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Roses. They were a beautiful thing. Hinata smiled as she snipped the thorns off the roses. They were such a beautiful flower. She stood up after the final flower was de-thorned. Arms wrapped around her, caressing over her stomach which was showing more. Lips kissed her neck, she gave a slight moan. Sasuke. Ever since the people had show up the first time he hadn't left her side.

"Oi! Sasuke!"

Hinata looked up to see Naruto and Sakura. Sakura's arm was wrapped around Naruto's. Sakura had a big smile on her face.

"We have big news," Naruto said grinning.

Sakura blushed and put hr head down. What was with her?

"We are expecting too."

Sasuke's mouth slightly dropped. "What?"

"We are expecting a kid. You know...we had--"

"We know what you had Naruto," Hinata interrupted.

Sakura buried her face into Naruto's jacket. Was she embarrassed about it? No she couldn't have been.

Sasuke looked up to see Kiba glaring at Hinata. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, glaring at him. Hinata looked up and let a confused look go to her face. Sasuke didn't look to her until Kiba started to walk away, gripping a kunai. he already knew he was one of the people that was in his home a week ago. He wouldn't let him get close to her, not ever again.

* * * * * * *

Kiba growled. How dare she. How dare she go with that man and have a child! That was the last thing he ever wanted for her. He wanted her to be with him. She belonged with him. That was just it. End of the story and he would make sure she would want him.

He walked to his home and grinned when Akamaru greeted him. Akamaru had found a family so Kiba didn't get to be with him all the time sadly. But he knew his family meant a lot to him so it was ok.

Kiba laid on his bed and sighed. One day she would let her guard down. One day Sasuke wouldn't be there to protect her and he would be there. To kill those babies and make Hinata his. He would wait forever if he had to. Though forever wasn't an option. He had to kill the babies before they came out...or as they came out. Either way they had to be killed.

Knock. Knock.

Kiba groaned. He had so much to do. He wasn't able to get the entire rogue group together to kill Hinata and Sasuke.He wasn't going to kill Hinata though. He was going to kill the ones inside of her.

Kiba opened the door. "What," he snapped. In front of him stood Hinata's father...his boss.

"Have you gotten rid of that pest?"

Kiba gulped. He hoped he wouldn't be scolded later for snapping. "No sir, I have not."

"You have less then nine months to kill it and you haven't! I do not want my daughter to have Uchiha children. Get rid of him and the pests. otherwise I will get rid of you."

Kiba gulped again. Her father was terrifying. He had always been this way. Since Kiba met Hinata he was afraid of his father. Now he was working for him so he could get the girl of his dreams. That was the fucked up part, but he was going to deal with it. "Of course sir."

He nodded and turned. "I suggest you gather the real men and head out." With that he left.

Kiba stood there, frozen. That man scared him mother than his own sister. Then again she had died during the war against the Akatsuki. He winced. He hated remembering that. He missed her like crazy and there was nothing he could do about it. He shook his head and grabbed a bag. He had only a few months before Hinata would give birth. There was a lot of traveling he had to do just to make sure the plan went out in success. He would have to arrange fake confrontation so they would continue to be on guard and get her away from Sasuke.

"I can do this. I can do this. I can do this..." He kept repeating it to himself as he left toward the Hidden Mist village in hope to find Kaku, a rogue ninja that had abandoned the Leave village for the slaughtering of his family. That was his first mission out of the thirty.

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