2 - Amnesia

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Sunlight landed on her face. Hinata groaned as she began to get up, stretching as she did so. As she began to get up her door jerked open. Neji was standing at her door. "Hurry up, we are going to be late. . .again." With that he left the room. Hinata sighed. He was always like this in the morning. They were late once and ever since then he wouldn't get off her back.

She walked over to her closet and got dressed. It was a simple black and white uniform. Girls wore skirts, boys wore pants. There was a bow she was supposed to tie but she never did. There was never a reason to. She pulled her socks on and went to the front door.

Her father and mother stood with Neji. Hinata sat down and put her slip-on shoes on. "Hinata be good at school today sweetie," her mother said. Hinata stood up and hugged her mother. They were always close, closer than her and her father were.

"I will mom," Hinata pulled back and kissed her mother's cheek. She smiled at her. Then Hinata turned to her father and bowed. They never touched, never would they, not as long as Hinata was alive.

"Have a good day Hinata," he said to her. She only nodded then headed out the door with Neji.  "Dad was trying to talk to you Hinata," Neji said, his tone harsh.

"I don't care he has never been there for me. Not like mom has." She turned to look at him. "Not to mention he favors you." Hinata began to walk faster as Neji began to disagree with what she just said. He was the favorite there was nothing else. Whether her mom cared for her because her dad didn't or not she didn't care. She had someone, and one day she would have a male in her life. 

Sakura hooked arms up with Hinata when she saw her. Her skirt was always rolled up so if she moved her hips everything would be seen, mainly just the thong. Yes, Sakura wore thongs. Not that anything was wrong with it but everyone knew she wanted to be laid but wouldn't let anyone actually do it.

Ino linked her arm with Hinata's other arm. Her skirt was the same as Hinata's but her top was tied to show just below her chest. The teachers never had a problem with it, thanks to the two girls being complete and total flirts. "So Hina," Sakura chimmed. "How's your brother?"

Ino giggled. "He's so cute. I just want to tie him in my home," Ino said as someone cleared their throat.

They all spun around to see one of the teachers. "That skirt is too high and that top is not allowed," he said. Hinata's cheeks warmed as she heard the voice. The voice belonged to the hottest teacher at this school. He always wore a coat with flames on it. His name was Naruto Uzimaki, and Hinata had the biggest crush on him. He was only a few years older than her so he was actually young. 

Sakura nudged Hinata's arm. She shook her head. Naruto looked at Hinata. "You can go, you are in dress regulations except for. . ." he walked right in front of her and pushed her hair behind her head. He gave a nod. "You are not violating the rule." Hinata blushed. Sakura and Ino laughed when they noticed him looking down straight at her chest. It only made Hinata blush more. She bowed then rushed off to the front doors of the school.

Hinata went straight to her locker where Tenten was waiting. "Sakura and Ino again," she asked. Hinata gave a nod and entered her combination into her lock and opened the locker. "Getting in trouble because they dress how they do," Hinata said.

Tenten laughed. "Yet they will never get laid. But get this, I heard one of the teachers fucked Ino and got an STD!"

Hinata gave a small laugh. "Poor teacher," Hinata said as she shut her locker door after grabbed a book and notepad.

"Only two weeks in and we already have a test," Tenten groaned. Hinata just gave a giggle. They headed to class and sat in the back. Everyone was talking making the room much louder than regular.

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