was what a man was capable of and she loved it. 

It didn't take long till Hinata was naked with Neji and Naruto's hard members out. She was holding Neji's while sucking on Naruto's. Naruto was giving her specific instructions on how to give a blow job and hand job. Neji continuously moaned while Naruto gave grunts. Finally she switched and gave Neji the blow job. He ejaculated in a minute. "Immature," Hinata muttered as she spit his load out onto her breasts. Naruto grinned. "Bend over," he said. 

Hinata got up and spun around, slowly bending all the way down. Then his erection was rubbing against her. He was much bigger than Neji, thicker too. When he slid in she couldn't help but gasp for air as if she had been ripped. When he began to move she grabbed onto a chair to keep her up. It wasn't necessary since Naruto was holding her up.

Naruto continued to have sex with Hinata until the sun set. He came three times. He was grinning when Hinata was on the floor panting covered in his loads.

Just as he had finished getting dressed he looked at Hinata. "Date me Hinata." Hinata was wiping her body off now and froze when he said that.

She looked up and saw he had a serious face. "Are you serious?"

He gave a nod. "I want to date you Hinata. You have had my attention for some time. And after this I think we can do many things together."

Hinata had the biggest smile and hugged him, still naked. He hugged her back. "I've dreamt of you asking me that." Naruto smiled.

Something caught his attention at the door of his office. There a man standing there. He was glaring at him and gave a slight smirk. Naruto glared back and got confused by his smirk. "You're dead," the man mouthed then walked away. 

Hinata got dressed and Naruto took her and Neji home. He explained that he had needed Hinata and Neji for a study session for the two and an opportunity for a trip. They had both qualified. He gave a bow and left. Hinata had his necklaces around her neck. "It will symbolize you are mine only." Naruto and her were dating. She smiled and went to her room, happy. 

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