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Sasuke ran through the trees fast. This was the third mission he had been put on in the last seven months. Thanks to Naruto he was able to go to the missions knowing Hinata was safe.

Just a month ago they found out the gender. Male. The first born would be a male. It was perfect. The Uchiha clan would definitely continue. Hinata would definitely live. That was all that mattered. He didn't care if he died as long as Hinata and his son was safe.

Sasuke landed on the ground by the gate as it slowly opened. The sun was just beginning to rise when he had got back. The leaf village kept the gate closed at night, for some odd reason. While the gate slowly opened he could already see the pink-haired pregnant woman. Beside her was  Hinata. Sasuke grinned when he saw how big she was. He had been gone fore nearly three weeks, he missed the sight of her. She looked up to see him smiling at her, she smiled back.

The gate was open enough for Sasuke to walk through it. He snuck past it and went to Hinata and pulled her into a loose hug. She was beautiful, no matter her weight. Sakura smiled and welcomed him home.

Hinata took his hand and led him home. While he was gone for the three weeks she had been working on the baby room. Blue walls with some monkeys and the Uchiha symbol of course. Sasuke smiled and pulled her closer. "That is my woman and my son." Hinata giggled. God he missed that. How could he not miss it though. It was his going to be wife after all.

"Wedding," Sasuke said. Hinata looked up "When are we going to have our wedding?"

Hinata smiled. "Actually...tomorrow."


Hinata gave a small smile. "Naruto is going to go with you. We thought it would be easy to do before the child comes."

Sasuke nodded. It was a good idea but a heads up would have helped! Sasuke sighed. How was he going to do this. The stress of finding every- the ring! He hadn't even picked the rings out. Oh this wasn't going to end well. He had a day, twenty-four hours, to find two wedding bands.

He looked down at his watch. He had an hour to get the rings. He went to their bedroom and changed into some jeans and a button up top. Naruto would be here in thirty minutes. He couldn't wait for him.


He kissed Hinata's forehead."I'll be back later. Tell Naruto to meet me at the tux shop." With that he left.

Hinata sighed. Why was he in such a rush? It wasn't as if it was a big deal. They were just getting married, not like he was going on a mission to war. She slowly sat down on the couch. At least she could rest for a few minutes. She flipped the TV on and smiled when she saw Shino coming into the village after his mission. At least he was ok. Kiba had been missing for the past seven months. Naruto had claimed that Kiba was the one that showed up in the house.

Her eyes became heavy. She hadn't slept well for the past week. Her son was continuously kicking her, and most of the time it was when she was finally going to sleep. She propped some pillows up and leaned on them, making sure she was comfortable and not hurting her son. She rubbed her stomach until she fell into a deep sleep with a smile on her face.

"Momma!" Hinata turned around to see her - now - four year old son running toward her. He had Sasuke's hair but her eyes. He was perfection. He was her world. She bent down and opened her arms to let him run into them. He did just that. When her arms enveloped him she picked him up. Laughing. That was the perfect sound from her perfect son.

"Kill them!" Everything turned into slow motion. Hinata spun and saw a man, his face was blacked out. "Kill them!"

"No. I won't let them kill my baby!" Hinata grabbed her child tighter and ran. They wouldn't take him. He was going to survive. He was going to live, even if it meant she would die protecting him. She was willing to do just that.

"Momma...why are they chasing us?"

His sweet little voice. His sweet self. Hinata stopped and put him on the ground. "I need you to run. I need you to run to Uncle Naruto and Aunt Sakura."

"But momma what are you going to do?"

"Just run baby. I'll be behind you."

He gave a nod and started running toward Naruto and Sakura, who weren't even twenty feet away. "Stay away from my son!" Hinata turned around and dashed toward them. They wouldn't hurt him. They wouldn't touch him. They wouldn't know his name or his hide away. A tear dropped from her tear. He would grow up with Naruto and Sakura. She would join her husband. Her hands moved fast and her chalkra moved through her body quickly. He would survive...that is all that mattered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tomorrow. Twenty-four hours. That's all he had to find the rings. That was enough stress on a man to kill him. Then again it was Sasuke, he could do this easily.

He ran to the local jewelry store. He grabbed the door just as an employee was closing them. "I am sorry sir we are closed."

He panted. When he looked up he smiled and put a finger up. "Wedding...rings...tomorrow..."

The employee looked at him with a weird look. "What sir?"

"My wedding...tomorrow...need...rings..."

Her mouth formed an 'o'. "Come on in. But you can't stay long." Sasuke gave a nod as the employee opened the door. He went inside and looked for wedding bands.







He sighed. They all looked awful. He walked past another display and froze. Infront of him were two wedding bands, one female one male. They had the infinity times infinity symbol on them. They were iron with the infinity being a slight tint of gold. Perfect.

Nine-hundred dollars later he had the rings. He walked out of the store with a smile on his face. He wasn't looking or paying attention till someone bumped into him.

"Oh I am--"

Sasuke froze. He could feel tears welling up. They both opened their arms and pulled each other into a tight hug. "How have you been?," the man asked.

"I'm getting married tomorrow."

The man laughed. "Take me to the wife then or shall I get a tux?"

"Tux please."

They let each other go. It had been so long. Luckily now Sasuke wouldn't be alone with Naruto.


He turned to see Naruto running his way. When Naruto reached him shock covered his face. He gave the man a hug too. "Welcome back to Konoha."

The man gave a nod. "I plan on staying."

The three went to go try on tuxs. Sasuke and the man found theirs quickly. Naruto still pondered over his. He was such a weird one, but that was what made him Naruto after all.

With tux's picked out they headed back to Sasuke's house. Hinata hugged Sasuke when he walked through the door. Sakura motioned for Naruto to come over and kiss her.

"Honey who is this," Hinata asked as she motioned toward the man standing at the door.

The man grinned. "Just a fellow Uchiha member who is ready to find a family."

Hinata's face said she was confused.

"He's my brother," Sasuke said. "Hinata this is Itachi."

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