12 - Day 2

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Sasuke was dressed when his alarm clock went off. He hit the clock with a force that knocked it off the dresser. He looked in the mirror and tightened his tie.

Day two. He had to get her to at least like him more. This was going to be the only option. He was leaving tomorrow night. There wasn't an option anymore. 

He grabbed his bag and headed out to his car. It was a school day. They only had lunch and one class together which was Naruto's class. Sasuke groaned.

He quickly got into his car and drove to school.Of course he was thinking of Hinata on the way there. How could he not think of her? 

School came into view quicker than he hoped. He parked quickly then headed into the school. This day would go by so slow. He needed to talk to her immediately.

He froze when he walked into the school. All the females were wearing long skirts and a long sleeve shirt. Everyone was walking somewhere. Sasuke just followed behind them.

They all arrived at the gym where some were dancing and others just chatting. One person caught Sasuke's attention. Hinata had some of her hair up. She was smiling and enjoying her time with Tenten. Sasuke walked over to them.

Mid sentence Tenten stopped. Hinata turned around to see Sasuke. He looked amazing. He wasn't wearing a uniform, then again no one was. Black pants and a long sleeve shirt. He slightly bent his back and gave his hand out to Hinata. She could feel her face heating up.

Hinata turned to Tenten, she nodded quickly. Hinata reached her hand out, taking Sasuke's. He smiled and led her to the dance floor. A pop song had just finished then they got to their spot. A slow song began to play. Sasuke wrapped his arm around her waist while his other hand held hers. Hinata put her other hand on his shoulder. He was taller than her but not by a lot.

Sasuke led the dance. It was simple steps. There was nothing complicated with what he was doing. "I read your messages to Naruto." Hinata looked up at him. His face was serious. He had read them? That means he knew. "I was going to tell you Sasuke.." He continued to dance. "I don't love him."

Sasuke stopped. He looked down at her. She was looking down. She didn't love him?

"I love --"

"Alright students, time for classes," an announcement came over the intercom. Hinata backed away from Sasuke. He didn't hear the last word. What was she going to say?

             * * * * * * *

Finally! The day was over. Sasuke sighed. Hinata hadn't gone to their only class together. Probably avoiding him. He walked out of the school to his car. As he pulled out he saw Hinata with Naruto. He leaned down to her neck. Rage filled Sasuke. She was. . . anyone's girl. She hadn't picked Sasuke, in fact she hadn't picked anyone.

Naruto pulled back then kissed her lips. That was it. Sasuke left. He couldn't deal with it anymore. He drove home fast. He wouldn't deal with this.

When he got home he sat down on the bed and growled. His eyes became red and his sharrigan began to show. "Goodbye Hinata...." A single tear fell from his eye. When it hit the ground Sasuke was already gone.

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