9 - Truth and a Chance

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It had been four days since the fire. Construction had already began on the school. Sasuke stayed near Hinata. Naruto hadn't come over once. Finally Hinata was tired of it and left her house and headed to Naruto's house. Sasuke followed behind staying a good distance away.

It only took ten minutes to get to Naruto's. She knocked on the door. The door opened and Hinata froze. "What are you doing here?" In front of her stood Sakura and Ino. Both of them had the same necklace as Hinata. Naruto come up behind them only wearing a towel. "What is go-" He saw Hinata.

She was shocked. What was she supposed to do. Sakura was wearing her bra and shorts while Ino was in Naruto's shirt. They didn't. Not with her boyfriend.

Sakura sighed and rubbed her temples. "I was hoping you'd never know..." Hinata stood there motionless. What was she supposed to do?

"If you want to join us you can Hinata." Ino said.

Hinata glared and grabbed the necklace."I would never join a bunch of whores!" She gripped the necklace in her hand and then threw it at Naruto hitting him dead square in the forehead. "You are such a jerk!"

She ran toward the way she came. Sasuke was coming up the stairs when she ran into him. She said sorry then looked up at him. "Sasuke..." Her arms balled into fists as she clung to him crying.

Sasuke looked to see Naruto, Sakura, and Ino looking at them. Those idiots. How dare they hurt her. Sasuke held her close, knowing he was probably the only one she could cry to.

Sasuke picked up Hinata and walked back down the stairs, her still crying to him. She had his arms around his neck. At least he could comfort her.

He walked back to her house slowly. He knew she needed to cry it out. He held her close as he walked into her house and went to her room. He sat her on the bed and sat next to her. He ran his fingers through her hair, it had always calmed her.

Slowly she stopped crying. When she had finally stopped she looked at him. " Sasuke, why were you going there?" He looked at her, worry was in his eyes.

"I saw him with Sakura before I went to save you in the fire. I was going to confront him about it."

Hinata nodded then looked down. "Sasuke you wouldn't hurt me would you?"

"No Hinata."

She looked at him as another tear formed. "I know this is selfish but can we. . .can you help me forget Naruto. I want to replace him with something good."

When Sasuke looked into her eyes he could see lust. They had never had sex in the real world. Of course Sasuke had some experience but he wanted to make their sexual time special. Maybe this was the time. He gave a slight nod.

"Promise it will stay between us?"

He nodded again. He could feel heat starting. He had never seen her topless, let alone naked. He knew he would go insane with lust but it was going to happen.

Hinata got up and shut the door to her room. When she sat back beside Sasuke it became awkward. It wasn't awkward for Sasuke but he had to play it off.

He reached over and turned her head to him. Her lips were still the light pink he remebered. He leaned in for the kiss slowly. She closed her eyes first. When their lips met Hinata's eyes opened wide. Could she feel it? The chemistry and electricity between them.

Hinata returned his kiss and closed her eyes once again. Her arms wrapped around his neck. It was sweet then passionate then lustful. A simple peck became a hunger for more. Hinata's and Sasuke's tongue were circling each other. His hands roamed her body. He never got the chance to feel her like this.

When his hand landed on her rump she gave a slight moan. That did the trick. Sasuke squeezed, pulling her as close as she could get. Somewhere in the process she had gotten onto his lap. Oh she was wet, he could feel that easily. He knew she could feel him hard, she kept moving her body to grind against him. That caused Sasuke to moan.

His hand moved to her large breasts. God they were perfect. As he fondled with them, having Hinata moan he kissed down her neck. He wanted to mark her. He wanted the world to know she was his, but not yet.

Within the next two minutes shirts were off and so were pants. All they were wearing left were their underwear, however Hinata didn't have a bra on.

He licked around her nipple. She moaned. Her moan was the sexiest thing on the planet. Her hand reached down to his hard member and she began to stroke him. Oh that would have been enough to send him over the edge but he knew he needed to hold himself back.

His hand reached down and entered her panties and started to caress her. Oh, her moan. He wanted to have rough sex with this woman. He wanted her to be his. He wanted to mark her.

"I can't take it Sasuke. I want you, please."

He stripped them both to naked. Sasuke grabbed a condom, surprised he even remembered one. He quickly put it on and got on top of her kissing her again. His head rubbed against her as he teased her. She was getting wetter by the minute.

"I will be careful," Sasuke said.

Hinata shook her head. "No be rough. Please Sasuke. I don't want easy. I want Naruto out of my head."

Sasuke nodded and gave a thrust, he went inside her with a moan from both of them. She was so tight, so wet. He kissed her more as he continued to thrust. He didn't want to stop. This is something he only imagined.

He sat up and lifted her legs putting her feet onto his shoulders. She was tighter. God she felt amazing.

Hinata grabbed the sheets as she felt something build up. Something she never felt with Neji or Naruto. Sasuke kept thrusting and she suddenly tensed. She let out a yell. She came. Oh that look of pure ecstasy!

Sasuke, knowing he sent her over started pounding her. She kept moaning while she reached for his hand, which he took. Finally he could feel it. She felt herself building up again. "I'm going to cum," Sasuke moaned. He could feel her tightening up around him, she was about to as well.

Ten more thrusts and they both went into ecstasy. Sasuke laid on top of her catching his breath.

When he pulled out she groaned and wrapped her legs around him pulling him back inside. Sasuke blushed. "More." Just when he was starting to go limp he got hard again. Damn this woman.

He pulled out and took the condom off. That was the only one he had. Hinata grinned and got onto her feet and walked over to her desk. Sasuke looked down at his member. You are insane.

"Sasuke-kun." He looked up to see her sitting on the desk with her legs wide open, her hand playing with herself. Oh yeah, your insane. He got up and walked over to her taking her hand away. This time his tongue enjoyed the wetness and her taste.

They had sex on the desk, the floor, the bed, even had her in his arms pounding her.

After hours of sex they laid in the bed cuddling. "Sasuke, I know this sounds awful but. . . I want to get back at Naruto. . .you are my only option. Will you be my temporary boyfriend?"

Sasuke nodded. She smiled and kissed his cheek. It was a step for him. This way they would spend more time together.

She laid her head on his chest. This is how it belonged. She belonged with him. Sasuke closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep holding Hinata close.

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